档案科学和治疗癌症 //m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr Heighpubs开放获金博宝app体育取期刊上 en - us 为什么?这是我每天都问自己这个问题,每一小时,每一秒…… 03/22/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1024.php & lt; p>它是穿透我灵魂深处的飞镖,每次我亲眼看到如何癌症的发病率增长近年来。你们;/ p> 预后意义的肿瘤大小(CTS)在宫颈癌(CC) IIb阶段和希望:我们应该做什么与FIGO分期系统和治疗策略? 03/17/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1023.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Cervical cancer constitutes an issue in public health, becoming the leading cause of death by cancer in women between 20-40 years of age in Latin America. In Argentina 5000 new cases are diagnosed each year, where more than 56% are in advanced stages. The aim of the present current opinion or critical review article is to remark the importance of the prognostic significance of the Central Tumor Size in stages IIB and IIIB cervical cancer, as well as to propose a new FIGO Staging System for Cervical cancer and trying to find out a role for the different therapeutic strategies for those cases.</p> 独自一人面对逆境 03/03/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1022.php & lt; p>从我的桌子上我可以看风吹或马跑。行医在农村环境中有这些优点:有时你可以花时间去欣赏美围绕你的马拉松工作日内必须暂停,休息可以帮助使你的头脑清醒的偏见与不可避免的任务,继续等待几分钟后,我们唯一可以订购我们的思想灵活;/ p> 反COVID-19豁免权作为评估开发的以社区为基础的肿瘤中心 10/07/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1021.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Introduction: Serology (antibody) tests for the SARS-CoV-2 have been proposed as an instrument to inform health authorities about immunization during the COVID-19 pandemic. As there is a significant part of the population that may have some degree of immunity, it is of great interest to communicate the immunization results obtained in the first 500 healthcare workers (HCW), patients and relatives tested in a community-based Oncological Center.</p> <p>Materials and methods: Between April 9th, 2020 and May 8th, 2020, a group of healthcare workers (HCW), their families, and general public who had had the COVID-19 or had been in close contact with confirmed cases of COVID-19 were screened for IgG SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. The tests were carried out in a rigorous manner, strictly following the guidelines approved by the Spanish Ministry of Health (Ministerio de Sanidad).</p> <p>Results: The major objective of this study was to determine the proportion of asymptomatic infected individuals and those who had already secreted IgG against SARS-CoV-2 in our cancer treatment center or in the community of Barcelona. Patients were tested with PCR, Rapid diagnostic test (RDT) or enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA). A total of 521 participants were tested, 206 with RDT and 315 with ELISA, 59 (11,32%) resulted positive to SARS-CoV-2.</p> <p>Conclusion: RDT and ELISA proved to be effective and sensible enough to determine the extent of SARS-CoV-2 immunization in a community-based oncological center. The degree of immunization reached is nowadays far away from what can be considered desirable for a herd immunization.</p> 在年轻女性阴道胚胎性横纹肌肉瘤:病例报告和文献综述 05/25/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1020.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Rhabdomyosarcomas are the most common soft tissue tumors of childhood. They are characterized by their poor prognosis. Vaginal location is very rare after puberty and exceptional in the post menopause. Treatment is based on several therapeutic measures combining neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery and/or external beam radiation therapy. We report herein the case of a 25 years-old woman, presented with vaginal embryonal RMS revealed by metrorrhagia and pelvic pain. The diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy and histopathological study.&nbsp; Pre-treatment workup was negative for metastatic disease. She has received chemotherapy based on vincristine, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide. The clinical evolution was marked by improvement of symptoms, unfortunately the patient died following febrile neutropenia after the third cycle of chemotherapy.</p> 3 d软件重建规划机器人协助根除性肾脏切除手术三世caval血栓与水平 04/30/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1019.php & lt; p>下腔静脉(IVC)参与肿瘤是罕见的管腔内的延伸,在4%到10%的患者发生肾细胞癌(RCC) [1 - 5]。基于头血栓的延伸,梅奥[6]描述了分类的下腔静脉血栓4类别,影响手术的复杂性,估计失血(EBL)和peri-operative并发症,但不是癌症特异性生存[2、7]。;/ p> 一个€œMaximum保护激进Prostatectomya€:肿瘤、功能和其他当代方面Retzius爱惜机器人辅助根治性前列腺切除术 04/30/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1018.php & lt; p>前列腺癌(PCa)的外科治疗作为其初始里程碑第一前列腺切除术,由第三世年轻的约翰霍普金斯医院,1904年[1],但是,这个过程只有1982年之后达到一个基本的角色,基于一个更好的理解和描述的男性盆腔解剖,沃尔什[2 - 6]和其他(7 - 11)。;/ p> 电凝法与抹油2%利多卡因凝胶微创部分切除后止血操作:实验和初步临床结果 04/29/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1017.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>Experimental phase: Performed a partial nephrectomy off clamp in pig model followed by cauterization of lidocaine gel 2% with different power (control, 30W, 50W and 100W) in the kidney resection bed to evaluate efficacy and deep injury extension.</p> <p><strong>Clinical phase:</strong> 20 patients submitted to laparoscopic or partial nephrectomy for low risk RENAL score were utilized greased lidocaine gel 2% with 50W in cautery scalpel to hemostasis of renal parenchima to validate efficacy and safety.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Experimental study shows that this technique is effective and promote better hemostasis with 50W and 100W, with deep injury of less than 3 mm.</p> <p>Clinical study confirm efficacy, good control of hemorrage, few complications and no transfusion. Minimal changes in hematocrit, haemoglobin and creatinine were observed.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> In this preliminary experience the use of this new alternative to hemostasis for low risk partial nephrectomy was satisfactory and with good intra and postoperative results.<br /> The best advantages were safety in terms of the depth thermal injury, low cost and absence of artifacts over the resection area observed at CT scan postoperatively.</p> 微创股薄肌换位:初步报告 04/23/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1016.php & lt; p> Rectourethral瘘(RUF)是一种剥离前列腺癌治疗后的并发症。革命联合战线根治性前列腺切除术后发生率约为0.5%到2%,[1,2]。放疗criotherapy和高强度聚焦超声是其他更严重的原因[3,4]。;/ p> 肿瘤病人的姑息治疗方法要点€” 03/31/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1015.php & lt; h2>亲爱的Editor< / h2>& lt; p>据世界卫生组织的定义,姑息治疗是一个方法旨在提高患者及其家属的生活质量,解决身体、心理和精神需求和治疗条件,如疼痛而他们就威胁生命的疾病[1]。姑息治疗服务已经开始快速发展在发达国家,如北欧国家,英国和加拿大1990年年初以来,[2]。;/ p> 蔬菜能降低患癌症的风险 03/19/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1014.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>本研究旨在调查和识别葱属蔬菜的摄入量之间的关系和结直肠癌(CRC)的人口。基于一个hospitala€匹配casea€控制研究在三家医院2009年6月至2011年11月。八百三十三年连续招募了833例CRC频率匹配控制按年龄差异(2.5年),性别,和居住区域(城市/农村)。人口和饮食信息收集通过facea€toa€面对采访用食物频率问卷进行验证。调整优势比(aor)和95%置信区间(CIs)估计利用非条件logistic回归。;/ p> 结直肠癌的回顾性研究发罗拉,Albania-suggestions进一步影响 02/25/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1013.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Objective:</strong> Colorectal cancer is one of the most commonly occurring cancers in men and women worldwide as well as one of the most common causes of death from cancer. It has a higher prevalence in men than women. The treatment of colorectal cancer (surgically or through chemotherapy) severely affects both patients and their families. The objective of the study was to identify cases of colorectal cancer, evaluate their demographic and clinical data, and identify any statistical relationship.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> This is a retrospective study. The data were collected through the revision of cancer patients&rsquo; files in the Chemotherapy Center at Vlore Regional Hospital, Vlore, Albania. The analysis included files from 2015-March 2019. A total of 72 patients&rsquo; files with colorectal cancer were analyzed.</p> <p><strong>Result:</strong> Mean age of patients 66.36 &plusmn; SD10.99 years old, range 38-86. Most of the patients were male (n = 45) and with colon cancer type (n = 44). 19 patients had treatment with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. 56.34% of patients with colorectal cancer are still alive. The results of the study are the same as the global trend in terms of age, gender, type of cancer but not in terms of years of survival, which appear lower.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study suggests that in demographic terms patients with colorectal cancer have no difference from world trend. There was also a marked lack of documentation regarding the clinical data of patients. The complete and accurate documentation of cases with colorectal cancer is recommended to develop quality models of nursing care as well as to design effective promotional and preventive campaigns for colorectal cancer.</p> 洗必泰与口腔癌:一个简短的回顾 02/18/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1012.php & lt; p>由于西方化的生活方式在印度这样的发展中国家,口腔癌患者的升级需要紧急行动计划。烟草是最常见的导致口腔癌的因果关系,全球成人烟草调查,2016 - 17显示整个人口的近28%的印度烟或无烟烟草消费形式。与这些越来越多,预计死亡人数将会联系1 - 2百万马克在2035年[1]。;/ p> 乳腺癌肝转移的危险因素 12/11/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1011.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Objective:</strong> The liver is the second most common site of distant metastases from breast cancer. We investigated the risk factor liver metastasis in patients with breast cancer.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> We studied Age, Menopausal status, Histologic Type, Tumor size, Number of cancerous axillary lymph nodes, in two groups with liver metastases with logistic regression to identify independent liver metastasis risk factors in breast cancer patients.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Age, menopausal status, number of cancerous axillary lymph nodes and tumor size are the independent risk factors liver metastases in patients with breast cancer.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The increase number of cancerous axillary lymph nodes and tumor size may be diagnostic markers for liver metastases from breast cancer.</p> 不同的优化策略的最优控制肿瘤的生长 12/10/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1010.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>在本文中,介绍了不同的数值方法求解最优控制问题,本文的目的是为了实现最好的精度最优控制问题((OCP)最小化的目标大小的肿瘤细胞的治疗。被认为是一个重要方面,最优浓度的药物不会影响patient&健康显著。研究肿瘤生长的行为,一个数学模型是用来模拟肿瘤的动态行为,因为很难原型动态行为的肿瘤。有四个组件的肿瘤免疫模型,即肿瘤细胞,活跃的细胞毒性t细胞(ctl),辅助t细胞,使用化疗药物。两个大类的最优控制方法间接和直接的方法解决基于非线性规划和内点算法进行了比较。内直接最优控制技术,我们复习三个不同的解决方案技术即(i)多个射击方法,(2)梯形直接搭配法,(3)隐士——Simpson&,年代搭配方法和间接方法我们回顾Pontryagin&内,年代极大值原理与配置方法和向前向后扫描方法。结果表明,直接方法取得了更好的控制比间接方法灵活;/ p> Stercoral穿孔:一种罕见的案例和评审 10/28/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1009.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>We present a 54-year-old male with abdominal pain, Vomiting and weight loss since 5 months. Perforation was noted at recto-sigmoid junction and underwent Hartman&rsquo;s procedure with end colostomy. Histology of sigmoid colon confirmed a Stercoral perforation without any evidence of dysplasia or malignancy. Patient had chemotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of epiglottis a year ago and was on codeine phosphate and Oromorph as and when required since his treatment for SCC for pain. Patient also had been suffering from constipation since he finished chemotherapy. Stercoral perforation always need to kept in mind in patients who present with constipation and need to take all patients who present with chronic constipation and initiate measures we encounter commonly in everyday practice. We present a brief review about Stercoral perforation and its management.</p> 结果慢性淋巴白血病化疗治疗的黑人非洲:CA´te的经验达€™象牙色 09/27/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1008.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Background: </strong>The treatment of chronic lymphoid leukemia currently uses news drugs which are more expensive in our countries. Its why, the results of chemotherapy remains a challenge in our sector.</p> <p><strong>Aims: </strong>To evaluate the place of polychemotherapy in the treatment of chronic lymphoid leukemia in black Africa.</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>It was a prospective, descriptive, analytic and non-comparative study, concerning the records of patients with chronic lymphoid leukemia treated and followed at the department of clinical hematology in Abidjan.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>We included 56 patients. The average age was 62 years with extremes of 38 and 84 years. The sex ratio was 0.8 in favor of female. The clinical signs noted a tumor syndrome among which splenomegaly, classified stage III (46, 43%) and adenopathy (64, 29%). Biologically, we observed a blood lymphocytosis (50%), an anemia (39.29%) and a thrombocytopenia (62.50%). The majority of patients were classified stage A of BINET (51.79%). The COP protocol (44.64%) and the monochemotherapy with chlorambucil (39.29%) were the most used. The therapeutic response of polychemotherapy was low (12.5%) compared to 35, 71% for monochemotherapy (p = 0.0001) with overall survival significantly better in monochemotherapy. The outcome of patients used polychemotherapy were more adverse that of patients used chlorambucil alone (p = 0,003). The overall probability of survival at 12 months was 90, 9% for patients who used monochemotherapy and 63, 4% for polychemotherapy.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Polychemotherapy in chronic lymphoid leukemia of black African has an adverse therapeutic response hence the interest of using new therapeutic possibilities.</p> 生存在乳腺癌的危险因素 08/21/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1007.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Background: </strong>In this study, we aimed to investigate the role of prognostic factors on breast cancer survival in Iran.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> This study was carried out using data from 500 participants with breast cancer. Data were gathered from medical records of patients referring to four breast cancer research centers in Esfahan, Iran, between 1990 &ndash; 2000. Age at diagnosis (year), size of tumor, Involve lymph nodes, tumor grade, and family history and married were the prognosis factors considered in this study. A Cox model was used.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>The median follow-up period was 29.71 months with the interquartile range of 19-61 months. During the follow-up period, 57 (10%) patients died from breast. The Cox model showed that number of lymph nodes involved, and the tumor size and grade tumor are the prognostic factors survival in breast cancer.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study, confirmed the importance of early diagnosis of cancer before the involvement of lymph nodes and timely treatment could lead to longer life and increased quality of life for patients.</p> 第五个€œdarka€力量彻底改变我们对宇宙的理解 07/29/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1006.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>For something that&rsquo;s literally as old as the universe, dark matter doesn&rsquo;t get much attention outside scientific circles. Maybe that&rsquo;s because, other than a short-lived SyFy series and a late-period Randy Newman album, this nebulous star stuff has had a tough time breaking the pop-culture barrier. But the truth is that today, dark matter has never mattered more. Our own Milky Way is embedded in a massive cloud of it, we&rsquo;re looking for its interactions deep inside the earth, and there are whole galaxies without it. So what is dark matter, anyway? Why can&rsquo;t scientists get enough of the stuff, even though they can&rsquo;t actually find it? What deep, dark secrets does it hold? And could it ultimately shape the future of life as we know it?</p> Insilico调查TNFSF10信号级联的卵巢浆液性囊腺癌 07/02/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1005.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>卵巢浆液性囊腺癌妇科癌共享大量的死亡。它有各种数量的分子事件从开始到发展和在推进阶段,手术是这样的分子信号的最终产品。我们评估在这项研究整个机械的观点TNFSF10网络理想的凋亡导致身份。我们使用新鲜insilico策略揭示的秘密和inter-links蛋白质相互作用复杂。我们从字符串检索TNFSF10信号网络数据库(www.string-db.org)。网络包含了25 152节点和边缘集群表示。检索后,我们进行基因富集和鉴定分析网络从WebGestalt工具包(www.webgestalt.com)。最后,我们检查了整个网络参与卵巢癌进展从cBioPortal,癌症基因组数据门户网站(www.cbioportal.org)。我们的研究结果表明,大多数情况下的损失函数的死亡受体(DR4和DR5)凋亡信号的主要发起单位。 Most of downstream signaling members showed amplification that regulates cell proliferative pathways including NFkB pathway. TNFSF10 cluster has loss of function and in future it gain attention for further research studies to discover its interactome level view for valuable therapy. FAS cluster has large number of members and majority showed amplification rendering them as co-targets for combinational drug designing.</p> Endogenus毒理学:现代physio-pathological方面和关系新的治疗策略。综合学科整合的概念从不同研究学科如生物化学、药理学和毒理学 01/14/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1004.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Many pathologic disease can be considered as related to an Endogenous toxicological moves and in time dependent way (kinetics and dynamic of the process). In this work starting from the analysis of relevant literature involved with different disease and related to the endogenous local micro- environment some global conclusion useful as new tools for innovative pharmacological strategies will be submitted to the researcher. Physiology, pathology concept linked to the endogenous toxicological local micro-environment status as new research instruments. The same carcinogenesis process can be related also to endogenous agents that may have a major contribution in spontaneously process. (Reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are involved in multiple cellular processes by physiologically transporting signal as a second messenger or pathologically oxidizing DNA, lipids, and proteins).</p> 预测Candidemia感染及其相关的成人和儿童癌症患者的死亡率的风险:一项回顾性研究在拉合尔,旁遮普,巴基斯坦 05/18/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1003.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目标:& lt; / strong>随着癌症患者由于candidemia过早死亡的风险。因此,本研究旨在评估candidemia连同它的预测结果在成人和儿科住院癌症患者。你们;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>回顾性研究癌症三级保健医院在拉合尔,巴基斯坦。医疗记录的数据收集的所有患者发现阳性念珠菌属物种在2017年1月1日和2017年6月31日之间。数据分析通过使用社会科学统计软件包(IBM SPSS统计为Windows, 21.0版。纽约阿蒙克:IBM公司)和Microsoft Excel (MS Office 2010)。; / p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>结果:& lt; / strong> Overall, 135 patients were detected with candidemia. Based on blood culture test results, it was found that out of 100 cultures positive for any microorganism there were 2 cases of candidemia. Multivariate analysis revealed that hematological malignancies (AOR: 2.1), and shock (AOR: 9.1) were significantly associated with high risk of mortalities during the index hospitalization, while risk of mortality among cancer patients suffering from Candida albican infection (AOR: 0.47) and those who were administered with antifungal agent after sensitivity report of the fungal culture (AOR: 0.2) was significantly less. Also, there was no significant association of empiric therapy of antifungal agent with the risk of mortality before a positive culture found (p&gt;0.05).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Although, no risk factor was found to be associated significantly with candidemia among cancer patients. But hematological malignancies, non-albican candidemia and shock were predictors of higher risk mortality during index hospitalization.</p> 核医学开展:一个独特的概念 02/22/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hjcsr/acst-aid1001.php & lt; h2> Editorial< / h2>& lt; p>核医学是现代医疗保健不可或缺的一部分。使用放射性核素标记的生物分子,评估他们的分布在人体SPECT或宠物系统,提供纵向套体积和定量图像,可用于诊断各种疾病和/或评估特定治疗反应疾病[1]。;/ p>& lt; p>核医学疗法,也称为radio-metabolic之前,在于取代引用诊断与替代核素放射性核素发出,宝贝,curative&”,类型的辐射,如β-或阿尔法粒子[2]。;/ p>& lt; p>最终的当代γ核素发射的利用还允许scintigraphic调查后的执行管理,用于监测radio-pharmaceutical在体内的分布,使大部分时间的预测估计剂量收到目标管理活动相比[3]。;/ p>& lt; p>,, & lt; / p>& lt; p>最终的当代γ核素发射的利用还允许scintigraphic调查后的执行管理,用于监测radio-pharmaceutical在体内的分布,使大部分时间的预测估计剂量收到目标管理活动相比[3]。;/ p>& lt; p>,, & lt; / p>