成瘾治疗与研究杂志 //m.lakotalakes.com/jatr 高度酒吧开放存取杂志金博宝app体育 en - us 青少年吸毒和酗酒的模式 03/19/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1016.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>本研究试图回答以下几个问题:来自前苏联(FSU)的青年移民的文化和社会背景是否影响他们使用成瘾物质?这些年轻人是否表现出吸毒和酗酒的独特模式?这些青少年使用的成瘾物质是否具有相似的特征?药物滥用和酒精滥用的模式不同吗?不同教育背景的学生是否表现出不同的消费模式?可以,宝贝,关键moments&”;解释是否存在酒精和药物滥用? 中国戒毒治疗与康复:理论基础与现状 02/18/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1015.php 全球毒品使用已达到流行病的程度,全世界大约有2.69亿吸毒者。有问题的药物使用可能导致严重的身体、社会和心理健康问题。 烟草使用者和非吸烟者中可替宁水平的估计:印度人口中的横断面研究 02/15/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1014.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>背景:对吸烟者的流行病学研究表明,每天吸烟的数量与罹患某些吸烟相关疾病的风险之间存在剂量-反应关系。生物碱尼古丁是烟草的主要药理活性物质。目的:评价印度吸烟、无烟烟草和非吸烟者尿中可替宁排泄水平。材料与方法:研究样本包括250名明显健康、无症状、未使用任何药物的受试者。研究样本分为吸烟烟草使用者(比迪和卷烟)、无烟烟草使用者、吸烟和无烟烟草使用者和对照组(过去或现在不吸烟)。结果:尿中可替宁平均水平显著(p &ndash;价值,lt;0.05)在吸烟烟草使用者中,吸烟者多于无烟烟草使用者和非烟草使用者。然而,尿液中可替宁的平均水平显著(p值&lt; 0.05) more among smokeless tobacco users in comparison to non-users of tobacco.</p> <p>Conclusion: The mean cotinine levels among smokers and both smokeless and smoked tobacco users were found to be higher than only smokeless tobacco users and non-users of tobacco.</p> 厌食症患者与明尼苏达饥饿实验参与者之间的差异:治疗的结果 01/29/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1013.php 1944年,Anselm Keys等人在美国明尼苏达州进行了饥饿实验。目的是调查饥饿的后果,以便能够恢复第二次世界大战饥饿受害者的健康。怎样才能以最好的方式治疗他们,使他们恢复健康的体重? 俄罗斯酒精消费水平的估计:文献综述 12/30/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1012.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>研究背景:人均酒精消费水平是衡量酒精相关问题的重要指标。然而,很难估计酒精消费的真实水平,因为部分消费来自非法来源。目的:评估俄罗斯酒精消费总体水平的研究综述。方法:在本综述中,对9篇文章进行分析,估计俄罗斯的酒精消费总体水平。结果:1956 - 2015年全国酒类消费总体水平波动较大,1965 - 1979年几乎呈线性增长;1981年明显减少;1984 - 1987年间急剧下降;1991年至1994年急剧上升;1995年至1998年显著减少; then increased significantly in the period from 1999 to 2003, after which it began to decline. The lowest estimate of the level of alcohol consumption for the entire period under consideration was obtained using the method proposed by Razvodovsky (7.25 litres - 1987), and the highest - using the method proposed by Norstrom (19.64 litres - 1994).</p> <p>Conclusion: despite a significant decrease in the level of alcohol consumption in Russia over the past decade, this level remains high.</p> 性成瘾,自尊和个性维度 02/20/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1011.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>性成瘾是一个日益增长的现实。承认这种障碍需要识别脆弱性因素。此外,这将改善对这些人的管理和治疗。我们采用了一项横断面研究,以匿名在线招募的自愿受试者为样本。一份准备好的问卷调查了样本的一般和临床数据。使用的心理测量量表有:Carnes性成瘾筛查测试、法国人格维度大五量表和Rosenberg自尊量表。共纳入510人。38人(8%)有性瘾。68人(13%)性瘾症状减弱。 The average age of the group with sexual addiction was 30.8 years with a male predominance. The majority had a higher academic level, was single (39.5%) and are working (73.7%). Our study revealed that self-esteem was below average in 73.7% of people with sexual addiction. Concerning personality dimensions, individuals with sexual addiction had higher scores in Neuroticism. The analytic study showed that four variables were statistically correlated with sexual addiction: male sex; low self-esteem; a large N dimension and a low C and E dimension. The concept of sexual addiction, still poorly defined, is beginning to be recognized. The need for more research is required to identify the factors of vulnerability with the aim of developing the preventive axis and improving the quality of life.</p> 对加沙地带有关戒烟管理的physicians’知识、态度和做法进行评估 02/11/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1010.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>背景:& lt; / strong>尽管有负面影响,大约23%的巴勒斯坦人(18岁)吸烟。研究表明,医生是戒烟干预的重要渠道。这项调查对内科医生进行了检验。加沙地带(巴勒斯坦领土)与吸烟有关的知识、态度和行为& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法和发现:& lt; / strong>154名内科和外科医生参加了本次调查(87.7%的应答率)。数据显示,加沙37.8%的医生吸烟,其中大多数人约72%在医院的公共场所吸烟,从而暗示公众同意吸烟。 While 82.4% reported that they advise patients who smoke to stop, the majority (59%) also believe that their own smoking habits negatively influence the impact of that advice.</p> <p>Unfortunately, our survey showed that physicians&rsquo; knowledge levels towards smoking addiction and management were lower than expected (e.g. only 34% knew that nicotine dependence is a psychiatric disorder that necessitates treatment). The physicians in this study believed that the primary barriers to failure of their patients&rsquo; smoking cessation were the perceived lack of will (81.3%), and the strength of patients&rsquo; addiction (67.9%). Moreover, (61%) of physicians did not spend enough time to convince their patients to quit smoking.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Smoking is common among Gaza-strip physicians, and unfortunately, most of them smoke in the hospital&rsquo;s public spaces. Many obstacles face the smoking cessation program that some physicians linked it to patients, and others linked it to the health-care system. Furthermore, smokers in Gaza receive poor care regarding assessment, referral, and management of their smoking habit.</p> 对一名患有多动症和药物使用障碍的注意力缺陷障碍成人的法医治疗监测研究 06/27/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1009.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>背景:& lt; / strong>本研究的患者经历了一个家庭冲突、身体虐待、学校环境频繁变化、逃学和不明学习障碍的童年。17岁离开学校后,她长期抑郁,有愤怒发作,缺乏动力,拒绝心理援助,找不到工作。在30岁时,这一行为在城市公共场所对一名女性的严重侵犯中达到高潮,之后她被提交到刑事法庭。她被批准缓刑并住院进行精神评估随访,门诊精神治疗。<& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>目的探讨纵向监测哌醋甲酯对伴有多动症和药物滥用的注意缺陷障碍治疗过程中认知和自我调节的影响。& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>在一年多的治疗期间,精神科访谈和处理速度和认知开销的标准参照评估监测了认知和药物使用的变化。 <p><strong>Results:</strong> At baseline, processing-speed measures of reactive and active attention were within the average-normal range, whereas cognitive overhead/shift cost was in the atypically high range, suggestive of ADHD symptomatology. The patient engaged in daily excessive use of cannabis, amphetamines, and other illegal substances. At the end of treatment, cognitive speed was increased and cognitive overhead normalized. With reductions in ADHD symptomatology, the patient used small amounts of cannabis during weekends and showed improved self-regulation, and legal restrictions were discontinued.</p> 肯尼亚Asumbi- Homabay康复中心酗酒者身体活动的影响因素 10/24/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1008.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>背景:& lt; / strong>在肯尼亚,酗酒是一个普遍存在的问题,严重影响个人的健康和生活质量。体育活动是一种负担得起的、可持续的戒酒辅助治疗选择;然而its&,在肯尼亚,很少用于酗酒者的康复。& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>这项定性研究试图引出在康复治疗中影响康复酗酒者进行身体活动的促进因素和障碍。& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>通过焦点小组讨论,利用焦点小组指南收集了15名酗酒者和5名保健专业人员的观点和看法。 Constant comparative approach was used to analyze verbatim transcripts obtained from in-depth interviews. This analysis entailed three stages including open, axial and selective coding.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Recuperating alcoholics&rsquo; recognized various forms of physical activity to promote mental and physical health during their rehabilitation. Health professionals and significant others considerably supported the recuperating alcoholics to practice physical activity however physical activity facilities and facilitation was lacking in Asumbi rehabilitation center.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> The rehabilitation centres should have physical activity experts and facilities that can offer individualized physical activity services and support needed by the recuperating alcoholics.</p> 网络欺凌:一篇叙事综述 08/21/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1007.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>我们使用PubMed和PsycINFO进行了文献搜索,以定位过去4年发表的网络欺凌研究。本文对网络欺凌研究进行了简要的总结和批判。这篇综述的重点是网络欺凌者、受害者和旁观者的不同定义和特征。据报道,随着年龄、性别、国家、社交网络规模和社会经济因素的变化,网络欺凌、受害者和旁观者的流行率变化很大。此外,网络欺凌的影响包括频繁的自杀企图以及网络欺凌的风险因素/预测因素,包括以前的网络欺凌、过度互联网使用和缺乏同理心、愤怒、自恋和威权/宽容的养育。为了反映最近的文献,特别关注欺凌受害者的研究。尽管网络欺凌越来越普遍,相关文献也在迅速积累,但关于网络欺凌和欺凌预防/干预项目的研究仍然非常有限。方法上的局限性包括主要关注欺凌的普遍程度和欺凌的受害者。需要进行纵向的多变量研究,以确定欺凌风险因素的概况,从而为预防计划提供信息。 父母在青少年药物滥用预防中的作用 08/02/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1006.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>背景资料:在预防药物滥用和成瘾方面,美国的医疗保健体系存在巨大的差距,特别是涉及到青少年。通过文献综述确定,犹他州的父母不了解/了解/意识到该地区青少年目前的酒精/药物使用情况,或与消费/使用/滥用/成瘾相关的固有风险。</p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>博士项目的首要目标是通过让家长参与预防工作,防止犹他州县中学生有害饮酒和吸毒。本项目的预防目标包括:增加父母对成瘾脑疾病的认识,青少年吸毒的警告信号,如果他们的孩子已经吸毒该怎么办,以及提高父母在与青少年就这一问题进行交流时的自我效能感。为了使父母能有效地参与其中,障碍被教育打破了。在Lehi Jr High.</p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>人口:& lt; / strong>仅对初中生的父母、养父母、监护人等进行教育; an estimated 420 participants were in attendance.</p> <p><strong>Data collection and analysis:</strong> A pre-and post- combined self-efficacy and knowledge test was given to the attendees. Data was gathered from 117 appropriately completed tests and analyzed using a paired t-test. The results were studied to evaluate effectiveness of the program relating to parental self-efficacy and knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Findings:</strong> The presentation ultimately increased parental self-efficacy and knowledge (p-value &lt;0.01) which in turn increases protective factors and decreases risk factors associated with adolescent substance abuse.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> The DNP project was successful, and the results assisted in the refinement of the presentation for sharing on a mass level to all Jr. High schools in Utah County, Utah.</p> 俄罗斯的酒精中毒:模糊的事实 01/25/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1005.php & lt; h2>信Editor< / h2>俄罗斯滥用酒精的问题是众所周知的。但有一种夸大的倾向,这似乎被用来掩盖医疗保健和公共援助的短缺。这样,预期寿命相对较低的责任就转移到了患者身上,他们应该过度饮酒。与此同时,有一种倾向是夸大反酒精运动(1985-1989年)的成功,而轻视运动所造成的伤害,例如大量消费代用品[1]。这种偏见可以用Yuri Razvodovsky的论文[2-5]来说明。尤里让我在每封电子邮件中写一封友好的邮件。信中提到了他的文章。在这里,我们将从信件中摘录一段作为文件证据(图1)。在回答时,我引用了这样一句话:Ð反酒精运动导致非饮料酒精代用品致命中毒事件急剧增加; [4] and commented that I witnessed mass poisonings with window cleaner in 1988. Considering the large scale of the window cleaner sales, it was knowingly tolerated by authorities. Poisonings with methanol and organochlorides (used e.g. in dry cleaning) were known to occur as well. Yuri replied that &ldquo;there are two realities: one, which we both witnessed, and another-official statistics&rdquo; (Figure 1). Obviously, Razvodovsky should have discussed in his articles the &ldquo;realities we both witnessed&rdquo;, i.e. common knowledge and observations, otherwise his papers are misleading.</p> 酒税和定价政策对俄罗斯伏特加销售的影响 12/29/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1004.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>背景:& lt; / strong>大多数综合计量经济学研究表明,提高酒精税和实际价格会大大减少酒精消费。& lt; p> & lt; strong>目标:& lt; / strong>估计最近的酒精税和定价政策对俄罗斯人均伏特加销售的影响。& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>比较了伏特加的可承受性趋势、伏特加的消费税、伏特加的真实价格和最低价格以及2010年至2015年伏特加的人均销售额。& lt; p> & lt; strong>结果:& lt; / strong>皮尔逊的相关分析表明,伏特加的可承受性和人均伏特加销量之间存在着统计上显著的正相关关系。伏特加的销售与伏特加的消费税、伏特加的实际价格和最低价格之间的关联是负的。 <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> These findings indicate that pricing policy has potential to reduce binge drinking of vodka in Russia.</p> 自我窒息成瘾:一份病例报告 12/05/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1003.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>简介:& lt; / strong>DSM-5在性欲异常部分提到了自性爱窒息,作为性受虐障碍的诊断指标。在窒息游戏中也观察到窒息活动。“绞杀活动”一词被认为比窒息游戏更合适。虽然有相同的行为,但自体性窒息和非自体性勒死行为可能代表了一种非常独特的障碍模式。我们在这里描述一个案例报告,一个25岁的男性实习学生谁已经实践了手动自我勒死高达40次,从青春期以来的一天。在对该病例的检查中,我们在基于过程的整体病例概念化中确定了该病例的个体临床方面。& lt; p> & lt; strong>案例描述:& lt; / strong> The patient is a 25 years old male with a post-graduate degree who presented with a recent history of poor work performance and work-related stress during an internship. He has a concomitant history of both ketamine and cannabis use disorders, and reports urges to self-strangulate, sometimes specifically avoiding contact with friends engage in this behavior and that he has never attempted to discontinue self-strangulation. Neuropsychological assessment found a cognitive functioning below that expected given his educational level. Our intervention consists of a 3-weeks cognitive and motivational therapy program in addiction unit with associated abstinence.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Autoerotic asphyxia is a behavior observed not only in the context of sexual masochism disorder, but also as a specific addictive behavior, in the absence of sexual arousal, possibly as a result of emotional dysregulation.</p> 大学生问题性饮酒的预测心理因素 01/30/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1002.php & lt; h2> SUMMARY< / h2>本研究的目的是确定大学生酒精物质使用的流行程度,并探讨有酗酒问题的大学生儿童期虐待、自杀概率和愤怒表达方式之间的相关性。一项调查是在土耳其巴斯肯特大学教育学院随机抽取的学生中进行的。研究样本为399名大学生。采用儿童创伤问卷(CTQ)、特质愤怒和愤怒表达量表(T-Anger-Anger EX)、自杀概率量表(SPS)。采用CAGE问卷调查确定饮酒问题。可能存在酒精使用障碍的得分为1+,而2+作为评估临床显著酒精使用问题的分界点。数据采用t检验和多元二元logistic回归分析。在所有的样本中,36.9%的人报告说他们曾经尝试过喝酒。根据CAGE 1+和CAGE 2+的数据,酒精使用问题的总体流行率分别为14.4%和7.3%。 Sexual abuse and Anger-In were predictors of CAGE 1+, suicide probability was predictor of CAGE2+. Childhood trauma experiences especially, sexual abuse, suicide probability, trait anger, the anger expressed inside and outside were main factors to identify alcohol use problems. Professionals and parents must pay attention to childhood traumatic experiences, suicide and anger expression styles in youths with alcohol use problems.</p> 抑郁症治疗的新挑战:Ca2+和cAMP介导的细胞内信号通路相互作用的药理学调节 01/30/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1001.php & lt; h2> ABSTRACT< / h2>抑郁症是一种主要由中枢神经系统5 -羟色胺和单胺神经传递功能障碍引起的精神疾病。由于抑郁症的多面性和我们对其病因的了解有限,抑郁症很难用现有的药物治疗。然后,针对抑郁症提出了新的治疗策略。自1975年以来,一些临床研究报告称,用于降压治疗的l型Ca2+通道阻滞剂(CCBs)可导致血浆儿茶酚胺水平升高和心动过速,这是交感神经过度活跃的典型症状。尽管ccb的这些不良反应最初被认为是由于动脉压力的调节反射,但在近40年的时间里,这些神秘的现象仍然不清楚。2013年,我们发现CCBs产生的这种反常交感神经过度活跃是由于交感神经和肾上腺嗜铬细胞释放儿茶酚胺的增加,这是由于其调节Ca2+和cAMP介导的细胞内信号通路之间的相互作用(Ca2+/cAMP信号相互作用)。然后,通过联合使用l型ccb和cAMP-enhancer化合物对这种相互作用进行药理调节,可能是一种更有效(和更安全)的治疗策略,通过增强血清素和单胺的释放来增加CNS中5 -羟色胺和单胺的神经传递,从而减轻人类抑郁症的临床症状。