环境工程系和水技术,IHE-Delft水教育研究所2601 da代尔夫特,荷兰
*通信地址:Srishti辛格、环境工程系和水技术,IHE-Delft水教育研究所2601 da代尔夫特,荷兰,电子邮件:Srishti24007@gmail.com
本文引用:辛格美国生物降解的废水含有苯、甲苯、乙苯和二甲苯(BTEX):实际意义和简短的观点。安之化学2019;3:007 - 010。DOI:10.29328 / journal.aac.1001018
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苯(B)、甲苯(T)、乙苯(E)和二甲苯(X),集体称为BTEX是mono-aromatic与六碳环化合物苯环。由于芳环的存在,这些化合物,尤其是苯,通常被认为是无电抗物种[1]。众所周知,然而,他们经过加氢和某些取代反应取决于盛行的环境条件。水溶性通常是低(即相对疏水性质)将辛醇和水由于低分离系数(Kow)值支持亲水溶解[2]。BTEX化合物相对不溶于水,在某些情况下,他们的水平已经记录在1000 mg / L,这是远远高于允许的最大污染物浓度为0.005 mg / L B, 1 mg / L T、0.7 mg / L E,总共10 mg / L的所有三种形式的X [3]。它们释放到自然环境(空气、水、土壤和沉积物)由于填埋场浸出,地下储油罐事故在运输和管道泄漏石油和化学工业[4]。BTEX化合物通过几米漏油地点运输导致它们是持久污染物在土壤和水环境[5]。BTEX的持久性存在空气和水体的交通报告由于降雨[6]。BTEX化合物共同存在于环境表明其毒性放大是通过他们的相互作用。BTEX在汽油的组成是:间二甲苯(31%)、甲苯(26%)、邻二甲苯(12%)、乙苯(11%)、苯(11%)、对二甲苯(9%)。 BTEX are harmful to human and aquatic life due to its inherent toxic and carcinogenic properties. Acute exposure can cause tiredness, dizziness, headache, loss of coordination, skin, sensory irritation, chronic kidney disease and also affect the liver and blood system [7]. BTEX compounds can be released from a variety of sources such as petrochemical industry waste streams, household wastes, municipal landfills as well as groundwater plumes, especially when they are located at a considerable distance from an oil spill site [8,9]. BTEX are also few of the compounds responsible for the formation of ground level ozone and are considered as priority environmental pollutants by the US-EPA [10].
生物修复是可行的和有效的技术治疗油包含BTEX网站和高效的为实际应用[14]。然而,有些因素,使这一过程不良。其中一个因素是生物修复过程的持续时间。因此,基于纳米技术的生物过程可以应用在治疗BTEX污染废水或废气。此外,纳米粒子已被证明在水中清除病原体的能力,优先吸附水污染物和降解氯化副产物[15]。便宜的选择,研究能做biosorbents可以从绿色合成原料和绿色废物。其中一个例子是tannin-based吸附剂的应用。他们是水溶性的,据报道,它们可以转化为不溶性的凝胶和矩阵为广泛的环境应用[16]。单宁主要是营养和化妆品领域的应用,它们用作收敛剂。他们并没有探索废水或废气处理,虽然使用从各种原材料包括国内污水污泥的生物炭,最近发现主要应用在环境工程的各个领域。 Bacelo et al. [17] reported that tannin-based adsorbents have a naturally high affinity for heavy metals, dyes, and other organic and inorganic pollutants in aqueous solution, indicating a need to investigate the application of these compounds for the removal of mono-aromatic hydrocarbons in water and waste gas steams. The sources for tannin based adsorbents are agricultural products such as leaves and tree barks that are often discarded as a waste in developing countries [18]. Removal of BTEX has traditionally been achieved by mixed cultures of bacteria and the use of fungi has been recognized only recently. There are advantages of using fungi over most bacteria as fungi is readily adaptable to adverse environmental conditions of low moisture and low pH [19]. Thus, it is important to examine their resilience and activity to tolerate high concentrations of pollutants present in contaminated environments in order to better understand and optimize the mechanisms of remediation using emerging techniques and materials [20]. For treating point source contaminants, bioreactors can be used because temperature, pH, nutrient levels, and agitation can be controlled in constructed batch-fed or continuously fed reactors, microbial activity and thus contaminant degradation can be optimized [21].