兽医科学见解 //m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr Heighpubs开放获金博宝app体育取期刊上 en - us 以臭氧处理向日葵油的功效作为犬广义蠕形螨病的治疗 03/18/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1030.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>背景:以臭氧处理的杀螨作用葵花籽油(OSO)已经证明在不同临床情况下不同的动物物种,如psoroptic兔子和猪sarcoptic疥疮和最近在demodesic山羊。;/ p>& lt; p>目标:本研究评估的有效性OSO作为广义治疗蠕形螨病兽疥癣的狗。;/ p>& lt; p>动物:20不同品种的狗,六个月和一年的年龄之间的广义demodicosic管理,参加兽医诊所,宝贝,Jos&餐厅;Luis Callejas&”;古巴哈瓦那,2015年,被包括在研究。;/ p>& lt; p>方法:蠕形螨病的诊断是根据临床历史,mite&,年代存在深刮和临床症状。所有病例有接受常规治疗之前没有解决方案。OSO治疗局部应用每日,每12小时,剃须后所有受影响的地区。监测临床体征、螨指望缩放、瘙痒和毛细管再生(7、14、28 56和84天)进行灵活;/ p> <p>Results: The results showed a significant reduction of mite counts, clinical signs and pruritus since the 7th day of application. The animals recovered the fur on more than 90% of the body surface. All the animals (100%) recovered from generalized demodesic mange in 84 days of treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion: The effectiveness and safety of OSO as election treatment of generalized demodicosis mange in dogs was demonstrated.</p> 比较Osteometric当地一些选定的骨骼的研究国内土耳其和珍珠鸡 03/17/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1029.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>研究总截面的兽医解剖学实验室的准备和比较一些当地国内土耳其和珍珠鸡骷髅骨头。样本购买、牺牲、羽毛和多余的肉被移除,使用水产生骨头煮。过程的持续时间被记录。比较生物统计学研究一些选定的骨头(肩胛、喙突furcular和tibiotarsus)和骨头安装使用木架,铜线,粘合胶,目的是加强禽流感教学。基于研究的过程。建议使用塑料材料在生产骨骼模型,以避免恶化的骨头的兽医解剖学教学灵活;/ p> 养猪实践,贫穷的少数民族人民在孟加拉国 01/15/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1028.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>We interviewed 207 pig raisers from seven different districts of Bangladesh to explore their practices related to their pig farming. We used structured questionnaires to interview the pig raisers and used descriptive statistics for analysis. Most of the pig raisers (54%) were illiterate. 50% (104) of them had a monthly income of less than 10000 BDT and 60% (124) were landless. Most of the pig raisers (92%, 191) were rearing local breed and 67% of them were practicing semi-scavenging system. As feed source 55% (114) pig owners used kitchen waste and 54% (111) used rice husk. The pig raisers mentioned different types of challenges such as social problem (16%), disease (50%), less profitable (20%) and unavailability of feed (19%). In our study, we found that 31% respondents visited veterinarians, 28% visited quack and 21% do not take any action when their pigs were sick. Only 16% pig raisers used vaccines against different infectious diseases and 36% used anthelmintics against parasitic diseases. Awareness buildup of the pig raisers may help them raising pigs in a better way which will improve the farming system and reduce the probability of disease transmission.</p> 描述分离的沙门氏菌种虫害在韩国小海龟和人类 12/11/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1027.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>In 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that small, pet turtles had caused multistate Salmonella outbreaks in the United States, from where small turtles were subsequently exported into the Republic of Korea. We investigated cases of salmonellosis in South Korea associated with domestic small turtles and analysed genetic characteristics of Salmonella isolates in commercially-available small turtles. We traced six Salmonella serovars, known to have caused human infection in the United States (S. Sandiego, S. Pomona, S. Poona,<br /> S. Newport, S. I 4,(5),12:i:-, and S. Typhimurium), in isolates from suspected Salmonella infection cases in Korea from 2006 to 2015. Additionally, we conducted a pilot study of isolates from small turtles being sold in Korean markets, and performed molecular genetic analysis on the identified strains. S. Pomona was identified in one Salmonella infection case, while all strains isolated from small turtles belonged to either subspecies I (S. enterica, n = 10, 71.4%) or subspecies IIIb (S. diarizonae, n = 4, 28.6%). Two serovars (S. Pomona and S. Sandiego) that were highly associated with turtle-to-human transmission were identified with 100% homology to human isolates. Previous to this study, turtle-associated human S. Pomona infections were not well reported in Korea. We report Salmonella infection in small turtles in Korea, and confirm that small turtles should be considered the first infectious agent in S. Pomona infections. We therefore suggest quarantine measures for importing small turtles be enhanced in Korea.</p> 胃肠道间质肿瘤的复发性疝痛的阿拉伯马太监报告情况 11/02/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1026.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Background: A Grey 12-year-old Arabian endurance horse gelding was referred to the SHS Veterinary Center for anorexia, mild colic of 5 days duration, and melena of 1 day duration. The owner reported recurring colic, 12 episodes of mild colic in the previous year.</p> <p>Methods: On admission, vital signs were within normal limits and body condition score was estimated to be 3/9.</p> <p>Results: Packed cell volume (PCV) was 28% [reference range (RR): 31% to 47%] and plasma total protein was 58 g/L (RR: 60 to 80 g/L). Hematochezia was observed. Abdominal ultrasound examination detected no abnormalities. Over the next 12 h, the horse experienced hematochezia and several mild episodes of colic and death. A necropsy was performed. A mass arising from the right dorsal ascending colon near the base of the cecum and extending transmurally from the colonic mucosa into the mesocolon was a 8 cm &times; 5 cm &times; 8 cm firm, homogenous, tan mass. The portion of the mass that extended into the colonic lumen was pedunculated, with an ulcerated surface. The adjacent segments of colon were markedly reddened and edematous. Histologically, the mass was comprised of large interweaving sheets of small, spindle cells with ill-defined cell borders embedded in abundant myxomatous matrix. Tumor cells contained scant eosinophilic cytoplasm and oval to elongate nuclei with finely stippled chromatin and inconspicuous nucleoli. Mitotic figures were rare (1/10) high power fields. Tumor infiltrated between the muscularis interna and the muscularis externa at the myenteric plexi.</p> <p>Conclusion: Gross and histologic appearance, were consistent with a diagnosis of gastrointestinal stromal tumor.</p> 兽医疫苗研发:螺旋项目 08/28/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1025.php & lt; h2> Summary< / h2>& lt; p>疫苗生产过程模糊公众和之旅,在一些度,与设置。通过清晰地显示了冗长的、挑战的旅途的疫苗开发过程,从而表明使用不当的经济和健康影响的疫苗,这篇论文试图添加关注预防感染。从基础开始,动物疫苗的类型和需求。本文的结论与当前研究和监管、动荡频仍的话题。你们;/ p> 出生年,结果类型、性别、季节和羊群Kajli羊的出生体重特征 08/10/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1024.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>The liaison of birth weight to neonatal and mature vigor is especially given important if have the acquaintance of factors distressing in birth weight. Unbiased Best linear prediction of breeding values was estimated from pedigree birth weight records of 13715 Kajli sheep of livestock Experiment Station Khizerabad born 1994 to 2010, and Livestock Experimental Station, Khushab. Data records were statistically analyzed by means of using computer programmed Mixed Model Harvey&rsquo;s Least Squares and Maximum Likelihood. An animal model was used for heritability estimation following Maximum Likelihood procedure. Estimates of birth weight heritability in Kajli sheep were 0.05 &plusmn; 0.019. The estimated breeding values of both forms for males, females, and sire were calculated with significant variation. Both farms data were analyzed by using an animal model program. The squares mean slightest for weight at birth (kg), remained 4.13 &plusmn; 0.01 kg. In addition, birth of the year, the birth of type, flock and sex significantly affects the (p &lt; 0.001) trait of birth weight. The domino effect of the current study has rational implications not only for sheep husbandry nevertheless as well as for amplified acquaintance of parameters which drastically persuade deviation of weight in birth as weight in birth has become itself noteworthy forecaster of anon fitness outcomes. These results showed the decreasing genetic and static phenotypic at birth weight. It is likely that there are complex interactions between genetics and environmental factors of parental, placental and fetal origin. Birth weight is highly influenced trait by maternal nutrition, genes, care, management, climate, seasonal variation and type of birth.</p> 评估单双边Intratesticular注入非手术杀菌溴棕三甲铵的成年男性白化病老鼠 07/27/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1023.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Nonsurgical fertility control is increasingly advocated as more cost-effective than surgical sterilization to manage stray animal populations in a different part of the world. An experimental study was conducted from December 2018 to April 2019 at Mekelle University to evaluate the effect of single bilateral intratesticular injection of cetrimide 2% in adult albino mice. A total of 20 clinically healthy albino mice selected based on their age and sex and were divided randomly into five groups and evaluation was conducted for 30 days after intratesticular injection of cetrimide solution 2% at the dose rate of 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg per testis and for control 0.1 mL normal saline per testis per 100 g body weight were given. All albino mice were evaluated for 30 days at a fixed interval. Change in body weight, scrotal width, sexual behavior, and fertility performance was also assessed. On day 30, all albino mice were sacrificed for histopathological study. Means &plusmn; Standard deviation of the mean, one-way, and a mixed model ANOVA (for repeated measures) was used to summarize the data, determine the effects of group and time on bodyweight and scrotal width. The significant increase in body weight (p - 0.001) and significant reduction of scrotal width (p - 0.001) were noted in all cetrimide treated in comparison to control groups. In addition, there was a significant (p &lt; 0.05) reduction of scrotal width in albino mice after intratesticular injection of cetrimide on day 1, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 with respect to their experimental groups. Testicular histology revealed that there were multinucleated giant cells in seminiferous tubules, derangement of tubular architecture along with infiltration of leucocytes and appearance of fibrous tissue were seen on testicular sections at a dose rate of 15 and 20 mg. Similarly, a significant change in the sexual behavior of the treated males and no pregnancy was detected on female albino mice after 21 days post-coital at 10, 15, or 20 mg cetrimide-treated males. In conclusion, a single bilateral intratesticular injection of cetrimide 2% at a dose of 15 and 20 mg might provide an effective way of sterilization and may be considered as an alternative to surgical castration in male animals. Besides, further assessment should be done in the future to identify the mechanism of infertility</p> 回顾COVID-19流感大流行的影响对生活世界的动物和乳制品加工业 05/22/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1022.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>This review was conducted for the objective of assessing causes of COVID-19 pandemic impacts on life animals and dairy product processing industry of the world. Since its outbreak in Wuhan town of China, the newly emerged strains of corona virus COVID-19 causes incredible crisis both on life animal and its product especially dairy industry of the globe. During the outbreak of the virus, majority of the world people were stayed home to prevent the spread of the diseases. At that time, the wildlife found in the zoo were exposed to diseases and missed human attention, global wildlife trade was spotlighted and wildlife was running&hellip; wild. For the reason of COVID-19 pandemic, many schools and restaurants which received dairy product from dairy producers and cooperatives were shutdown. Due to schools and restaurant shutter, milk supply chain was disrupted. For this moment milk demand and supply was decreased, huge volume of milk was dumped, mode of milk trade was changed, market and farm prices was fluctuated, import- export route was interrupted and Farm workforce absenteeism were some of the challenges cases dairy industry crisis. Trade law modification, provision of financial assistance for dairy industry and farmers, and expansion of export route were the measures taken by concerned bodies to save dairy industry from corona virus crisis. Therefore, COVID-19 pandemic is the disaster diseases which causes social and economic crisis on dairy producers of the world. So, to save wildlife and dairy industry from corona virus crisis, global solidarity prevention is mandatory.</p> 体外抗菌活性的黑加仑油洗发水洗头和洗必泰4%基于细菌菌株分离犬脓皮病:比较研究 04/14/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1021.php & lt; h2> Summary< / h2><p>Over the last few years, antimicrobial shampoo therapy has been increasingly used to treat skin infections in order to reduce systemic use of antibiotics. This study was aimed to compare the in vitro bactericidal effect of a black currant oil based shampoo (S1) to a chlorhexidine 4% shampoo (S2) against methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MSSP), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP), Staphylococcus aureus (SA), Escherichia coli (EC) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) isolates.</p> <p>A collection of 50 bacterial strains from skin swabs of dogs with superficial recurrent pyoderma was selected: 10 MSSP, 10 MRSP, 10 SA, 10 EC and 10 PA. The two shampoos were blindly tested in duplicate with a microdilution plate method, with scalar concentrations from 1:2 to 1: 256. The MBC was performed for each dilution. A linear regression was used to detect a statistically significance between the two shampoos.</p> <p>All isolates were completely killed at 1:2 up to 1:16 dilution of the two antiseptic products. At the 1:32 dilution the first bacterial growths were observed, in particular for 2 and 4 strains of MRSP by S1 and S2 respectively. The first lethal dilution for SA was at 1:64 for S1/S2 and only for S2 against SP. No significant difference was observed between the two shampoos according to the results of linear regression significant for: i) MRSP, PA and EC (p &lt; 0.05); ii) MSSP and SA (p &lt; 0.1).</p> <p>This study showed that both black currant oil based shampoo and chlorhexidine 4% shampoo have a similar in vitro bactericidal activity.</p> 奶牛producersa€™知觉在发情同步和大规模人工授精服务Waliso和Ilu地区南西结23:23 Oromia区,埃塞俄比亚 03/05/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1020.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>The study was conducted in Ilu and Waliso districs of South West Shoa Zone to investigate the perception of dairy cattle producers on oestrus synchronization and mass artificial insemination services. A total of 122 respondents (38 from Ilu and 84 from Waliso districts) owning at least one lactating cow and participated in synchronization program were randomly selected and interviewed individually by using semi- structured questionnaire. Both primary and secondary data were used to generate reliable information on the intended topic. All collected data were analyzed using SPSS statistical package version 20 and the output was presented by descriptive statistics such as percentage and mean values in inform of graphs. Most of the respondents (67.15%) indicated that their satisfaction level towards synchronization and mass artificial insemination was low. Only few of them reported being satisfied as (medium-13.45%, good - 12.35% and very good - 7.05%). This might be because of shortage of feed, silent heat, poor performance of the inseminator and low awareness of farmers on the technology. From the study it was also noted that the overall percentage (26.22%) of calving rate to oestrus synchronization and mass artificial insemination was low. This might be due to heat detection problem (36%); A.I technician efficiency (29.25%), absence of A.I technician (23.9%) and distance of A.I center (10.25%). Therefore, the skill and knowledge based training should be given for both the farmers and implementers to enhance perception and adoption of the technology.</p> 解剖学变化发展的红色索科山羊胃 03/04/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1019.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>This study is aimed at investigating the age related changes in postnatal development of red Sokoto goat stomach. In this study, a total of ten red Sokoto goat digestive tract samples were used and they were grouped into five (5) age categories (group A to E). The goat ages were estimated using dentition eruption and wearing. The stomach was identified and separated from the other part of digestive tract. The gross study revealed that the stomach was composed of four (4) segments that named; rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum with anatomical demarcations between them. The biometric study of weight, length, width, thickness, and volume was found to be increasing with advancement in postnatal ages with the following valves shows the mean value of weight, length, width, thickness and volume were to be 29 to 58.0 (g), 23.5, to 52.1 (cm), 15.4 to 29.0 (cm), 0.48 to 1.0 (mm) and102 to 432 (cm3) from group A to group E respectively. Based on the above findings it was suggested that more research should be conducted using histological techniques and electron microscopy in order to finalize on the findings.</p> 常见的生殖问题与一个驼背的骆驼(Camelus dromedarius)在西非 03/03/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1018.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>生殖骆驼的问题并不像牛,广泛调查了山羊的和绵羊的物种。有需要阐明的问题详细为了克服生产和基因倍增的问题。在这些问题上收集的信息主要是从质疑骆驼的主人,屠宰场材料和非常有限的临床和农业观测。你们;/ p> 气化作为补充治疗呼吸道感染的狗 10/04/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1017.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Respiratory tract infections in dogs pose a significant problem and often require prolonged treatment. The effectiveness of pharmacological therapy can be improved through the administration of nebulized compounds to liquidize mucus and promote its evacuation from the respiratory tract. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of nebulized 0.9% NaCl in dogs with respiratory tract infections. Respiratory functions were assessed based on the results of arterial blood gas analyses, and the patients&rsquo; clinical status was determined by evaluating the severity of symptoms on a point grading scale. Inhalation of nebulized 0.9% NaCl significantly accelerated improvement in the patents&rsquo; clinical status (normalization of body temperature, decreased cough frequency, decrease/elimination of nasal and ocular discharge, improved appetite) and improved pulmonary gas exchange by reducing partial pressure and total content of carbon dioxide and increasing partial pressure and total content of oxygen in blood.</p> 患病率和季节性变化的鸡蛋胃肠道线虫寄生虫小农农场在莫桑比克的山羊 07/23/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1016.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>A survey was carried out to determine the prevalence and seasonal variations of eggs of gastrointestinal nematodes in goats in four provinces of Mozambique, from November 2016 to October 2017 in Tete and Cabo Delgado, and from November 2016 to October 2018 in Maputo and Gaza. In each province, flocks were selected from both lowlands, located within the valleys of the rivers, and uplands which are located outside the valleys. Faecal samples were collected at monthly intervals to monitor faecal egg counts fluctuations. The modified McMaster technique was used for quantitative analysis of nematode eggs and for detecting cestode eggs in faecal samples. The sedimentation technique for detecting trematode eggs in faecal samples was used. A total of 2 703 samples were examined for nematode eggs and 2 587 for trematode eggs. Faecal examination indicated that between 18% and 100% of goats sampled were infected with gastro-intestinal nematodes. The prevalence varied according to the season of the year and the ecological conditions. The highest prevalence and worm egg counts were recorded at about the peak of the rainy season. Strongyloides papillosus, Calicophoron spp., Fasciola spp. and Schistosoma mattheei eggs were also found. Moniezia expansa and Moniezia benedeni eggs were found in all the four study areas but its prevalence was low and irregular. Based on the results of this study, which showed a clear seasonal pattern, strategic anthelmintic medications to effectively control helminth infections in goats in the different ecological zones of Mozambique are suggested.</p> 野生动物的分析对法国道德和法律 05/09/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1015.php <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>Before discussing the crux of the matter, it is important to understand what &ldquo;wild&rdquo; signifies and the characteristics that define a wild animal.</p> <p>As contrasted to domesticated animals, a wild animal can be defined as an animal living freely in his natural habitat, independently of Man. These animals are only exposed to variations in the biological equilibrium, to the imperatives of their genetic program and live in a habitat that gives them the possibility of expressing it themselves.</p> <p>However, this definition is very narrow as there exist a number of species of wild animals that don&rsquo;t live freely in their natural habitat. These animals are constrained by Man, who by creating a relationship of dependence, controls them and in turn becomes responsible for their sustenance. In such a situation, their habitat is no more their natural habitat but than which has been imposed on them by Man; such animals are said to be &ldquo;held in captivity&rdquo; or even &ldquo;tamed&rdquo;.</p> 用逆转录-聚合酶链反应的微分检测犬瘟热病毒在智利的两个血统 03/04/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1014.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Worldwide, Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) infection is a highly prevalent disease with high morbidity and mortality. CDV causes a multisystemic disease in a wide range of hosts including 9 families of mammals among them some primates, cetaceans and numerous carnivores. It presents a high tropism for lymphoid, neurological and epithelial tissue, leading to an infection of almost all systems, so the clinical signs observed are very varied. The diagnosis is made based on the clinical presentation of the disease, which considers a variety of signs and must be confirmed by a laboratory diagnostic method. The molecular technique called Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) has been used to characterize viral strains based on the basis of genetic differences on the hemagglutinin (H) gene of CDV has allowed the identification of 14 circulating lineages in the world. Two lineages, namely the America-1 and the Europe-1/South America-1 have been described in Chile. The goal of this work was to implement a multiplex RT-PCR protocol, which was built on the in silico design of primers based on the H gene nucleotide sequences stored in the Genbank&reg; database. This method was capable of detecting the previously described two circulating genetic lineages of CDV in a differential way providing a supporting diagnostic tool for epidemiological studies in the country. These results suggest that the primers described here are extremely selective for the above-mentioned lineages. In addition, our initial screening indicated that most analyzed clinical samples corresponded to the America-1 lineage, stressing the need for a continuous surveillance in order to properly address the prevalence of both lineages in Chile.</p> 人畜共患兰伯氏贾第虫和控制贾第虫病的潜力 02/07/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1013.php <h2>Opinion</h2> <p>Giardia is the most common pathogenic intestinal flagellate protozoan in the world. The most studied species is Giardia lamblia (syn. Giardia intestinalis, Giardia duodenalis) that infects mammals, including humans.About the other seven species the scientific literature is very scarce and little is known about its characteristics and epidemiological importance. The exception is Giardia muris species that is frequently used in experimental infection to attempt to understand the parasite-host interaction in G. lamblia infection [1].</p> <p>The classification of G. lamblia has been made based on the host of origin and morphomolecular characteristics [2,3]. The first divisions in G. lamblia assemblages were performed according to the host specificity from which the isolate originated [4]. This subdivision was corroborated in analyzes of intrinsic characteristics of the parasite, such as antigenic factors, isoenzymes, but mainly through DNA analysis that allows to reaffirm the heterogeneity of G. lamblia [4,5]. Eight assemblages are known, distributed with denominations A to H. Assemblages A and B are potentially zoonotic, as they infect humans and other mammalian hosts, including non-human primates, canids, felines, rabbits, beavers, muskrats, mustelids, rodents, marsupials, wild ruminants and livestock animals. Assemblages C to H are still considered host-specific. Assemblages C and D have already been described in canids; assemblage E was isolated from hoofed animals, as horses, swine, cattle; assemblage F, specific for felines; Assemblage G is found exclusively in mice and rats; Assemblage H was described from pinnipeds feces [1,5].</p> 犬瘟热病毒位于Hemaglutinine基因检测目标逆转录酶聚合酶链反应 12/27/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1012.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Canine Distemper have become a major concern within the veterinary clinical work. Thus, the appearance of many cases of canine distemper in adult animals with their vaccination plan up to date has alarmed veterinarians. Many cases of canine distemper have become a major concern within the clinical veterinary task. The purpose of this work was to detect the gene of hemagglutinin of the virus canine distemper, by using the Polymerase Chain Reaction associated with Reverse transcription (RT-PCR), as confirmation of the clinical diagnosis of disease. For this, peripheral blood samples of animals were used clinically patients and were grouped according to their date of extraction and using vaccines commercial as control.</p> <p>The results allow to demonstrate a high sensitivity of the technique, besides allowing the use of samples up to seven days of storage at 4&deg;C, despite the fragility of RNA viral.</p> <p>Detection of canine distemper virus haemagglutinin gene in field samples and its high sensitivity, suggests studying its use as a diagnostic tool complementary to the clinical diagnosis of canine distemper in our country.</p> 回顾立体定向和Neuronavigation脑活检方法的狗 11/01/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1011.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Objective:</strong> To perform a review of brain biopsies in the canine species and determine if it is possible to compare the stereotactic and neuronavigation results.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> A search was performed in NCBI&rsquo;s PubMed database for stereotactic or neuronavigational canine brain biopsy publications and articles which met at least one of the inclusion criteria and not any of the exclusion criteria were selected. The inclusion criteria were: 1) assessment of the specificity of the biopsy, 2) assessment of system accuracy, 3) assessment of the biopsy results, and 4) duration of the procedure.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Only one article met all the inclusion criteria. Eleven articles that partially met the criteria were used for comparison. Authors used different stereotaxic methods and two used neuronavigation equipment. The authors of the stereotactic studies either adapted devices from human medicine or developed their own devices; the level of accuracy was variable (errors of 0.0 mm to 5.1 mm), and the two articles that used animals with spontaneous lesions had a diagnostic specificity rate higher than 90 percent. The accuracy of the neuronavigation studies was approximately 3.3 mm; however, no live animals were used.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:</strong> It was not possible to properly compare stereotactic and neuronavigation techniques. To do so, the methodologies and the assessed parameters need to be standardized.</p> 在澳大利亚兽医科学有未来吗? 10/19/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1010.php <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>Although the veterinary art has been practiced since antiquity, the modern era began in the 18th century with the establishment of the discipline of &ldquo;Veterinary Science&rdquo; at universities. In the 19th century, veterinary education began in Australia with Kendall&rsquo;s private veterinary school in 1888 [1].In 1909, a Veterinary Faculty was established at the University of Melbourne and Kendall&rsquo;s school was incorporated into it. In 1910, a second faculty was established at the University of Sydney and in 1936, a third was established at the University of Queensland [2-4]. A fourth school was established at Murdoch University in Western Australia (WA) in 1974 [5].</p> <p>In the first decade of the 21st century, three new veterinary schools were established; one at Charles Sturt University (2005), a second at James Cook University (2006) and the third at the University of Adelaide (2008). Australia now has more veterinary schools per capita of any Western Nation [6-8]. In Australia, veterinary science graduates serve in private practice, government service, academia and industry. Those in practice serve the animal-owning public and charge a fee-for-services rendered, whilst the others serve the purpose of the institution employing them and receive a salary for doing so.</p> 未能提供一个有效的兽医服务在澳大利亚绵羊 09/03/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1009.php <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>Sheep are not native to Australia and were originally imported; 44 sheep were among the animals transported from Great Britain to the penal colony established on the east coast of Terra Australis in January 1788 http://firstfleetfelowshp.org.au.</p> <p>The Australian Merino&hellip;comprised one of the greatest creative expressions of domestic animal species by and for mankind&hellip;one of the greatest contributions to the world economy [1].</p> <p>These original sheep were for human provisions and consisted of fat-tailed native sheep from the Cape of Good Hope, but the primary source of sheep for the first three or four decades of Australia&rsquo;s history were from Bengal, the closest British colony to Australia.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The following brief account of the history of wool in Australia is taken from &ldquo;The Australian Merino&rdquo; which began;</p> 牲畜保险工具来减少经济损失的农民从气候变化相关的危害 07/23/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1008.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>气候变化带来的极端事件(如干旱、滑坡、洪水和预期更多的约束来盈利的畜牧生产的畜牧业造成巨大的经济损失。牲畜死亡和破坏的农场和农业基础设施造成巨大的损失,这样的小型牲畜持有者非常可敬的气候灾害。为了应对这些不确定的气候危害牲畜保险是最好的策略。本研究表明,不同的气候灾害经验丰富的牲畜Kaski持有者,尼泊尔Dolakha和Jhapa区,62%的被调查者已经观察到的气候的变化。总数的受访者认为大约47%的农民保险Kaski地区牲畜,Dolakha地区Jhapa的33%和20%。旁边的疫苗接种、驱虫药、管理和牲畜饲养动物的人保险资产由于气候模式的不确定性及其后果,这表明牲畜保险的一个工具来缓解气候变化和气候相关灾害在尼泊尔畜牧业。你们;/ p> 影响carazolol在羊electrocadiographic和微量元素状态 04/09/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1007.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> Carazolol是一个非特异性和β;-adrenargic reseptor阻断剂。catecholamins±s结构类似,在这一点上,当管理,形成可逆的债券,β,肾上腺素能,然而,引起肾上腺素的作用,它能抑制catecholamins的行动在度假的时候,土星的网站操作。这项研究的目的是调查carazolol在某些血清酶的影响,微量元素和心血管状态的羊。七个羊(6个月,35岁,plusmn;10公斤)被用于这项研究。Carazolol由肌注剂量为0.01毫克/公斤。血清尿素、creatinin ALT, AST, G-GT, LDH, t .蛋白质、钙、磷、镁、铜、铁、锌、硒。尽管所有血清酶并没有表现出任何差异,血清铁和锌含量降低。重要结果心电描记法(T波异常和ST段萧条)。;/ p> <p>These results suggest that carazolol may increase incidence rate of myocardiyal ischemia risk in sheeps and it investigated by new researches.</p> 维生素E对性格的影响动力学Florfenicol单个和多个口服后政府的肉鸡 12/12/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1006.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Investigation the influences of vitamin (vit) E over a period of 5 days on the pharmacokinetics of florfenicol after single and multiple oral administrations in broiler chickens. Total of 12 broiler chickens had been taken single and multiple oral administrations of florfenicol (30 mg/kg) alone or pre-treated with vit E (2 mg/kg). The serum concentrations of florfenicol were determined using microbiological assay with Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 25922) as a tested microorganism. The mean serum concentrations of florfenicol alone were markedly lower when compared with florfenicol pre-treated with vit E after single and multiple dosing. The peak serum concentrations (Cmax) were 5.9&plusmn;0.46, 7.48&plusmn;0.3 ug/ml, absorption half-life (t0.5ab) of 0.51&plusmn;0.06, 0.71&plusmn;0.1 h and elimination half-life (t0.5el) of 2.72&plusmn;0.34, 3.34&plusmn;0.5 after single florfenicol alone and florfenicol pre-treated with vit E respectively. While, after multiple dosing, (Cmax) were 7.4&plusmn;0.3, 8.04&plusmn;0.3 ug/ml, (t0.5ab) 0.82&plusmn;0.04, 0.81&plusmn;0.04 h and (t0.5 el) 3.77&plusmn;0.2, 4.52&plusmn;0.7 h after multiple dosing of florfenicol alone and florfenicol pre-treated with vit E respectively. In conclusion Vit E alter the disposition kinetics of florfenicol after single and multiple oral administrations as, vit E allows prolongation of the duration of action for more 24 and 48 h of the drug concentration in the serum indicated by prolonged elimination half-lives and MRT reflecting the importance of this combination for the drug duration in serum but the increase in the serum concentration of florfenicol increasing its efficacy not toxicity as florfenicol of wide safety margin so, it&rsquo;s advisable for poultry farms owners to use this combinations.</p> 眼部表面玫瑰红染色在正常狗和狗与角膜结膜炎新铸的卢比:初步fi扩散连接 10/30/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1005.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Dry eye or keratoconjunctivitis sicca, is commonly seen in the dog. Veterinary ophthalmologists diagnose this aqueous tear deficiency using the Schirmer tear test (STT), but this measures tear production and does not indicate ocular surface pathology. The vital dye Rose Bengal is commonly used in the diagnosis of dry eye in human patients but until now has not been reported in veterinary patients. Here we corelate the degree of Rose Bengal staining with the STT value and find a reasonable association between dye staining of the ocular surface and tear production, although clearly other factors are also important in the genesis of ocular surface damage in dry eye.</p> 功效说明11%的新建和0.05%洗必泰Otological解决方案相比,治疗microbialotic增生:随机单盲法研究 10/04/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1004.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Background:&nbsp;</strong>Topical therapy with antimicrobial agents is used in otitis treatment. Due to increase of antibiotic resistance, new strategies are needed. Antiseptics are used but they may induce contact dermatitis. Natural antimicrobial peptides may represent future effective drugs.</p> <p><strong>Objectives:&nbsp;</strong>The objectives were to test the efficacy of an 11% lactoferricin otological solution (LCF) in bacterial and yeasts otic overgrowth and compare LCF with a commercial one containing chlorhexidine (CLX) 0.05%.</p> <p><strong>Materials and methods:&nbsp;</strong>Forty-one dogs diagnosed with bacterial or yeasts otitis overgrowths were included according to general good practice. They were randomly assigned to lactoferricin or chlorhexidine group for treatment. Otological solution were applied twice a day for a week and then daily for another week. Clinical and cytological score was assessed at day 1 and day 14. At the end of the study, the owners had to express an opinion on the overall efficacy of the products. Statistical analyses were performed using Wilkoxon&rsquo;s test and T test for paired samples. Results in lesional and cytological score were significative with a p&lt;0.05.</p> <p><strong>Results:&nbsp;</strong>Forty dogs completed the study. All cases, receiving lactoferricin or chlorhexidine, were successfully treated with clinical signs remission and regression of infection (p&lt;0.05). The owners&rsquo; judgment was good in 87%, mild in 13% for LCF group. For CLX they scored good in 41%, mild in 24% and unuseful in 35% of cases.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions:&nbsp;</strong>Lactoferricin, an antimicrobial natural peptide, showed the same efficacy of chlorhexidine in the treatment of otitis characterized by bacterial or/and yeast overgrowth.</p> Mechanism-related产生畸形的、激素Modulant兽医和农业表面活性剂和其他毒性的影响 09/18/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1003.php & lt; h2> Summary< / h2><p>Veterinary and agricultural surfactants are supposed to be inert additives, yet these substances commonly exert biological side-effects, in given cases synergistic with those of the active ingredients of these preparations. This is explicitly seen in altered toxicity of veterinary or pesticide formulations compared to their active ingredients alone. Neither the individual effects of these excipients, nor such combination effects are well-studied in toxicology, and therefore, possible toxicity consequences are occasionally not being considered at sufficient significance in the authorization, use and control of these substances. Risk assessment of these substances should cover all hazards they may represent, and corresponding levels of exposure. Surfactants used in veterinary and pesticide formulation enter the environment either by direct dispersion or by indirect release through excrement, leaching, sewage waters or sludge, and in turn, create potential exposure to a number of non-target organisms. Biochemical and (eco)toxicological hazards recently identified regarding certain agricultural surfactants include cytotoxicity (on cell lines of epithelial, neural and other tissues, as well as stem cells and tumor cells), endocrine disrupting effects, as well as aquatic ecotoxicity. This Mini Review summarizes toxicological effects identified in our studies in aquatic toxicity tests, in cell viability and cytotoxicity tests, in estrogenic activity assays, correlated with biochemical analysis of the surfactants and their decomposition. The conclusions are hoped to facilitate environmentally precautious revision of surfactants widely used in agriculture.</p> 调查焦lestoquardi感染绵羊和山羊在尼亚拉,南达尔富尔州,苏丹 09/06/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1002.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>本研究是在尼亚拉进行的,南达尔富尔州,苏丹在2015年August-September研究seroprevalence羊和山羊的theileriosis识别的蜱虫污染绵羊和山羊。为此,共150个样本(蜱虫,血涂片和血清)收集从羊(n = 61)和山羊(n = 89)不同的年龄组,品种和性别。三个年龄组包括:不到一岁,一至两岁和超过两岁。两个诊断技术被使用,血液涂片,间接荧光抗体试验(IFAT)。150样品,9例(6%)阳性焦种虫害piroplasms在血涂片,和81年(54%)焦lestoquardi抗体阳性。61只羊,3个(4.9%)呈阳性焦种虫害piroplasms,和25例(41%)阳性t lestoquardi抗体。89只山羊,6个(6.7%)呈阳性焦种虫害piroplasms,和56例(62.9%)阳性t lestoquardi抗体。t . lestoquardi患病率最高的被记录在绵羊和山羊两岁以上。两个属4种蜱虫出没的绵羊和山羊。 These included Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi, R. s. sanguineus, Amblyomma variegatum and A. lepidum. The study concluded that the malignant ovine theileriosis is endemic in Nyala town.</p> 探索的新医学应用常用兽药(tilmicosin抗生素) 08/31/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hvsr/ivs-aid1001.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Tilmicosin (TMC) is a semi synthetic macrolide antibiotic of tylosin derivatives commonly used by veterinaries, has been shown to reveal beneficial pharmacological activities. In the current study, the potential wound healing activity, Anti-oxidant effect (ulcer and hepatoprotective) were investigated. Anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic (central and peripheral), hypnotic and antispasmodic activity were also screened. This study included adult both sexes of rats (200-250 gm), mice (20-25 gm) and adult rabbits. Experimental wound was induced on the anterior-dorsal side of each rat whereas, ulcer induced by ethanol causing mucosal damage in rats. The oral anti-inflammatory induced through formalin producing edema, antipyretic (Brewer&rsquo;s yeast induced hyperthermia) and analgesic (writhing test, hot plate method, tail immersion method) while hypnotic effects induced through thiopental sodium. Anti-spasmodic effect on isolated organs (intestinal and uterine muscles) using new method of Modular Single Chamber Organ Bath were carried out on experimental animals. Tilmicosin antibiotic at different two doses of 20 and 40 mg/kg b.wt., has an important role in treatment of ulcer (cytoprotective effect) and improvement the wound healing processes besides anti-inflammatory, analgesics, and anti-pyretic effects. Tilmicosin revealed also hypnotic and intestinal anti-spasmodic effects but showed Pharmacovigilence hepatotoxic effect through the histopathological studies which revealed sever hepatic damage especially at larger dose.</p>