MehmetBeşirSürme1*, Omer Batu Hergunsel2,Bekir Akgun3和Metin Kaplan3
1土耳其Elazig Firat University神经外科医学院医学院
如何引用本文:SürmeMB,Hergunsel OB,Akgun B,Kaplan M.颅骨成形术和术前定制的聚甲基丙烯酸酯,使用3二维印刷的聚乙二醇乙二醇酯甘油酸酯。J Neurosci Neurol疾病。2018;2:052-064。doi:10.29328/journal.jnnd.1001016
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Cranioplasty is a reconstructive procedure for the repair of skull defects or deformities. Polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) is a commonly used alloplastic material when autologous bone is unavailable. However, manual shaping of bone cement for frontal and orbital bone defects is challenging and may not lead to cosmetically satisfactory results. Advances in computer-aided 3-dimensional (3D) design and printing technology allow the production of patient-customized implants with improved cosmetic and functional results. A 39-year-old female patient presented with right-sided frontal swelling and headache. Computerized tomography (CT) demonstrated a right frontal calvarial mass extending to the orbital wall. The boundaries of the lesion were marked using a 3D design software. A polyethylene terephthalate glycol (PETG) mold was manufactured with help of a 3D printer. Artificial bone flap was formed by pouring PMMA into the mold. After surgical resection of the calvarial mass, customized PMMA implant was applied with titanium mini plate and screws. The defect was closed properly with good aesthetic results. Production of customized PMMA cranioplasty implants with 3D printed molds is a useful technique and can be preferred for calvarial defects due to skull tumors, bone resorption and traumatic bone loss.
Cranial bone reconstruction may be conducted using autologous bone, non-metal or metal allografts. When performing decompressive craniectomy, autogenous bone flap obtained at the time of the procedure can be placed in abdominal fatty tissue and used in subsequent cranioplasty. If the craniectomy flap is unavailable due to conditions such as a calvarial neoplasm or bone loss, rib bones like autografts can be harvested for autologous bone graft. However, when a large skull defect or autologous bone resorption is at present, autografts may be insufficient for achieving good cosmetic outcome and cerebral protection [3,4].
Currently, non-metal and metal alloplastic materials including polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA), hydroxyapatite and titanium meshes are widely used as cranioplasty grafts [5]. Although the use of these materials allows closure of large cranial defects, time needed for preparation, shaping and the contouring of the implant increases the duration of surgery. Moreover, defects close to the orbital walls and skull base constitute a challenge due to their complex shape and borders, compared to calvarial convexity, it is more difficult to achieve satisfying cosmetic results. Another problem encountered with acrylate grafts is the excessive amount of heat, generated by exothermic reaction that occurs during the preparation process [6].
三十九岁的女性患者出现了头痛的抱怨,右额头和右眼周围越来越明显的肿块。神经学评估并不显着。体格检查显示右额叶区域和上轨道壁上有硬质质量。3D计算机断层扫描(CT)显示右额肌钙质骨的硬化增厚,伴有低音结节病变。右侧额骨的内部表情也被侵蚀,并且有一个额外的轴向钙化,大小为17x10 mm(图1A)。
获得了具有1毫米厚度的轴向螺旋计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描(Philips Brilliance 64片CT,Philips Healthcare,Best,Best,荷兰),医学中的数字成像和通信(DICOM)数据转换为VIACHSTEROLIDESTORMENT(STLESTERIDER)(STL)格式(STL)格式Invesalius 3.0(巴西的Cti-Prom)软件。将此格式传输到Meshmixer(Autodesk 2017 Inc.)软件,并生成了头骨的3D图像(图1C)。标记了病理骨的足够切除的边界。参考这些边界,设计了一个3D模型,并将数据传输到3D打印机。使用3D打印机,制备了聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇(PETG)霉菌。模具由三片组成,平均打印时间为30小时(图2)。将2包40毫克抗生素涂层PMMA的包装混合并倒入模具中。材料硬化后,除去霉菌并获取预制的PMMA移植物(图3)。它在136°C的蒸汽高压釜中灭菌。
Intraoperatively, a bone mass extending to superior posterior orbital wall was exposed following a bicoronal skin incision. The lesion was resected using a high speed drill along with a part of frontal bone and superior and posterior aspects of orbita. Then prefabricated PMMA implant was placed on defect and stabilized with titanium mini plates and screws.
Postoperative 3D reconstructed CT imaging revealed total excision of the lesion and successful closure of the defect with PMMA implant. No asymmetrical appearance was noticed when compared to left frontal and orbital bones (Figure 1B and D). The patient was discharged on the 4th day postoperatively with no additional complaints. Histopathological evaluation was consistent with Paget’s Disease.
PMMA是颅骨成形术植入物的广泛使用和最常见的同种异体材料之一,由于其长期使用,易于制备和塑造特性和低成本[8]。但是,PMMA移植物的术中造成与手术持续时间更长和化妆品结果相对较差有关。另外,在PMMA材料硬化过程中,发生放热聚合反应。关于这种反应有两个潜在的问题:首先,由于发生有毒单体的发生,存在局部和全身反应的风险[9]。其次,当PMMA植入物直接应用于缺陷区域时,可能会过度加热和对硬脑膜和下层实质组织的损害[6]。为了避免与术中PMMA铸造相关的问题,引入了术前设计的特定植入物。借助3D设计和印刷技术,可以将来自成像数据确定的缺陷的大小和形状转移到计划软件中,以生产患者量化的植入物[10,11]。我们使用CT扫描图像进行计算机辅助设计,从而使3D Cranium模型的表面呈现。产生了颅骨的3D图像,并标记了适当切除以切除病理骨的边界。使用3D打印机,准备了PETG模具。 Due to complex shape of frontoorbital region, we used a PETG mold consisting of 3 pieces. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is one of the commonly used plastic materials among the world. Direct food contact of PET is approved by FDA and it can be used as water and food container. Additionally, PET is also used in health industry as knee ligament or vascular prostheses because of its biostability and biocompatibility [12]. PETG is glycol-modified version of PET to achieve a clearer and stronger structure. PETG is a widely used, inexpensive substance for 3D printing. Since the substance is not autoclave-resistant, we first prepared the PMMA implant in non-sterile conditions and then sterilized it in autoclave at 136°C.
先前的研究中报告了不同的霉菌制备方法。Kim等。[4],在2件模具之间铸造了PMMA,而Tan等人。[10],生成了1件式模具,并直接在其上施加了PMMA。为了仅实现具有轨道上部后壁和外侧壁的一件额骨模型,我们使用了3件式模具。另一种选择是分别对额骨和轨道壁进行预制,并用迷你螺钉和板系统组装碎片。尽管在设计过程中更具挑战性,但我们更喜欢第一个创建更稳定和化妆品的植入物。在手术期间,将预制的植入物用最小的修剪涂在缺陷上,并用5-7 mm的迷你螺钉和迷你板稳定。后轨道壁和额叶凸的重建非常令人满意,因为术后CT扫描证实了这一点。该技术不仅节省时间,而且还阻止了PMMA与Duramater和Eye Globe的直接接触。 It should be kept in mind that any measurement error that can be made in the mold preparation technique with the 3-D printer can prolong the surgery period and change the planning.
作者要感谢Kemal Koyuncu先生和Yahya Cerrah先生的友好建议,并在3D设计和印刷过程中提供帮助。
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