Nicholas S Carte*
Graduate Faculty Lead, Department of Nursing & Health Professions, Manchester, NH, 03101, USA
*Address for Correspondence:尼古拉斯(Nicholas)的Carte博士,AGNP-C,APRN,护理与健康专业系研究生教职员工,美国新罕布什尔州曼彻斯特市商业街33号,美国03101,美国,电话:(910)617-2516;电子邮件:nickphd@hotmail.com;n.carte@snhu.edu
如何引用本文:carte ns。今天在医疗保健中洗手:为什么我们没有变得更好?临床护理练习。2019;3:014-016。doi:10.29328/journal.cjncp.1001011
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The culprit
Surprising, the hands that offer the much-needed healthcare services to patients are the ones that are often to blame for the spend of healthcare-associated infections [2,3,5,8]. As the most common vehicle for the transmission of HCAIs, the healthcare professional is the one who can prevent the spread of the resistance organisms leading to HCAIs and thus, decrease the cost of healthcare [8,9]. Of course, major organizations including the CDC and the World Health Organization (WHO) continue to launch patient safety campaigns in an attempt to improve hand hygiene compliance among healthcare professionals [10]. The findings of several studies have determined that it is a combination of many factors that is leading to the lack of a 100% compliance in hand-hygiene among healthcare professionals [8].
Problem One: We think we are in compliance
This is another common reason for many health care professionals to identify for the low adherence to hand hygiene. Many facilities do attempt to offer reminders through posters, signs, and so on. In fact, this method of attempting to increasing compliance rates in this area in healthcare has been going on for decade. The issue is that the techniques have little proven success. The staff know they need to practice proper hand hygiene. The solution could be eliminating the steps to process and increase efficiency. One example could include: a lean technique for organizing work-flow such as the 5S methodology (sort, straighten, shine, standardize, and sustain) [11]. This method focuses on addressing the system issue and potentially frees up the individuals time. Another solution is incentive based compliance rate hand hygiene goals. A good way to improve patient-safety and meet these goals [8,10].
If you supply the material, someone may use it. However, you must have enough of the supply available for the individual to use the resource. However, this is not often enough as the sanitizer, soap dispenser, and sink can often be located in an inconvenient location. The best-intention to comply if the barriers are limiting the healthcare profession. The solution is simply asking the assigned staff to establish a process for restocking the soap dispensers and sanitizers. In addition, consider reviewing the location of each for convenience of healthcare professionals [8,10].
One interesting alternative
There is not a simple answer to this question concerning the lack of improved hand hygiene to prevent HAIs among healthcare professional. Through many studies, research has proven that a single intervention doesn’t work in addressing the low compliance rate for hand hygiene. Instead, the best approach appears to be combination of support from leadership. These approaches include the following: appropriate access to supplies, frequent educating of staff and professionals, observation and training, and remainders [9]. In addition, there is evidence to support that surveillance and performance feedback have improved the percentage of hand hygiene among healthcare professional [8,10]. If we wish to move the needle forward on the compliance hand hygiene front, a concerted team effort will be needed among all involved who in healthcare facilities.
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