先进的儿科和儿童健康》杂志上 //m.lakotalakes.com/japch/ Heighpubs开放获金博宝app体育取期刊上 en - us 附带光盘的病例报告电池摄入在儿童先天性听力损失 08/17/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1037.php & lt; p>异物儿童摄入儿童遇到的是一个严重的问题。大约80%的病例的异物吞食发生在孩子年龄在6个月和3年[1]。纽扣电池摄入发生在估计每年一百万分之十的人,一小群保留在食道,后来成为复杂的[2]。按钮电池摄入可以导致食管穿孔和死亡在数小时内如果没有适当的诊断[3]。;/ p> 协会的不良健康问题社会决定因素与错过的健康儿童访问和照顾者社会支持的作用 08/02/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1036.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Objective: To examine the association between adverse social determinants of health (SDH) and missed well-child visits and the interaction with the level of caregiver social support.</p> <p>Methods: This is a secondary data analysis of data collected from a SDH screening program conducted during well-child visits with referral, navigation and follow-up services for patients. We included 573 adult caregivers who accompanied patients aged 0-5 years to well-child visits and completed the screening from August 2017 to May 2018. The caregivers reported financial hardship, food insecurity, housing challenges, childcare difficulty, transportation issues, insurance difficulty, job difficulty, and education needs. Our primary outcome was a no-show (i.e., missed) to a well-child visit. Social support was dichotomized as low or high.</p> <p>Results: Among 573 patients who completed the screening, 335 patients (76.4%) had at least one social need. Financial hardship (p = 0.006), housing instability (p = 0.002), and no/poor childcare (p = 0.03) were associated with missed well-child visits. In multivariable regression analysis, having Medicaid (aOR = 1.91 [1.17-3.10]) and unstable housing (aOR = 6.79 [1.35-34.70]) were both associated with missed well-child visits. However, when social support was added to the multivariable logistic model, both Medicaid and unstable housing were no longer associated with missed well-child visits.</p> <p>Conclusion: Adverse SDH such as financial hardship, housing instability, and childcare difficulty were associated with missed well-child visits. However, with the addition of social support, this association was no longer significant. This study supports the hypothesis that high social support may mitigate the association between well-child visits among families experiencing adverse SDH.</p> 回顾low-recourse设置医院儿童肺炎 07/12/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1035.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>简介:肺炎、肺实质的定义为感染,与严重的并发症尤其是在非常年轻和年老的病人。这是world&,年代儿童死亡率的主要原因。世界卫生组织(世卫组织)常用的分类和指导方针在苏丹肺炎患者的诊断和管理。本文在苏丹的一些研究的结果做了作者和他的同事们。管理系统进行评估提供完整的端到端解决方案为病人服务连同他们的记录在苏丹的医院和诊所。研究的目标是:以反映作者的经验管理儿童肺炎在苏丹和确定可行的,负担得起的方式在苏丹。你们肺炎;/ p>& lt; p>方法:通过PubMed寻找作者在苏丹的出版物的出版和审查作者关于肺炎。你们的管理;/ p>& lt; p>结论:简单的测试如胸部x光片,高白细胞high-reactive蛋白质,与高温可以预测紧急血培养的必要性。抗生素治疗儿童肺炎天气,世卫组织的建议,b-lactam抑制剂或第三代头孢菌素具有相同的结果。你们;/ p> 预测新生儿脓毒症的死亡率在一个资源有限的设置 06/17/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1034.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Introduction: Sepsis remains a major cause of death in neonatal period. Although significant advances in diagnosis, therapeutic and prevention strategies have been noted, sepsis remains a common concern in clinical practice especially in low-resource countries. The aim of this study was to determine the predictors of mortality in neonatal sepsis in Lubumbashi city (Democratic Republic of Congo).</p> <p>Methods: The records of newborns with sepsis managed in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in two University Hospitals between November 2019 and October 2020 were studied. Binary and multiple logistic regressions have been used to observe the association between independent variables and dependent variable.</p> <p>Results: A total of 162 cases of neonatal sepsis were reviewed. The mortality rate of neonatal sepsis was 21% of babies admitted. Very low birth weight (&lt; 1500 grams) and primiparity were significantly associated with mortality in neonatal sepsis (AOR = 12.66; 95% CI 2.40 to 66.86; p = 0.003 and AOR = 3.35; 95% Cl 1.31 to 8.59; p = 0.012, respectively).</p> <p>Conclusion: The mortality rate of neonatal sepsis was 21%. Very low birth weight and primiparity were significantly associated with mortality in neonatal sepsis.</p> 新生儿腹泻的罕见原因:Microvillositary包含疾病:病例报告 05/20/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1033.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Microvillositary inclusion disease also known as microvillositary atrophy is a rare congenital enteropathy containing a border abnormality in the brushes of enterocytes, manifesting as severe rebellious diarrhea in newborns and infants. It was first described in 1978 by Davidson, et al. The autosomal recessive mode of transmission is suggested because of the frequency of familial cases and inbreeding. Histopathology plays an essential role in establishing the diagnosis. In 2008, a common mutation was identified in most of the patients studied in the MYO5B gene that codes for the Myosin Vb protein, which helped in understanding the etiopathogeny of this pathology poorly described in the literature. The prognosis for this pathology is extremely bleak, requiring total parenteral nutrition for child survival. Intestinal transplantation is for the moment the only long-term solution.</p> <p>Materials and methods: We report the case of an infant aged 6 months, with no perinatal antecedent. There is 1st degree consanguinity, the mother has a history of deaths in younger siblings in undetermined circumstances. Who since the age of 3 days presents profuse liquid diarrhoea with malnutrition, dehydration and enormous abdominal distension? Several diagnoses were suspected before the jejune biopsy was carried out, which led to the diagnosis of a microvilliositary inclusion disease.</p> <p>The aim of our work is to highlight the rarest cause of neonatal rebel diarrhoea and to know how to include it among other differential diagnoses.</p> 迅速五保供养先天性血管瘤与Kasabach-Merritt综合症有关 05/17/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1032.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Background: Rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma (RICH) is a rare vascular tumor that is present at birth and involutes during the first year of life. Kasabach-Merritt syndrome (KMS) is a complication of some vascular tumors such as kaposiform hemangioendothelioma and tufted angioma associated with thrombocytopenia and coagulopathy.</p> <p>Results: The case of a 2-month-old infant with a diagnosis of RICH with thrombocytopenia and coagulation disorder, successfully treated with surgical excision without complications or recurrence is presented.</p> <p>Conclusion: The association between RICH and KMS is rare. Histopathological study, immunohistochemistry and ultrasound findings are important for the diagnosis.</p> <p>Brief summary: This report covers the rare association between rapidly involuting congenital hemangioma and Kasabach-Merritt syndrome in a 2-months-old female infant.</p> 临床肺鼠疫的照片在塔那那利佛的儿科病房 05/13/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1031.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>介绍:在马达加斯加,鼠疫是一种高度传染性急性传染病流行。最严重的肺鼠疫的诊断仍是困难的儿童,因此,本研究的目标;这是确定的临床症状儿童和描述其流行病学和临床形式演化剖面。你们;/ p>& lt; p>方法:回顾性病例对照研究进行了四个儿科病房在塔那那利佛城市肺鼠疫疫情从2017年9月到2018年1月。;/ p>& lt; p>这种情况下被定义为针对0 - 15岁孩子的旧疑似与积极的RDT和PCR瘟疫,他们定义为针对0 - 15岁孩子的旧负RDT和PCR。你们;/ p>& lt; p>结果:52例肺鼠疫,其中一半(50%)24个月以下的。你们;/ p>& lt; p>男性优势指出性别比例为1.23,86.54%的病人来自城市地区。;/ p>& lt; p>一些临床症状被发现但没有特定的肺鼠疫:咳嗽(59.62% p: 0.5),呼吸困难(3.85% p: 0.16),胸痛(3.85% p: 0.26%),咳血(7.69% p: 0.17),呕吐(9.62% p: 0.14),腹泻(11.54% p: 0.45),改变一般情况(p 38.46%: 0.24%)。; / p>& lt; p>两人死亡被发现(3.8%)。;/ p> <p>Conclusion: No specific clinical warning signs have been identified in childhood pneumonic plague. In the event of an epidemic of urban pneumonic plague, any bacterial pneumonia should at least initially include active treatment against Yersinia pestis.</p> 相关的因素与儿童诊断延迟Wilmsa€™肿瘤 04/15/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1030.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Background: In Wilms&rsquo; tumor, the time elapsed between clinical diagnosis and the start of treatment is clearly associated with morbidity and mortality. As treatment delay can influence patient survival, identification of possible causes can mitigate the consequences arising from prolonged diagnostic uncertainty.</p> <p>Objective: To ascertain whether an initial diagnosis of Wilms&rsquo; tumor in the emergency department influences patient prognosis depending on the type of referral for definitive treatment.</p> <p>Patients and methods: Retrospective chart review of 98 children receiving treatment for Wilms&rsquo; tumor at the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA) between April 2003 and December 2016. Patients were categorized into two groups: those referred directly from an emergency public department to INCA and those first transferred to another hospital before being referred to INCA.</p> <p>Results: Of the 98 cases included in the study, 42.9% were direct referrals and 57.1% were indirect referrals. Presence of an abdominal mass was the most common presenting complaint, followed by abdominal pain. In cases with larger tumors, the mean tumor volume was greater than reported elsewhere in the literature, suggesting longer disease duration. Significantly higher tumor volumes were observed in patients with a palpable abdominal mass as compared to those with the second most frequent complaint (abdominal pain).</p> <p>Conclusion: The findings of this study support the hypothesis that patients diagnosed with kidney masses in the emergency department are at greater risk of delayed diagnosis when they are referred first to a non-specialized outside hospital than when referred directly to a specialized cancer treatment unit.</p> 功效的静脉注射免疫球蛋白预防新生儿败血症 04/14/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1029.php & lt; h2> Summary< / h2><p>Despite critical care advances, robust antibiotic therapy and improved strategies in early detection and prevention of infection, the incidence of morbidity and mortality from neonatal sepsis worldwide in preterm and low birth weight neonates remains overwhelmingly high. Neonatal sepsis is characterised by a clinical syndrome of systemic signs of infection and bloodstream bacteraemia in newborns within the first months of life.</p> <p>The risk of sepsis in neonates is inversely proportional to gestational age and birth weight due to deficiency in humoral immunity and the need for more invasive supportive neonatal intensive care unit interventions. Adverse effects such as necrotising enterocolitis associated with antimicrobial therapy are serious enough to warrant exploration of alternative therapeutic strategies. Immunoglobulin replacement therapy offers hope of enhancing immune competence and reducing infection rates in vulnerable populations.</p> <p>It is evident from the relevant studies to date that the benefits offered by intravenous immunoglobulin prophylaxis may not be significant enough for routine hospital implementation. Further research to better understand the mechanisms underlying immunodeficiency will lead to the realisation of alternative therapeutic and prophylactic interventions.</p> 理性和非理性在使用抗生素epiclatino拉美新生儿单位 03/29/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1028.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Background: Recent years have seen chaos in the neonatology use of antibiotics with diverse opinions and recommendations in international guidelines and societies. This has created great uncertainty in which cases to use, for how long, and which tests apply to make these decisions.</p> <p>We conducted a retrospective cohort study about the use of antibiotics in the EpicLatino neonatal units and a Latin American network database, after noting these variations in the 2019 report.</p> <p>Methods: For the year 2019 using the EpicLatino database, we included cases (only first admission) &le; 32 weeks gestational age at birth, excluding one unit that did not accept to participate.</p> <p>The number of cases and days receiving antibiotics were recorded as well as the progression for each unit. Inappropriate use of antibiotics was defined as greater than 3 days in patients with negative cultures (blood/CSF cultures) excluding: major malformations, urinary tract infections, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and cases with suspected chorioamnionitis in the mother (the latter two only during the course of diagnosis of NEC or chorioamnionitis).</p> <p>Results: A total of 6,543 days of antibiotics were observed, 49.5% of cases had at least one positive blood/CSF culture.</p> <p>A total of 595 days of antibiotics without justification were found in 72 courses in 61 cases: 19.4% had no diagnosis of infection in the database, 9.7% did not document any culture throughout their stay, and 51,4% obtained only one blood/CSF culture during their entire stay. In the 58 cases with diagnosis of infection: 41% were clinical sepsis and a diagnosis of pneumonia with a poor positive culture correlation was found. Furthermore, 74% of the unit&rsquo;s didn&acute;t use pneumonia as a justification to use antibiotics.<br /> Other diagnosis found: Conjunctivitis, NEC 1A and rotavirus NEC.</p> <p>Conclusion: Although the method of reviewing the use of antibiotics in a database has a number of limitations, especially the cause that motivated the use of antibiotics and other tools used for diagnosis of infections, the notable differences between units is striking.</p> <p>Although it is difficult to make recommendations to all units, it is important to control infections in some units and in others to reduce the excessive use of antibiotics, especially with diagnosis of pneumonia in neonates and negative blood/CSF cultures.</p> 非典型的先天性肺炎:肺超声的价值 03/29/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1027.php <p>A term neonate was transferred from a Local Neonatal Unit to our surgical Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on Day 2 due to abdominal distension with radiological appearances suggestive of intestinal obstruction. He was born by Caesarean section with no risk factors for sepsis.</p> 因素与锌有关处方练习儿童腹泻访问公共卫生设施在亚的斯亚贝巴,埃塞俄比亚:横断面研究 03/25/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1026.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Background: Diarrhea and nutrient deficiency worsen each other, and zinc is recommended to be included in clinical management of diarrhea. Therefore, this investigation was done to assess zinc prescription practice to children with diarrhea, identify factors associated with zinc prescription, and assess caregivers&rsquo; zinc&rsquo;s perceived cost and willingness to pay for.</p> <p>Methods: A health institution based cross-sectional study was done. Caretakers of 609 children with diarrhea attending health centers in Addis Ababa were included. Logistic regression was applied to identify variables associated with zinc prescription.</p> <p>Results: Zinc was prescribed to 62.1% of children. About 74.9% of the caregivers were willing to pay for zinc. Previous use of zinc (AOR = 2.3; 95% CI: 1.34-4.01), exposure to zinc related message (AOR = 2.6, 95% CI: 1.53-4.60) and willingness to pay for zinc (AOR = 6.9; 95% CI: 3.84-12.66) were associated with zinc prescription.</p> <p>Conclusion: Zinc was not administered to considerable proportion of children with diarrhea. Previous use of zinc, exposure to zinc related message and willingness to pay for positively contributed to zinc prescription. Health care workers shall be encouraged on zinc prescription. Intervention to increase willingness to pay for zinc and zinc benefit communication shall be strengthened in parallel with operational researches.</p> 审计管理联合实施的儿童入学率与急性胃肠炎及其影响 03/25/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1025.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>急性胃肠炎(年龄)是儿科常见的主诉。多数情况下,进入医院的原因是患者进行静脉补液严重脱水和无法容忍口服摄入。我们发现联合作为一个有效的止吐剂数量的增加来支持孩子接受口服水合作用,随后导致利率降低入学。本研究旨在审计使用联合口服补液疗法(支持)对儿童急性肠胃炎,及其对住院率的影响从大学医院的急诊室,利默里克(UHL)。在三个月期间收集的数据从2017年6月到8月,联合是不习惯相比,另一个3个月时期联合使用。一些测量结果包括入院治疗。你们;/ p>& lt; p>招生率下降了15%(26/74(35%)在2019年到2017年的16/81 (20%)& lt; br /比;p = 0.22)。81名患者接受联合,其中79%的人成功地制成冻干口头。 The administration of Ondansetron reduced the need for intravenous fluids and hospital admission overall in these children with AGE. This reduction ultimately accounted for lower costs incurred by the Health Services Executive per patient, and also suggested the anti-emetic use as a cost effective measure for managing and treating patients with AGE.</p> 最大的青少年患有妥瑞症的稳定极限 01/30/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1024.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>We explored if adolescents with Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) had functional postural control impairments and how these deficits are linked to a disturbance in the processing and integration of sensory information. We evaluated the displacements of the center of pressure (COP) during maximal leaning in four directions (forward, backward, rightward, leftward) and under three sensory conditions (eyes open, eyes closed, eyes closed standing on foam). GTS adolescents showed deficits in postural stability and in lateral postural adjustments but they had similar maximal COP excursion than the control group. The postural performance of the GTS group was poorer in the eyes open condition (time to phase 1 onset, max-mean COP). Moreover, they displayed a poorer ability to maintain the maximum leaning position under the eyes open condition during mediolateral leaning tasks. By contrast, during forward leaning, they showed larger min-max ranges than control subjects while standing on the foam with the eyes closed. Together, these findings support the idea that GTS produces subclinical postural control deficits. Importantly, our results suggest that postural control disorders in GTS are highly sensitive to voluntary postural leaning tasks which have high demand for multimodal sensory integration.</p> 评估影响il - 6 c - 572 g基因多态性与临床因素对积极的血小板抗体测试 01/15/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1023.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>背景:白细胞介素- 6 (il - 6)促进抗体的生产。本研究的目的是调查是否il - 6 c - 572 g单核苷酸多态性(SNP)和临床因素与积极的血小板相关抗体测试。;/ p>& lt; p>材料与方法:30血小板接受者与血小板抗体(反应)和20血小板收件人没有血小板抗体(无)是随机选择的。-572年C& gt; G (rs 1800796)单核苷酸多态性在il - 6基因的启动子区域基因分型的聚合酶链反应(PCR)限制片段长度多态性(RFLP)方法。固相红细胞粘附试验(SPRCA)是用于血小板抗体检测。;/ p>& lt; p>结果:年龄、性别、百分比良性疾病患者,该患者的百分比C等位基因在-572位置il - 6基因的相似反应者和无之间。尽管大量的血小板pheresis输血的血液疾病患者高于non-hematologic疾病(47.2,plusmn;54.2和17.4,plusmn;13.8单位,p = 0.019),血小板抗体的检出率较低血液疾病患者比non-hematologic疾病患者(42.3%比79.2%,p = 0.01)。你们;/ p> <p>Conclusion: There was no association between IL-6 C-572G gene polymorphism and positive reactivity in solid phase platelet antibody detection method in platelet recipients.</p> 药物反应,嗜酸性粒细胞和系统性症状(衣服):一个案例交替与三种药物不良反应 01/11/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1022.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome is a severe multiorgan hypersensitivity reaction mostly caused by several eliciting drugs in patients with a genetic predisposition. Incidence of DRESS in children is very variable, frome 1:1000 to 1:10.000, and the mortality rate seems to be lower than 10%. Anti-convulsants are the main drugs involved both in adults and in children. The treatment of choice is the prompt withdrawn of the offending drug and using intravenous immunoglobulins and corticosteroids used in synergy. In recent years, emerging studies have outlined the disease more clearly. We present a pediatric case in which the patient developed DRESS syndrome as a result of exposure to lamotrigine before and carbamazepine after and a relapse after exposure to omeprazole. Starting from this case report we provide an overview on DRESS Syndrome.</p> 学校的Parentsa€™感知nursea€™s的角色 12/21/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1021.php <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background: School nurses possess an essential role in treating and helping children maintain health. However, the full scope of their role has not been identified by parents. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore parents&rsquo; perceptions of the role of the school nurse.</p> <p>Methods: Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. One hundred eighty parents participated in the study. The perception of the roles of school nurses was assessed by a 16-item questionnaire, which was adapted from a study by Kirchofer, et al. 2007.</p> <p>Results: The four most important school nurses&rsquo; roles perceived by the parents were providing first aid and emergency care to children, communicating with parents and health care providers in the presence of a problem, providing medical treatment, and preventing and controlling diseases.</p> <p>Conclusion: School nurses have many important roles, and while parents identified some essential roles, they did not recognize other vital roles as being very important. Increasing awareness of school nurses&rsquo; multifaceted roles among parents is essential so that they can utilize nurses&rsquo; expertise in maintaining their student&rsquo;s health as well as tap into a key resource in the coordination of care for their child.</p> 一种罕见的儿科病人急性坏死性胰腺炎 12/08/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1020.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>急性坏死性胰腺炎的诊断是一种罕见的事件在儿科急诊(ED)。; / p>& lt; p>我们报告一例急性胰腺炎的儿科病人,诊断ED,三级水平儿科医院。你们;/ p>& lt; p>这个孩子面对模糊便秘的症状,腹痛和背部疼痛,与假腹膜炎临床检查有腹部膨胀。她迅速恶化,需要积极液体复苏治疗ED的感染性休克。诊断急性胰腺炎(AP)是只考虑一次淀粉酶水平升高明显。你们;/ p>& lt; p>而美联社是一个重要的鉴别诊断患者呈现急性腹部症状,诊断儿童特别是很少,因此很容易被忽视在先前健康的孩子。你们;/ p> 一个女孩脖子僵硬 12/08/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1019.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>少年xanthogranuloma (JXG)是一种罕见的non-Langherans细胞组织细胞增生症(non-LCH)观察到几乎只在婴儿和年幼的孩子。很少系统性,包括真皮外的网站,如肝、肺、脾、肾、胰腺、骨头或中枢神经系统。系统性JXG可能与需要积极的医疗或手术护理的重要并发症;特别是中枢神经系统病变难以治疗,据报道,可能是致命的。JXG中央神经系统的临床表现并不是特定和相关网站,而磁共振成像检查仍然是本地化的首选病变。如果没有涉及到其他系统,手术切除可以足够灵活;/ p> 一个罕见的病例报告在儿科贝类过敏 11/23/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1018.php & lt; p>贝类全球广泛使用,因为他们的营养价值。一般来说他们是很好的低脂肪蛋白来源丰富的几个基本的维生素和矿物质以及基本营养素ω- 3长链多不饱和脂肪酸(n - 3 LCPUFAs) [1]。; / p> 儿童过早卵巢机能不全:病因、临床管理和治疗 11/19/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1017.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>卵巢功能不足(POI)是一种罕见的疾病,尤其是在儿童和青少年。它以前称为卵巢功能早衰(POF)。它可以表现为延迟青春期,小学或中学闭经,发生在40岁之前不少于两个异常血清性激素(低雌激素和高促性腺激素)。据报道,40岁的年发病率是1%和0.01%岁的20年。尽管这种疾病通常发生在中老年妇女,近年来临床实践已经表明,它也被发现在青少年甚至儿童。人们普遍认为,POI的病因包括遗传因素、免疫因素和医源性因素。到目前为止,已发现几个基因突变可能导致POI临床,但90%的POI的病因还不清楚。近年来,POI在儿童和青少年的发病率增加,还有更迫切的要求,其早期诊断,治疗和临床管理。在此基础上,本文将主要检查病因的研究进展、治疗和临床管理POI的儿童和青少年。;/ p> 孩子忽视——仍然在全球世界一个被忽视的问题:一个回顾 09/29/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1016.php & lt; h2> Summary< / h2><p>Child neglect is a global problem that involves large costs for both the individual and for society. This article is based on published reviews and meta-analyses in the field of child neglect between 1980 and 2018. Of a total of 433 articles, 13 was included, main Data bases has been PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Psych Info, ERIC, CINAHL. The prevalence in the normal population was found to be between 16 and 26 percent, while the prevalence in clinical groups seem to be significantly higher. For example, was the prevalence of neglect 50% among patients with eating disorder. It is especially important to know who is reporting neglect. Research shows that neglect is strongly associated with among other things, depression, one of the most common illnesses among the general public. The theoretical models that are used are ecological. Risk factors can be found at all levels when using ecological models. Research shows that factors involving the relationship parent-child are among the most important. Neglect is more common in low-income countries than in high income countries.</p> <p>Most studies point to the importance of prevention. Existing preventive programs are most often of family and parental character.</p> <p>More research is needed, especially as concerns the development of preventive programs that can identify specific types of neglect and present suitable preventive measures, both at the societal and family level.</p> <p>Key points<br /> 1. Neglect is a global problem.<br /> 2. Prevalence depends on the measurement method and can vary between about 16% and 76%.<br /> 3. Prevalence is higher when negligence is self-reported than when reported by professionals.<br /> 4. The most common and most serious risk factors are present in the microsystem. Parenting and interactions between child and parent are considered important.<br /> 5. There is a link between neglect and, above all, depression, but also anxiety, self-harm and eating disorders.</p> 空气污染和呼吸道健康 09/01/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1015.php <p>As per report of WHO&nbsp; [1] (World Health Organization), air pollution (ambient/outdoor and household/indoor air pollution) kills an estimated seven million people worldwide every year largely as a result of increased mortality from stroke, heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and acute respiratory infections.</p> 儿童自我药疗的实践他们的母亲在卢本巴希,刚果民主共和国 07/17/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1014.php & lt; h2> Summary< / h2>& lt; p>自我药疗是一种常见的做法在刚果民主共和国(DRC)。很少有研究mothers&,儿童自我药疗的实践在刚果民主共和国。尝试画一个库存的这种做法,我们进行了一项调查的自我药疗12岁以下的儿童,他们的母亲在卢本巴希(n = 392),刚果民主共和国。自我治疗的主要目的是评估频率和次要目的是描述习惯,危险行为和常见的错误。结果不言自明:96%的母亲缓解孩子;95.7%不知道的确切剂量药物使用;97.17%不检查到期日期;超过91%的母亲使用抗疟药物,41.3%的退烧药/止痛剂和26.3%的抗生素。 Healthcare practitioners should involve household members in focused awareness on self-medication and its negative implications in order to encourage them to serve as change agents against the practice by mothers.</p> 广泛学习和照顾慢性病:成本在摩洛哥血友病 04/02/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1013.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>本文试图丰富文学的作用可以发挥一些经济方法,如成本效益分析,以帮助医疗的东西来决定治疗采用的一种慢性疾病如血友病。来自摩洛哥的数据聚集来解释这种方法的重要性。你们;/ p> 显示一个€œSyndrome挛缩和Deformitiesa€教授汉斯茂。症状、诊断、治疗:对父母的建议 03/10/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1012.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>在小孩运动装置的发展,青年和,mdash;如果没有治愈,mdash;在成人中扮演两个因素。首先是与小障碍的大脑,mdash;在儿科骨科部门经常我们看到孩子最小的大脑功能紊乱的症状(MBD)。第二个是与不对称在解剖学和运动器械的功能,“综合症挛缩和Deformities&”,被教授汉斯茂(T& uuml;宾根,德国)。第二个问题是本文的主题。你们;/ p> 所谓的特发性脊柱侧凸€“毁容畸形儿童,成年人疼痛问题。生物力学信息病因、分类及治疗 03/10/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1011.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>In the article presented the etiology of the so-called idiopathic scoliosis (Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis [AIS]), new classification, there are given rules of therapy and causal prophylaxis. This knowledge is based on observations from 1984, but essentially from the years 1995 &ndash; 2007. In 2001 it was given the first description in classification &ndash; &ldquo;S&rdquo; scoliosis in 1st group / type and &ldquo;C&rdquo; and &ldquo;S&rdquo; scoliosis in 2nd A / B group and types, in 2004 &ldquo;I&rdquo; scoliosis in 3rd group / type.</p> 案例教育提高居民和学生学习和教师教学的在临床设置 02/05/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1010.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Current pediatric residents spend less time in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and as a result, resident exposure to neonatal pathophysiology has decreased. Engaging learners efficiently while balancing clinical demands is challenging. Practices to enhance adult education include integration of problem centered learning into the demands of daily life in an environment in which learners feel safe asking questions and expressing themselves.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> With this principal in mind, we developed a curriculum to enhance resident and medical student education during busy NICU rotations. The curriculum was case-based, available on-line and facilitated by neonatology faculty and fellows. A template designed to be concise and interactive was used to create and present the cases. After the case vignette, the template prompted medical students and residents to generate a differential diagnosis, order a diagnostic workup and narrow the diagnosis. Discussion of the diagnoses occurred at the conclusion of the cases; however, the template discouraged didactic lectures.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> In two years, cases were viewed 2,362 times. Facilitators and learners rated the quality and utility of the cases favorably overall. Cases took approximately 20 minutes to complete. Approximately 57% of survey respondents reviewed 1-2 cases per week and 9.6% reviewed 3-5 cases per week.</p> <p><strong>Discussion:</strong> A template with a concise and consistent format to construct and present cases allows for the creation of a curriculum that can be incorporated into a clinically demanding service and may enhance clinical teaching and learner engagement.</p> Aripiprazole-induced在儿童自闭症谱系障碍和癫痫发作 01/31/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1009.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> Children with autism spectrum disorder are at an increased risk for developing seizures, which can be triggered by classical antipsychotics. Aripiprazole is an atypical antipsychotic that has a safer drug profile. The objective is to present the experience with seizure control in autistic children who are placed on Aripiprazole.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> Series of consecutive autistic children with comorbid epilepsy treated with Aripiprazole were identified prospectively over a 3-year period. Monthly follow up by one pediatric neurologist was performed to document seizure control.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> 56 autistic children with comorbid epilepsy were placed on Aripiprazole. Most children (59%) were seizure free for at least 6 months. The initial Aripiprazole dose was 5 mg in all patients. Follow up ranged between 5-8 months (mean 6.9). A total of 5 (9%) children developed seizure provocation (3/5) or worsening seizure control (2/5). There were 3 males and 2 females with ages ranging between 6-11.5 years (mean 8.5). Three of these children had a previous history of seizure worsening with other antipsychotic drugs (respiridone in 2 and haloperidol in 1). One child with seizure provocation developed status epilepticus 5 days after introducing Aripiprazole that required intensive care admission. The drug was stopped in all 5 children with no long-term effects.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Seizure provocation or worsening seizure control is not uncommon following the introduction of Aripiprazole in autistic children with controlled epilepsy. Although the risk is low, parents should be warned and advised on what to do, particularly in the first month of therapy.</p> 当前儿童癌症幸存者在南非长期随访实践 01/29/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1008.php & lt; h2> Summary< / h2><p><strong>Background:</strong> The number of childhood cancer survivors (CCSs) is increasing due to improved survival. Most suffer at least one treatment-related late effect, even decades after treatment, thus lifelong long-term follow-up (LTFU) care is a necessity. Currently no standardized LTFU programme for CCSs exists in South Africa.</p> <p><strong>Study purpose:</strong> This study investigated current LTFU care of CCSs in South Africa.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> A survey was conducted amongst 31 South African paediatric oncologists using the SurveyMonkeyTM online tool. Information obtained included: training/experience, LTFU practices, late effects knowledge and opinion regarding the importance of a standardized LTFU programme.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The response rate was 74% (23/31). Respondents had an average of 9 years&rsquo; experience. All (22/23; 96%) regarded LTFU as important. Only half (12/23; 52%) discussed late effects at diagnosis. Infertility and second malignancy risks were discussed by a third. Less than half (48%) used LTFU guidelines; the majority (9/11; 82%) adjusted them to the local context. Most survivors were followed by a paediatric oncologist (17/23; 74%).</p> <p>About half of respondents (47.8%) shared LTFU with colleagues in private practice (50%), secondary (66.7%) or primary care facilities (25%). Almost half of respondents (10/23; 43.5%) regarded their late effects knowledge and LTFU experience as good, 8/23 (34.8%) as adequate and 3/23 (13%) as inadequate. All agreed that a national LTFU programme would be very important (87%) or important (13%). Almost half of the respondents (48%) understood what a Survivorship Passport was.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> It is essential to develop a national standardized LTFU programme for CCSs in South Africa to ensure appropriate care for all survivors.</p> Branchio Oculo面部综合症 11/29/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1007.php & lt; h2>临床Image< / h2>& lt; p>三个女孩提出两国唇裂手术咨询房间不完整。一个女孩重4205 g,出生在term&,怀孕后一个平淡无奇的出生体重2500克。没有家族病史。检查、先天性、线性、红斑的皮肤异常的左侧脖子上突出了眼部异常(斜视和眼睛是广泛的间隔)和广泛的鼻子扁平的小费。其他系统的检查是不起眼的。前面的这些不同的异常转炉协会被怀疑,但没有分子诊断。孩子正确的唇裂手术受益tennisson过程具有良好的术后结果。;/ p> 血糖状态及其在新生儿败血症的影响——一个前瞻性研究在三级保健医院在尼泊尔 09/27/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1006.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Sepsis is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among neonates. Neonatal sepsis can alter the glucose level and both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia may occur. A high or low blood glucose level may have a significant effect on the outcomes in patients of neonatal sepsis.</p> <p><strong>Aims:</strong> The aim of the study to see the glycaemic status and its effect on outcome of neonatal sepsis.</p> <p><strong>Material and Methods:</strong> This hospital based prospective observational cross-sectional study was conducted in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Universal College of Medical Sciences, a tertiary care hospital over a period of 4 months, from May 2019 to August 2019. A total of 220 Neonates suspected sepsis under the age of 28 days admitted in NICU, were studied and included in our study. Clinically suspected neonatal sepsis cases were enrolled in the study. Venous blood was collected before giving any intravenous fluid, dextrose or antibiotics and blood sugar, complete blood counts, CRP levels and blood culture were send to laboratory within half hour of collection. All patients included in this study were treated accordingly and followed up strictly. Blood glucose level and mortality of neonates having hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia were analyzed among CRP and culture positive patients. Quantitative data were expressed as mean and standard deviation. Qualitative data were expressed as frequency and percentage and comparison carried by Chi-square (&chi;2) test.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> A total of 220 patients clinically diagnosed as neonatal sepsis were studied. 118 (53.6%) patients were found CRP positive and 56 (25.5%) patients were blood culture positive. Glycaemic status was analyzed among CRP and culture positive patients. Majority (55.9%) patients were found normoglycemic, 35.5% were found hypoglycemic and 8.6% were found hyperglycaemic in this study. 182 (82.73%) patients were cured and 38 (17.27%) died. Mortality was high in hypoglycaemic patients (34.4%) compared with normoglycaemic patients (9.82%), but the difference was not statistically significant (p &gt; 0.05) between two groups, the mortality was high in hyperglycaemic patients (58.33%) compared with normoglycaemic patients (9.82%) and the difference was statistically significant (p &lt; 0.05) between two groups.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Alteration of glycaemic status occurred in septic newborn. Mortality is higher among the septic newborn with hyperglycemia. The present study found that majority of neonate with sepsis had high mortality rate when blood glucose level were either more than 145 mg/dl or less than 45 mg/dl. This signifies the importance of meticulous blood glucose estimation in cases of neonatal sepsis to improve mortality outcome.</p> 什么一个母亲消耗吗?饮食的人类学勘探实践中Churachandpur(曼尼普尔)孕妇和婴儿出生体重的影响 09/03/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1005.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Background:</strong> Nutritional status of expectant women is an important indicator of healthy pregnancy and an ideal birth weight of the infant. The present study is an attempt to understand food eating practices and related taboos among the Paite women and whether or how these practices influence weight gain among infants during their first year of life.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> The longitudinal study was conducted for a period of 16 months between November 2010 and February 2012) among 186 Paite mother-infant pairs. Women who had completed 37 to 42 weeks of pregnancy were included. Infant&rsquo;s weights were measured using standard technique and information on mothers&rsquo; food related practices was recorded during the house visit using a structured schedule. Standard statistical methods were used for description and analysis.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> A peculiar practice, &lsquo;pica&rsquo; was observed among a few women. A number of food taboos were found to be followed by the &lsquo;Paite&rsquo; women during course of their pregnancy.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> No significant difference was noticed in the mean weight of babies from birth through the age of 1 year between mothers practicing and not practicing food taboos. However, it was found that the mean weight of the babies throughout the study period was comparatively higher among non-taboo mothers. It could be suggested that women must be counseled during their antenatal and postnatal visits to the maternity clinics and hospitals about dietary practices and their anticipated impact on health of the newborns.</p> 儿童的患病率ESBL尿路感染 08/08/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1004.php <h2>Background</h2> <p>Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the extremely popular causes of febrile illness in children, demanding antimicrobial therapy [1]. Overall, 8% of females and 2% of males, experience at least one incident of UTI by seven years of age, and recurrence takes place in up to 30% during a year [2].</p> <p>Escherichia Coli has been known as the commonest causative organism of the majority of urinary tract infections in children with prevalence ranging from 80-90% [3]. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) are enzymes produced by Gram-Negative Bacilli (GNB), accountable for fighting against penicillin, cephalosporin and aztreonam [4].</p> 严重的小儿Transaldolase不足:病例报告 07/24/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1003.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> Transaldolase TALDO缺乏是一种罕见的常染色体隐性疾病的磷酸戊糖途径。它与贫穷的结果变量的演讲在生命早期当礼物。我们给一个年轻的沙特婴儿致命的早期表现TALD缺乏灵活;/ p> 增殖腺扁桃体切除术的影响在儿科患者健康相关的生活质量 09/25/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1002.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>确定增殖腺扁桃体切除术的影响在健康相关的生活质量(HRQoL) children&,年代前后手术。;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>研究设计:& lt; / strong>前瞻性观察,之前和之后的审判。142名儿童被包括在研究接受接受腺样扁桃体切除术。父母是填补前和术后问卷定制的扁桃体和腺样健康状况仪器(TAHSI)和HR-QoL(健康相关的生活质量)形式,一天手术前和手术后6个月分别和结果列表和分析。;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>设置:& lt; / strong>三级小儿耳鼻喉科实践。;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>结果:& lt; / strong> Out of the 142 children in the study, 80 were male and 62 were female. Male to Female ratio is 1.3:1. Age group 1-4 years had the highest number of patients while the age group 9-12 had the least. Preoperatively the Mean score of the domain for Sleep disturbances, Physical Symptoms, Emotional distress, Daytime functions, and Caregiver concern was 14.1, 15.83, 6.89, 7.54, and 13.78 respectively. After 6 months of the surgery, the score decreased to 4.65, 4.22, 4.32, 3.1 and 4.2 respectively. This shows a significant improvement in the symptom complex and the quality of the life.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Adenotonsillectomy definitely leads to an improvement in the HRQoL in children as the majority of parents were extremely satisfied with the surgical outcome. Almost all of the parents reported a decrease in Sleep disturbances, Physical Symptoms, Emotional distress, Daytime functions, and Caregiver concern.</p> 先天性汞中毒后孕产妇肠外管理 08/30/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/japch/japch-aid1001.php <p>This is the case of a full-term baby girl, born to a mother with a history of parenteral inorganic mercury administration. Thirteen years prior, this mother injected 1mL of inorganic mercury in her right forearm, was subsequently hospitalized, but never received chelation treatment. Her first trimester blood and urine mercury concentration were found to be elevated at 28&mu;g/L (normal &lt;10&mu;g/L) and 162 &mu;g/L (normal &lt;20&mu;g/L) respectively. Her chest x-ray also revealed multiple small punctate metallic densities within the lower lung fields. The remainder of the prenatal course was uneventful. The baby was born at 40 weeks of gestation via uncomplicated caesarian section, and on day of life 3, blood mercury concentrations were found to be 20&mu;g/L (normal &lt;20&mu;g/L). The baby, however, remained asymptomatic throughout her hospital stay and on outpatient follow up. She is now two years old. Mercury poisoning in the pediatric population remains a concern, and knowledge of exposure and health effects continues to be relevant as newer uses and modes of exposure are discovered. This case report illustrates a rare perinatal exposure scenario, and, while the mother and child were essentially asymptomatic, the case serves to raise awareness of the many ways in which fetuses, infants, and children may still be exposed to the harmful effects of mercury. This case underscores the need for careful environmental history taking in pregnancy, after birth, and ideally in the pre-conception period as well.</p>