Case Report
arif yezdani a*
印度泰米尔纳德邦帕利卡拉奈(Pallikaranai)的Sree Balaji牙科学院和纳拉亚纳普拉姆(Narayanapuram)的Sree Balaji牙科学院和医院Bharath University,Sree Balaji牙科学院兼医院教授兼校长,牙齿牙和牙本质骨科系的正畸系*通讯地址:Arif Yezdani A, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Professor and Director, Bharath University, Sree Balaji Dental College and Hospital, Narayanapuram, Pallikaranai, Chennai-600100, Tamilnadu, India, Email:
日期:提交:2017年10月10日;得到正式认可的:25 October 2017;发布:2017年10月26日
How to cite this article:Yezdani AA。皮质切开术促进骨骼II类咬合骨咬合的校正。J口腔健康Craniofac Sci。2017;2:096-103。doi:10.29328/journal.johcs.1001018
Copyright License:© 2017 Yezdani AA. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
由于社会和心理原因,需要正畸校正不良治疗期的成年或晚期患者,这仅与外科手术相结合,这是可能的[1,2]。骨科医生哈罗德·弗罗斯特(Harold Frost)在皮质骨手术伤后被称为生理愈合事件的级联反应,区域加速现象(RAP)[3,4]。这种现象在带来快速的正畸牙齿运动方面被利用,该牙齿的快速运动与牙周牙齿的增强和骨移植相同,从而增加了肺泡骨外壳,同时还可以纠正肺泡骨裂隙和屈服[5]。骨移植提供了额外的骨支撑,从而减少了复发的趋势[6]。它还在某些条件下改善了唇部的姿势。动物实验也表明,与皮质切开术相邻的肺泡长海绵的植入和吸收增加[7]。因此,发现皮层切开术和用骨移植物的增强可提高正畸牙齿运动的速度,并缩短了报告的病例治疗时期。
Case Report
A male patient aged 25 years presented with forward placement of maxillary anteriors and crowded mandibular anteriors with bilateral supernumerary premolar teeth in maxillary dental arch.
The panoramic radiograph confirmed the presence of all permanent teeth, and normal alveolar bone levels except around impacted UL5, with impacted LR7 and LL8 with partially erupted UR8 and UL8 (Figure 2).
3. Correction of protruded maxillary and mandibular teeth.
4. Correction of imbricated and rotated mandibular teeth.
患者选择了皮质切开术,因为他更喜欢在短时间内完成正畸治疗。在上颌右和左前磨牙区域中提取上颌上的超磨牙并受到影响的UL5。Roth’s prescription Pre Adjusted Edgewise Appliance Therapy (0.022x0.028-inch slot), (3M Unitek, Monrovia, CA, USA) with upper and lower 0.014-inch nickel titanium archwires along with transpalatal anchorage was strapped a week prior to the surgical procedure.
该患者接受了牙槽骨的脱皮化,并用grabio glascera骨移植嫁接。(Dorthomtm Medi DentsPvt。Ltd。,Coimbatore,印度泰米尔纳德邦)。Grabio Glascera(GG)是生物活性,陶瓷,复合,多孔颗粒,由:-50%生物活性玻璃(BG)和50%羟基磷灰石(HA)混合物组成,可提供0.15-0.50 mm的粒径。
Orthodontic adjustments were made at 2 week intervals.
处方了Amoxycillin 500mg T.Id./week和抗炎药T.I.D/Week。建议使用杀菌性漱口水。两周后,将缝合线去除,并要求非甾体类抗炎药停止,因为它们会干扰正畸牙齿的运动。
该患者的软组织谱和微笑的美学表现出显着改善(图8A-C)。在九个月内校正了双层齿状肺泡突起,增加了旋转,旋转和嵌入的下颌切牙(图9a-e,图10,11)。不良结咬的快速纠正很可能归因于皮层切开术触发的RAP现象,从而导致骨骼的破坏性碎裂活性增加。所得的骨质减少症负责观察到的快速牙齿运动。与骨骼增强的皮层切开术增加了骨骼的体积,并在与文献中报道的一致的正畸治疗过程中最大化代谢反应[8]。在皮质切开术过程中,还要注意将犬根远端的骨头稀薄。在报告的病例中,已经使用了全厚度粘膜膜皮瓣。然而,最近还提出了保守的无瓣皮质切开术技术来减轻全粘膜膜皮瓣的侵入性[9]。没有观察到牙齿活力,变色或疼痛的损失,与文献中报道的遗传[10-12]。在常规牙齿矫正术中,由于治疗持续时间延长或无意地应用重力引起的根根吸收[13]。 In the case reported no root resorption was observed because of bone matrix transportation and reduced density of the bone due to osteopenia created by the corticotomy procedure. The patient was seen every 2 weeks, throughout the phases of aligning, levelling, space closure, finishing and detailing to take advantage of RAP.
The periodontal alveolar augmentation with the GG bone graft increased the bone volume thereby reducing the incidence of relapse a thing often observed when orthodontic treatment is done without bone grafting. This procedure is also useful for thinner mandibular cortices which are at increased risk for relapse subsequent to dental de-crowding [14]. Fixed lingual retainers were given for both maxillary and mandibular dental arches. The rapid correction of the malocclusion had been made possible because of the cortiocotomy facilitated procedure, which also reinforces a claim made in literature that results are more stable with minimal risk of complications with faster orthodontic treatment after a corticotomy procedure [15]. Corticotomy facilitated orthodontics greatly contributed to the completion of the correction of the malocclusion in one-third to three-fourth the time required for conventional orthodontics.
The corticotomy facilitated orthodontics speedied up the correction of the malocclusion in just about nine months and the alveolar augmentation with the bone graft provided an increased bone volume to house the dentition. This created a stable and conducive environment to mitigate the occurrence of the tell-tale relapse.
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