临床护理和实践杂志》上 //m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp Heighpubs开放获金博宝app体育取期刊上 en - us 在慢性疾病患者睡眠质量及相关因素在南罗区公立医院,埃塞俄比亚东北部 07/20/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1036.php & lt; p> Abstract< / p>& lt; p>背景:病理和夜间睡眠匮乏的监管具有实质性的不利影响体重、血糖和血压因为内皮功能障碍,交感神经系统刺激,系统性炎症的调节和激活。因此,本研究的目的是评估在慢性疾病患者的睡眠质量及其相关因素在南罗区公立医院,埃塞俄比亚东北部。;/ p>& lt; p>方法和材料:这项研究是由南罗区公立医院,埃塞俄比亚东北部从2019年2月15日到2019年4月15日。制度为基础的横断面研究设计采用。所有慢性病患者都在跟进在南罗区公立医院是人口的来源。样本大小计算用EPI info version 7和总样本量是344年。研究采用分层随机抽样技术和研究参与者被系统抽样选定。在伦理批准医学和健康科学学院伦理委员会批准,允许从患者知情选择医院和口头同意,收集的数据工具,有三个部分:社会人口数据,匹兹堡睡眠质量指数和影响睡眠质量的因素。数据被输入在Epi数据版本4.1和25服务产品的出口统计软件包进行分析。 Different data presentation tools and binary logistic regression were enrolled by considering 95% confidence level and p value of 0.05.</p> <p>Result: Among the total study participants, near to one third (31.7%) of them got sleep after 30 minutes. More than one fourth of them slept for less than 7 hours. Less than half of the study participants had habitual sleep efficiency of more than 85% however 296(86%) of them did not face day time dysfunction.</p> <p>Conclusion and recommendations: more than one third of patients with chronic illness had poor sleep quality. One third of study participants had sleep duration of less than the recommendations(less than 7 hours). Age, educational status, residence, and perception of prognosis of disease were factors that have associations with poor sleep quality among patients with chronic illness. Health care providers who are doing in chronic illness follow up clinic should be initiated to assess and screen those patients with poor sleep quality.</p> 护士知识和实践在新生儿疼痛评估和管理政府医院在加沙地带:一项横断面研究 07/06/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1035.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>目的:该研究旨在调查新生儿nurses& # 39;疼痛评估和管理相关知识和实践,可能有助于提高护士疼痛管理的质量在新生儿重症监护病房(nicu)的政府医院的加沙地带。;/ p>& lt; p>设计:研究设计是定量的,描述性的横截面,进行政府的nicu附属医院,”Al Shifa医院- Al纳赛尔儿科医院欧洲加沙Hospital&“灵活;/ p>& lt; p>材料与方法:所有护士的示例包括在nicu工作。护士的总数是102。数据收集的研究参与者是通过使用一个填问卷。响应率为100%。收集到的数据通过描述性分析和推论统计检验水平的统计学意义,p, lt;0.5。;/ p> <p>Results: The results showed that nurses had very low of knowledge level with mean percentages (59.42%) and very low of practice level with mean percentages (58.33%).</p> <p>Conclusion: Therefore, the study recommended to developing course or educational program related to assessment and management of neonatal pain to promote their integrated pain management care for neonates.</p> 自我保健实践和相关因素在成人2型糖尿病患者在跟进Dessie转诊医院的诊所,埃塞俄比亚东北部 06/07/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1034.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Background: Diabetes mellitus is a common health problem in the world and Africa including Ethiopia. Its complication is the major cause of morbidity and mortality of people due to improper self-care practice.</p> <p>Objective: To assess self-care practices and associated factors among type 2 adult diabetic patients on follow-up clinic of Dessie referral hospital, Ethiopia.</p> <p>Method: Institutional based cross sectional study was conducted. Total of 278 type 2 diabetic patients was selected by systematic random sampling technique and data was collected by interviewer administered pretested questionnaire. Epidata 3.1 and SPSS version 23 software were used for data entry and analysis, respectively. In bivariate analysis, variables having a p - value of &lt; 0.2 were entered to multivariate analysis model and statistical significance was declared at p - value of &lt; 0.05 and 95% confidence interval.</p> <p>Results: The response rate was 269 (96.76%) of the total 278 participants. Among the respondents 150(55.8%) had good diabetic self-care practice. This study showed that primary school education level (AOR=2.592, 95%CI=1.104-6.087, p = 0.029), secondary school education level (AOR=3.873, 95%CI=1.325-11.323, p = 0.013), college/university graduate (AOR=3.030, 95%CI=1.276-7.197, 0.012), attended diabetic education regularly (AOR=2.981, 95%CI=1.050-8.462, p = 0.040), member of diabetic association (AOR=3.496, 95%CI=1.440-8.483, p = 0.006) and having glucometer at home (AOR=2.634, 95%CI=1.357-5.111, p = 0.004) were significantly associated with diabetes self-care practice.</p> <p>Conclusion: Nearly half of diabetic patients had poor self care practice. Hence, there is a need to improve diabetic self-care practice. Attention should be given by policy makers, Dessie referral hospital, health care professionals, diabetic associations and researchers.</p> 矛盾的青少年性别歧视态度的JaA©n:关于性的使用和/或互联网上的色情内容 03/26/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1033.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>了解性别歧视态度的可能的起源在青少年是必不可少的教育他们避免性别暴力来自他们。护士有一个重要的角色在教育儿童和青少年的健康,所以我们必须研究风险因素导致这些态度和如何避免它们。一些研究如Landripet,等人进行了研究色情使用的频率和偏好之间的关联在男性青少年暴力和强制内容。性别歧视和色情使用由不同作者有关。敌对的性别歧视是最明显的和传统的形式,基于所谓的自卑或不同的女性作为一个群体。根据仁慈的性别歧视,女性理解为值得爱,尊重和保护,只要他们仅限于某些传统的女性角色。第二个是更加难以检测。我们进行这项工作的目的是评估矛盾性别歧视的态度在省青少年Ja&餐厅;n和检查是否有使用色情和性内容之间的关系,和性别歧视研究,为了能够防止这些护士在健康教育的态度。最后的样本由150名参与者从所有学校年,属于同一个中学,74名男性和76名女性。 They were aged between 12 and 18 years old. One of the conclusions of this work has been that the use of new technologies is in addition starting at even younger ages due to the situation of online teaching due to the pandemic, and it has been observed that age at first use is a determining factor.</p> 并发chemo-radiotherapy肺癌患者接受的经验 03/23/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1032.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>目的:在定性处理的一个方面,本研究收集肺癌patients&,实际经验理解深刻,比如他们预期治疗效果,治疗期间他们的困难,和他们的各种请求家人和医疗队。你们;/ p>& lt; p>方法:从5月到2013年6月,进行了半结构化面试与9肺癌患者。通过深入访谈录音数据收集。数据是通过定性的分析方法灵活;/ p>& lt; p>结果:124年主题有关的经验被发现。从这些35概念,24个子类出现。治疗的核心范畴是吃苦全面复苏的希望。包括六大类,而希望被治愈但recurrence&担忧,,,,,他愉快地接受辐射治疗和困难time&;。 &lsquo;Being sorry for their family&rsquo;s full support and trying to stand alone&lsquo;, &lsquo;Having confidence in their medical team&rsquo;, &lsquo;regretting for their old days&rsquo;, and &lsquo;Wanting to live a long life without illness and pain&rsquo;.</p> <p>Conclusion: The results of this study would help oncology nurses to understand the lung cancer patients receiving concurrent chemo-radiotherapy (CCRT) and to develop a quality of life improvement program for physical, psychosocial, and spiritual aspects of nursing.</p> 以证据为基础的初级保健的方法来治疗患有COVID-19感染,防止危及生命的并发症:回顾的证据在临床实际应用 03/16/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1031.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>The NIH has published treatment guidelines for treating COVID-19 patients in the hospital. However, as of this writing, there are no established protocols for treating COVID-19 positive patients in primary care. Accordingly, this investigator has taken on the task of reviewing the medical literature to be able to propose evidence-based protocols for treating COVID-19 positive patients in primary care. The CDC is advising people to do nothing when they find out they are positive for COVID-19 unless they have symptoms.</p> <p>The evidence from the literature irrefutably shows COVID-19 infection evokes a massive and deadly hyperinflammatory response called the &ldquo;Cytokine storm&rdquo; and that Cytokine levels in the blood have a predictive value in identifying an impending Cytokine storm. With such data primary care providers can effectively lower Cytokine levels and prevent critical illness and death.</p> <p>Accordingly, this paper presents identification of the problem of not having standard practices in primary care for people who are positive for COVID-19 and not knowing who is at risk. Moreover, the evidence shows that knowing vitamin D levels and correcting deficiencies can go a long way in reducing Cytokine levels. Additionally, the literature review presents evidence that undeniably shows the stark possibility that many of the COVID-19 related deaths can be prevented by identifying who is at risk for the Cytokine storm and other complications and providing early treatment even before symptoms appear.</p> 口罩的影响之间的关系在初级护理病人和家庭护士 02/11/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1030.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Objective: In primary care, during treatments, nurses may need to wear surgical masks, namely for control of infection contamination, or to minimize unpleasant odors. The goal of this study is to inspect the effect of nurses wearing the mask on patient perception of the nurse-patient relation.</p> <p>Methods: A pre-post-test, control-experimental group design was employed with 60 patients treated in family health units. Patients responded to the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire III (PSQ-III) regarding nurses&rsquo; communication, interpersonal manner, technical quality, as well regarding general satisfaction with the encounter. An additional question asked both patients and nurses how long they felt that the visit lasted.</p> <p>Results: Results show that nurses wearing the surgical mask had significantly negative effects in all dimensions of PSQ-III and increased the perceived visit duration among both nurses and patients.</p> <p>Conclusion: When a previous relationship exists, nurses wearing the surgical mask in primary care in Portugal negatively affects patient satisfaction with both the patient-nurse relation and the nurses&rsquo; technical quality.</p> <p>Practice implications: Is important the nurse understand this impact to discuss with the colleagues the best strategy to minimize the negative impact to the patient- family nurse relation and manager this situation in the best way to the patient.</p> COVID-19:一个独特的机会对人口健康与护理学校,帮助弱势群体不良结果的风险 02/01/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1029.php <p>COVID-19 created a public health crisis shutting down many normal day-to-day activities and adversely affecting life, as we know it.</p> 肥胖可能导致日本COVID-19死亡率 12/22/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1028.php & lt; p>日本享有最长的预期寿命在主要发达国家中,一个可能的原因是,肥胖是罕见的在日本。此外,COVID-19死亡率极低在韩国和日本与其他发达国家相比,肥胖和低利率可能与这种现象。你们;/ p> 护士作为法院专家在波兰 12/14/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1027.php & lt; p>护士在波兰有中等水平的教育(中学或大专)或高水平(BSc和MSc)。她可以有一个专业化的医药。你们的部分;/ p> StatesCarea€“治愈€œPatienta€医疗保健 10/20/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1026.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Fifty years of Washington&rsquo;s fixes for healthcare have brought us to the brink: insurance is unaffordable and care is unavailable, certainly not in time. The way to make healthcare work for We the Patients (all Americans) is to take healthcare authority away from third-parties &ndash; government and insurance &ndash; and restore the direct doctor-patient connection with no bureaucrat in between. The cure for patient Healthcare is StatesCare combined with market-based medicine. Financial models confirm this approach will make care both affordable and accessible in a timely manner.</p> 知识和态度的工人对艾滋病毒接触后预防和暴露人员急剧伤害Dessie转诊医院:2020;一个横断面研究 10/05/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1025.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>背景:& lt; / strong>Post exposure chemoprophylaxis can prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in risk healthcare workers; however routine adoptions of these practices by the workers have been limited.</p> <p><strong>Objective: </strong>To assess knowledge and attitude of health workers on HIV post-exposure prophylaxis and exposure to sharp injuries in Dessie referral hospital.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> Across-sectional study was conducted on 422 health care workers of Dessie referral Hospital. The study subjects were selected by proportional allocation of each sample in its respective department/ward. Simple random sampling method was used to select study participants. The data was cleaned coded and analyzed by using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 23. Finally the result was presented by graphs, pie chart and statements.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>A total of 422 study subjects were participated in the study. Among 422 participants 72.5% had good knowledge of post exposure prophylaxis for HIV and the rest 27.5% had poor knowledge of post exposure prophylaxis for HIV. Among 422 study participants 75.2% had positive attitude towards PEP.&nbsp;</p> <p>283(67.1%)&nbsp;&nbsp; of them had exposure to sharp injuries.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Generally most of health care workers had good knowledge about post exposure prophylaxis against HIV/AIDS. This study had shown that a significant number of individuals had a negative attitude with regard to post exposure prophylaxis. Therefore, formal training that aims to improve attitudes and support to improve PEP implementation and completion are needed.</p> 期望与现实:改善症状控制和使用医用大麻肿瘤患者的生活质量 07/22/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1024.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>比较肿瘤患者的期望和现实的医疗大麻的使用,包括症状控制和相关的生活质量。;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>研究问题:& lt; / strong>有区别肿瘤患者的期望和现实之间关于使用的医疗大麻和肿瘤患者控制症状和生活质量方面经验? & lt; / p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>在以色列这样做研究在三级医院肿瘤诊所比较研究,自我管理的问卷用于病人授权使用医疗大麻。第一个问卷是给病人在收到授权使用医疗大麻,并询问了他们的预期有关其使用。患者填写相同的第二次问卷调查,大约两个月后。比较respondent&,答案,之前和之后使用医用大麻,显示控制症状和生活质量改善的现实。;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>结果:& lt; / strong>七十四名患者完成了问卷调查。 Most patients reported advantage in symptom control when using medical cannabis, although their expectations were somewhat higher than the reality experienced. Advantage of using medical cannabis was also found concerning improvement of quality of life. Seventy-five of patients still used medical cannabis once completing the second questionnaire and most of them reported that they would recommend the use of medical cannabis.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>It can be seen from this study that for many oncology patients the use of medical cannabis may be very helpful. However, the use of cannabis is not free of side effects, as can be seen from the patients&rsquo; reports. This has clear implications for oncology nursing practice and may lead to a better understanding of patients using medical cannabis in the future, in terms of its benefit and side effects.</p> 护士与病人沟通和感知障碍水平Bahir Dar城市的政府医院,埃塞俄比亚,2020 06/26/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1023.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>背景:& lt; / strong>Communication is the process of exchanging information or messages from one group to the other through mutually understood verbal or non-verbal ways. Communication barrier is anything that prevents receiving and understanding the messages. poor communication between patients and the nurses&rsquo; result in an increased length of stay, wastage of the resource, patient dissatisfaction, absence of confidence, and frustration for both the nurses and the patients. This study will provide basic information on the level of nurses to patients&rsquo; communication and perceived barriers in government hospitals of Bahir Dar city.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> The objective of this study was to assess the level of the nurse to patient communication and perceived barriers in government hospital of Bahir Dar city, Ethiopia, 2020.</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>Institution based cross-sectional mixed-methods study was conducted from February 24 &ndash; March 9/2020 in government hospitals of Bahir Dar city. A total of 380 nurses were included in the quantitative study by using simple random sampling. For both the quantitative and qualitative study, at the initial stage of data collection and interview; informed consent was obtained from respondents. Data were entered into Epi Data 4.6 and analyzed with a statistical package of social science version 25. Data were mainly analyzed using descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression. For the qualitative study, purposive sampling technique was employed, and 7 participants were interviewed. Thematic analysis was used.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>From the total participants 36.5% of nurses were found to have poor communication. Variables which have statistically significant associations with the level of communication were educational level, work experience, the unwillingness of nurses, and lack of communication skill. The highest perceived communication barriers were lack of continuous training with 82.7% followed by workload with 80.7% and lack of medical facilities with 79.2% as reported by nurses. All environmental-related barriers were the perceived barriers of the nurse to patient communication.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>In this study, the communication of nurses to patients is found to low. To enhance communication with the patients; nurses and other stakeholders like the ministry of health, the health bureau, and hospital authorities need to recognize the communication barriers. Giving awareness on the communication barrier for the nurses helps to minimize the barriers and improve the nurses to patients&rsquo; communication.</p> 患者会在医疗保健股上涨 05/29/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1022.php <p>When a stock price rises or has a better P/E ratio, this is generally considered a measure of success. Is this true for health insurance stocks? Stock holders certainly are happy, but what about the purchasers of the carriers&rsquo; policies? Are patients smiling when the stock price goes up?</p> 不良socio-emotional风险因素的影响对孩子的身体和心理健康需求和年轻人在公共保健英格兰西南部的地方当局 04/29/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1021.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>简介:& lt; / strong>There is increasing published evidence confirming the long-term adult mental and physical health impact of childhood exposure to adverse events including different forms of abuse and family dysfunction. Looked-after Children and young people (LACYP) living in public care are known to be a highly vulnerable group, who have often experienced several pre-care poor socio-economic and family circumstances with subsequent placement instability, as well as inadequate compensatory care within the social care system. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between the adverse socio-emotional risk factors experienced by a cohort of LACYP and their emotional, behavioural and physical health needs within a South-West England Local Authority between Jan and Dec 2018.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> We carried out a retrospective review of the medical records of all looked-after children and young people (LACYP) within one year (Jan to Dec 2018) at the North Somerset Local Authority (NSLA). This was an audit project of the LAC Health team completed as part of the Clinical Governance strategies of the NSLA.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>93% (89/96) of the LACYP experienced at least one or more socio-emotional adverse risk factors. The commonest socio-emotional risk factors recorded were parent-related including poor mental health (67%), neglectful parenting (59%), drugs/alcohol abuse (45%) and domestic violence (47%). Forty-six (48%) of the LACYP had at least one or more emotional problems, 48 (50%) had neurodevelopmental conditions, while 63 (66%) had at least one or more physical problems. The most common emotional needs were behavioural problems (35%), anxiety/ depression (17%), nicotine/substance misuse (10%) and self-harm (6%).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> High levels of physical, emotional, behavioral, developmental and neurodisability disorders are prevalent among LACYP due to their high vulnerabilities to adverse life experiences and trauma while living within their biological families. Present and future clinical implications of the socio-emotional risk factors and the need for more integrated multi-agency services for addressing the diverse health needs of the LACYP were discussed.</p> <p>What is known?<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;There is increasing awareness of the relationship between childhood exposure to adverse events and long-term adult mental and physical health<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Looked after children and young people (LACYP) are highly vulnerable to early traumatic and poor socio-economic circumstances exposure<br /> What this study adds:<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Over 90% of LACYP experienced at least one ACE which disproportionately affected the youngest age-group<br /> &bull;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;Parental factors such as childhood abuse, alcohol/substance abuse and mental health problems were the most common adverse factors experienced by the LACYP</p> 研究生跟€™感知的教育环境湿实验室神经外科手术培训部门,过去后,伊巴丹 12/12/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1020.php & lt; h2> Summary< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>的重要性,了解医学生的认知训练环境在怎么强调都不为过。研究评估湿实验室培训组织高级注册在神经外科的大学医院,伊巴丹。;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>本研究的目的是评估的经验在湿实验室研究生培训,目的是提高课程内容,并引入循证和以学生为中心的变化灵活;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>研究利用横断面设计使用定性研究方法和数据收集。信息引起的高级注册参加培训通过深度访谈。你们;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>结果:& lt; / strong>所有研究生的学生参加了培训的课程内容和方法感到满意交付培训期间挪用。 They also found it relevant to their practice. However, certain shortcomings were observed such as high cost of training, poor standard of equipment/tools, tight work schedule and short training duration.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Hands-on training plays an important role in enhancing the quality of care and high performance in health-care service delivery. The shortcomings and suggestions for improving future trainings as reported by the residents should be addressed in order to maximize the gains of the hands-on training experience.</p> 卫生保健工作者的知识、态度和实践对医院获得Dessie转诊医院感染预防、埃塞俄比亚东北部 12/05/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1019.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>简介:& lt; / strong>接触的医护人员和患者在卫生设施导致致病菌的传播。医院获得性感染的预防是标准化指南行包含许多协议需要实施卫生保健工作者,以减少医院感染获得灵活;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>评估卫生保健工作者的知识、态度和实践对医院获得Dessie转诊医院感染预防。;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>基于机构卫生保健工作者之间的横断面研究。受试者选择比例分配在每个各自的部门和简单随机抽样法。社会科学统计软件包(SPSS)是用于分析频率表和图中给出的数据和灵活;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>结果:& lt; / strong> 191 study subjects were participated in the study which gives a response rate of 90.5% from 211 total sample sizes. The study subjects had given their response according to self-administered questioner. The result indicates that 86.4%, 76.4% and 77% of respondents had good knowledge and favorable attitude and poor practice towards hospital acquired infection prevention respectively.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Even though the majority of the health care workers had good knowledge and favorable attitude, more than two third of them had poor practice towards hospital acquired infection prevention. Therefore health workers should strictly follow hospital acquired infection prevention guidelines. Improving sustainable supplies like personal protective equipment, water supply and hand washing facilities at patient care site is vital to correct the poor practice of infection prevention.</p> Patientsa€™满意度和相关因素对护理Dessie转诊医院,埃塞俄比亚东北部 11/29/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1018.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>简介:& lt; / strong>病人满意度被认为是卫生保健的欲望的结果之一,它直接与利用卫生服务。然而,其水平是发展中国家落在基本层面包括埃塞俄比亚。;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>评估patients&水平,,Dessie转诊医院满意度及其相关因素,埃塞俄比亚东北部。;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法和材料:& lt; / strong>基于机构的横断面研究设计采用从5月1日到2019年6月1日。共有374名患者被使用系统抽样技术选择和面试官管理结构化问卷被用来收集数据。 After data collection, the data were checked for its completeness and entered into Epi data version 3.1. The data were presented in frequency distribution tables and graphs. Both bivariable and multivariable logistic regression were applied to identify factors at a <em>p</em> &lt; 0.05.</p> <p><strong>Result:</strong> Among total study participants, 220 (58.8%) patients were satisfied with nursing care service. Patients who had particular nurse for nursing care were more likely satisfied than those who didn&rsquo;t have particular nurse for nursing care (AOR = 2.01, 95% CI: 1.212 - 3.334). Patients who had other diseases in addition to current health problem were more likely satisfied (AOR = 0.45 &amp; 95% CI: 0.196 - 1.031) compared with patients who had not.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> In this finding, the level of patients&rsquo; satisfaction towards nursing care was low. Having specific or particular nurse and presence of comorbid disease were factors associated with patients&rsquo; satisfaction towards nursing care. Health institutions should assign particular nurses for patients to improve their satisfaction and quality of care. In addition, nurses should give great attention to their patients who have co-morbid illnesses.</p> 国家保健——治愈病人的医疗保健 11/12/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1017.php <h2>Opinion</h2> <p>Clinical physicians believe they are drowning . . . because they are! Between complying with an ever-changing landscape of time-wasting federal regulations, avoiding Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act violations, plus the entire billing process, who can keep up with the literature, study a patient&rsquo;s medical history, or even talk with a patient?!?</p> 临床阶梯计划的影响职业发展和工作满意度的急性护理护士 07/26/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1016.php <h2>Research</h2> <p>Nurses play a vital role in acute care hospitals and health care delivery. The purpose of this research study is to identify the nurse&rsquo;s perception of the Clinical Ladder Program at their hospital and the correlation it has on the nurse&rsquo;s job satisfaction and their professional development.A quantitative study will be conducted using two convenience samples from Alexian Brothers Hospital and Saint Anthony&rsquo;s hospital with a total of 52 nurses who are currently participating in the clinical ladder program. The results of this research should be used as opportunities for improvement within the nursing profession at an acute care hospital. This project is beneficial in advancing nursing knowledge and practice because many nurses do not understand why participating in this advancement program can positively impact many aspects of their role at work aside from being a nurse, such as role and identity development at their workplace. Implementing clinical advancement programs in a facility can also increase quality of patient care delivery by retaining excellent nurses. These nurses can demonstrate their It is important in the field of nursing to actively seek improvement and education in practice to keep up with the new evidence-based research practices that are developed daily. The Clinical Ladder Program has become a widespread program in various acute care hospitals for nurses to increase their professional role development.</p> 让我们开始流行赠送的好意 07/04/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1015.php <h2>Review</h2> <p>&lsquo;Patients were left in soiled sheets or sitting on commodes for hours. Some patients needing pain relief got it late or not at all.&rsquo; These were a sample of the findings in the Francis Report which revealed severe failings in patient care in the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust in the UK. Recommendations in the Francis Report included the need to recruit compassionate staff and having compassion training for clinicians [1].Whether telling a young man that he has cancer or comforting an elderly woman who is feeling anxious, the health professional needs to be skilled in understanding what the other person is going through and respond appropriately.. The crisis of compassion in medicine is multifaceted in origin and some factors identified in the Francis Report were compassion fatigue, overwork, excess demand, lack of continuity and the failure to see the patient as a fellow human being [1]. Unfortunately modern medical practice prioritises technical progress, evidence-based medicine, meeting targets set by bureaucrats and efficiency at the expense of the &lsquo;soul of medicine and medical practice&rsquo;. Meeting key performance indicators (KPIs) has become the priority rather than the patient. Couple of other factors include increasing commercialisation of healthcare and the overemphasis of the biomedical model in medicine.</p> 连接健康应用程序和设备:对卫生保健供给的影响 06/25/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1014.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>医疗保健是实现医疗信息技术的重要性——今天在发挥其应用程序和设备。推进医疗保健的最佳实践将依靠最新的数据和分析提供最有效的治疗形式。医疗越来越依赖病人参与自己的医疗保健。用这个我们看到健康相关应用程序可用的增加这些设备。本总结回顾各种卫生策略使用经过验证的应用程序和设备连接到改善医疗服务的质量,促进病人参与,改善的结果。这里我们讨论几个趋势和卫生保健供给影响。;/ p> 利用脉冲电磁场(PEMF)治疗(DiapulseA®)药物-免费的疼痛管理,消除依赖良性慢性疼痛的阿片类药物:试点研究的文献综述和建议 06/17/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1013.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>联邦政府和州政府宣布阿片类成瘾大流行的存在在美国声称在2015年超过55000的生活(陆克文RA,赛斯P,大卫F和肖勒l . 2016)。许多fda批准的药品制造商阿片类药物斜逾50亿美元每年约有200万慢性疼痛患者上瘾。具有讽刺意味的是,这种毒品使用和滥用难题以证据为基础的技术无毒疼痛管理的存在,但它们并没有包括报销在公共和私人的第三方支付者。因此,本文提出了建议一个试点研究证明解决慢性炎症的功效,水肿和缺血导致良性慢性疼痛PEMF疗法,一个非侵入式的、非热能的无线电传播的电脉冲,从而在这种情况下无效处方阿片类止痛药的合法性。;/ p> 知识和观点的个人规划相协调的角度积极的老年人 06/05/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1012.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>背景:& lt; / strong>Today&,年代老年人往往见多识广,想参与决策过程。协调个人规划过程提供了他们积极参与在决定和拥有他们的护理管理。;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>这项研究的目的是探索活动老adult& # 39;年代知识和观点关于协调个人planning< / p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>研究具有探索性的归纳方法。五个焦点小组讨论进行了40名学员来自不同的组织和协会。使用定性解释描述框架,分析了四个独特的主题。;/ p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The four themes resulting from the analysis are collaboration and continuity, participation and involvement in decision, individual need for support, and access to information and service. Collaboration between different levels of the healthcare system and between professionals is crucial. Older adults wanted to be participating actors in their healthcare. They worried about the lack of continuity and thought that services were not responsive or did not meet individual&#39;s needs.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Older adults want their views and preferences to be taken into consideration, and they want to be actively engaged in the decision-making process regarding their care.</p> 当今医疗洗手:为什么havena€™t我们变得更好? 04/25/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1011.php & lt; h2> Introduction< / h2><p>In 2010, a study identified that only about 40 percent of doctors and other health care providers comply with proper hand hygiene techniques in hospitals and other healthcare facilities. These statistics are alarming as healthcare professionals are the ones who set the gold standard for hygiene and sterility, but they continue to find it difficult to demonstrate this standard in every practice [1].&nbsp;Even with The Joint Commission supporting that hand hygiene as the most critical intervention for preventing healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs), the compliance rate for hand hygiene has not drastically improved [2]. The goal of this article brief is to answer the question why hasn&rsquo;t handwashing improved even with the evidence to support that proper hand hygiene decreases HCAIs?</p> 知识、态度、行为及相关因素对西方护理护士中文档Gojjam区公立医院,阿姆哈拉埃塞俄比亚,2018 04/02/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1010.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>背景:& lt; / strong>In health care systems nursing care documentation is a vital and powerful tool that ensures continuity of care and communication between health personnel for better patient outcomes. Knowledge, attitude and practice of nurses&rsquo; towards nursing care documentation affect the quality and coordination of patients&rsquo; care. Hence, this study aimed to assess knowledge, attitude, practice and associated factors towards nursing care documentation among nurses in West Gojjam Zone public hospitals, Amhara Ethiopia.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> Institutional based cross sectional study was conducted among 246 nurses in West Gojjam Zone public hospitals from February to March 8, 2018. The study participants were selected by simple random sampling technique. Data were collected by using pre-tested and validated self-administered structured questionnaire with internal reliability of Cronbach&rsquo;s Alpha values 0.912, 0.784 and 0.713 for knowledge, attitude and practice questions respectively. Epi data version 3.1 and SPSS version 20 was used for data entry and analysis respectively. Descriptive statistics and binary logistic regression model were used.</p> <p><strong>Result: </strong>The overall response rate was 97.56%. Among 240 respondents 54.6% of them had good knowledge, 50% of study participants had favorable attitude and 47.5% of study participants had good nursing care documentation practice. Sex and monthly salary were found to be statistically significant with knowledge of nurses. Work setting, work experiences and knowledge of nurses had significant association with nurses&rsquo; attitude towards nursing care documentation. Availability of operational standards, knowledge and attitude of nurses had significant association with nursing care documentation practice.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions and Recommendation: </strong>Results of this study showed that knowledge, attitude and practice of West Gojjam zone public hospital nurses on nursing care documentation were poor. Therefore; in order to solve this problem each hospital should recruit nurses until hospitals are saturated enough. It is recommended to avail nursing care documentation standards/guidelines in each hospital and to give training about it and also it is recommended to conduct multisite studies especially qualitative type to increase its quality.</p> 最佳和有效实践的伤口护理和治疗糖尿病患者 12/19/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1009.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>在糖尿病溃疡的发病率持续的趋势,当前研究伤口护理和治疗会带来最佳和有效的实践在伤口护理和治疗患者患有糖尿病。你们;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>本研究利用文献的系统回顾的伤口护理通过酒吧医学数据库的关键字,宝贝,糖尿病,和”;,宝贝,伤口实践,,”,伤口愈合,宝贝,,,”,和,宝贝,系统综述。amp;”,搜索文献的案例报告,介入研究,并审查论文的主要文本在英语灵活;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>结果:& lt; / strong> There were 7,988 published articles yielded from the keywords used and 16 were included in this study. The practiced management and techniques in these literatures focused on comfortable and cost efficient means of wound care and healing with the involvement of group participation than individual plan of care.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> There are meager evidences of feasible wound and healing options that needs further studies in resolving wound issues among patients with Diabetes Mellitus. This systematic review establishes the insufficiency of high level of evidence based studies on wound healing in DM patients and brings a track for continuity of rigid studies concerning this topic.</p> 精神健康的影响(声音的心)健康的其他维度在不同级别的预防 09/21/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1008.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Introduction and goal:</strong> From the perspective of Islam, spiritual health means having a Sound Heart (a calm, confident and optimistic soul, with hope for God&rsquo;s mercy, satisfaction with destiny and vitality). The way to achieve spiritual health is strengthening the faith and taking good deeds based on religious spirituality. This study was conducted with the aim of determining the impact of spiritual health (Sound Heart) on the other aspects of health at different levels of prevention.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> In nine phases of research in 16 years, after designing and validating the &ldquo;Sound Heart Model&rdquo;. The spiritual problems of patients and healthy clients were determined. Spiritual care guidelines and the spiritual counseling model in patients and healthy clients were designed. Then &ldquo;Parent&rsquo;s Spiritual Empowerment Program&rdquo;, &ldquo;inter-professional spiritual health care training program&rdquo; was extracted. Based on the findings of the previous steps, the effect of spiritual health on other aspects of health at different levels of prevention was extracted.</p> <p><strong>Findings:</strong> Belief in God and divine love creates spiritual health (Sound heart) with wisdom, chastity, courage, justice, dignity, kindness, and sincerity in action. Faith prevents neglecting from the God&rsquo;s remembrance and its consequences such as: unhealthy lifestyle, risky behaviors, destructive excitements, psychosocial diseases in clients and eliminates the fear, anxiety, sadness and disappointment in patients. Spiritual health causes living in the present time with patience and grace of God, creates hope, optimism for the future, courage to face life crises. By creating mental health, it improves the psycho-neuron-immunologic function and improves physical health.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Considering the great impact of spiritual health on the other aspects of health at all levels of prevention, it is imperative that students and health care staff, by referring to these concepts, carry out spiritual care/counseling.</p> 妇女€™s心理健康和精神发育迟滞 09/04/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1007.php & lt; h2> Introduction< / h2>& lt; p>精神疾病与发病率和残疾的一个很大的负担。一生任何心理障碍患病率高于先前认为,在最近的大量增加,影响近一半的人口。整体的精神障碍率几乎相同的男女,但显著的性别差异中发现精神疾病的模式。性别是一个心理健康和精神疾病的关键决定因素。性别差异发生尤其是常见精神障碍的利率——抑郁,焦虑和躯体抱怨。这些疾病,女性占主导地位,影响大约3人在社区,是一个严重的公共卫生问题[1]。;/ p> 一个案例研究的解剖一个误解:为什么像患者出现并发症的同事吗? 08/17/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1006.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>这是一个解剖学的误解,写的病人,一位医学院的教授和他的骨科顾问,他也是一位同事导致一系列的误解。这就提出了一个实际的问题谁负责与患者有效沟通也是一个同事。术前评估的组合胆怯的一个没有经验的护士和patient&,年代错误的假设他的手术后的流动性和锋利来维持他的独立和身份几乎导致了延迟放电。误解是由于patient&,年代假设医院骨科和最近的心脏手术经验。他和护士检查了这些假设,我们推测这可能解释为什么资深同事成为病人有时有意想不到的并发症。有功课要学习从这个同事patient&弗兰克勘探;,年代误解。你们的经验;/ p> 行为转换通过内部解决冲突:一个新的护理理论 07/27/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1005.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>哈西德派的哲学的学科,它源自一个特定的运动叫做哈西德主义正统派犹太教,始于创造的前提,是两个世界的对立双方在一个永恒的冲突。因此人类构造二分的精神实体通过一个身心体现在物质世界。一边的灵魂是神的智慧导致人类身份或自我意识,另一边是动物的灵魂,它的目的是刺激身体。得知这个学科提供了其追随者通过内部解决冲突与行为转换工具,我发现,它提供了一个清晰的理解的精神组件整体健康和护理理论以及行为转换的工具,在护理实践有实际应用。因此,本文的目的是展示的基本构造哈西德主义属于人类行为,展示其兼容现有的护理理论和提供一种新的方法高级执业护士(APN&, s)协助客户实现通过内部冲突解决。你们行为转换;/ p> 关心困难Parentsa€™脑瘫患儿 05/16/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1004.php & lt; h2> SUMMARY< / h2>& lt; p>脑瘫的孩子可以有一个或更多的心理,精神运动、视觉、音频或演讲的问题。不是一个定义良好的疾病有明确的边界,它被视为一组条件由各种原因引起的。在这方面,CP患儿必须依赖家人或照顾者应对身体、心理、社会和经济问题由于他们的身体状况。因此,它是至关重要的决定与CP患儿家庭的需要,程序将帮助他们在这个过程中可以开发。研究进一步表明,脑瘫患儿的父母需要的信息控制children&,年代行为和教他们某些行为;他们需要跟孩子的老师和/或治疗师;他们需要支持让属于自己的时间;他们需要社区服务寻找保健中心或托儿所适合children&,年代需要灵活;/ p> 处理家庭照顾者的抑郁 03/27/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1003.php <h2>ABSTRACT</h2> <p><strong>Aims and objectives:</strong> By reporting the use of therapeutic nursing interventions to facilitate the process of change in a depressive elderly caregiver, this paper seeks to underline the importance of fitting interventions to individual clients.</p> <p><strong>Background:</strong> In assisting families of chronic illness sufferers, it must be remembered that the perceptions and functions of both clients and families are determined by family members, and that changes, if any, are made by those clients and families, rather than by nurses. However, nurses do play an important role in facilitating the process of change.</p> <p><strong>Design:</strong> This is a case report.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> A case study of a depressive elderly caregiver is used to examine the use of therapeutic nursing interventions to facilitate the process of change with problem analysis, case conceptualisation and specific skills employed documented.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The change from one therapeutic approach (Cognitive-behavioural therapy) to another (Narrative Therapy) facilitates enlisting the caregiver&rsquo;s unique strengths, resources and competence to overcome the difficulties and challenges identified during the process of change. In dealing with depression in family caregivers, nurses should not only be flexible but also remain sceptical in using different approaches, with heightened awareness of the client&rsquo;s circumstances.</p> 一群ADHD育儿培训项目的结果(APEG)在彼得伯勒神经发育服务(NDs) 01/27/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1002.php & lt; h2> SUMMARY< / h2>& lt; p>多动症是最常见的神经发育障碍的儿童和青少年在发达国家患病率在5%至12%之间不等。有充分的证据表明,仔细结构化增强行为教育课程是有用的在多动症。你们的管理;/ p>& lt; p>我们评估的结果一个ADHD组育儿培训计划(APEG)彼得伯勒在2014年和2015年之间的神经发育服务提供(NDS)改善护理人员的知识和技能使用前置/岗位培训干预研究。;/ p>& lt; p> APEG遵循父母顾问模式,组成的以证据为基础的教育培训。你们6-session计划;/ p>& lt; p>共有27个父母完成了53个预处理和课后问卷调查。父母的知识和理解显著增加对ADHD的诊断和管理的所有方面在回答5个问题。之间的区别的0到3和4或5预处理和干预是统计学意义(239 x平方分布,df - 1, p值,lt; 0.01)。; / p>& lt; p>心理干预的研究表明,提供项目ADHD儿童的父母通过APEG育儿培训证明是有效的显著改善父母的知识水平和理解关于ADHD诊断的几个方面,症状识别和行为控制。;/ p> 多学科方法的评估和管理学龄前神经发育障碍:当地的经验 01/09/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hjncp/cjncp-aid1001.php <h2>ABSTRACT</h2> <p><strong>Background:</strong> Early and effective identification of childhood neurodevelopmental disorders remains a critical task of all pediatric healthcare professionals, which is critical to the well-being of children and their families.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> A retrospective review of medical records of all preschool children referred to a Child Development Centre (CDC) in North-West England, over a six-month period between Sept 2014 and Feb 2015 was conducted. The local multi-professional approach to the clinical assessment and management of preschool children was described and the published literature on this topic was reviewed.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Twenty four different categories of professionals spanning the whole range of primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare, social care and educational services were involved in the management of the patients. The largest group of professionals was the primary healthcare specialists. The ten different primary care professionals managed an average of 42% of the patients.</p> <p>The secondary healthcare providers were involved in the care of an average of 17%, tertiary care providers 10%, educational specialists 25% and social care professionals were involved with 5% of all the patients.</p> <p>The commonest diagnostic disorders were Speech/Language delay (56%), Global developmental delay (33%), Behavior difficulties (26%), Social communication concerns (21%) and Autistic spectrum disorder (19%).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The high number and specialties of various healthcare professionals at all levels of care indicates the high social and economic investment required in managing the affected preschool children in the region. Childhood neurodevelopmental disorders in the preschool age represents a high level of public health significance.</p>