食品和营养科学的档案 // Heighpubs开放获金博宝app体育取期刊上 en - us 病例报告:电化学阻抗谱作为细胞计数室Al-ternative酿酒酵母(酿酒酵母)的应用程序 04/26/2021// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Advanced technologies, such as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), are a valuable tool which can enhance and simplify the industrial process monitoring if used correctly. State-of-the-art approaches for screening the cell growth of for example yeast during the brewing process still heavily rely on offline methods such as methylene blue or florescence dye-based staining, and/or the usage of flow cytometric measurements. These methods, while being accurate, are very time consuming and require heavy manual effort. Furthermore, the time span needed to obtain the counting result can lead to a time-delayed response signal and can impact the quality of the final product. In recent studies, applications of low-frequency EIS in the &alpha;-regime were used for the determination of cell counts and the metabolic state in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This method has proven to be a reliable tool which has also shown high potential in industrial scale applications. The online biomass monitoring, as well as viable cell count, for feasibility study was performed in-house at Stiegl Brewery in Salzburg/Austria founded in 1492.</p> 轻度至中度缺碘在怀孕:一个有争议的问题 03/12/2021// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>During the last few decades painstaking efforts have been made to eliminate iodine deficiency through the world. Nowadays in regions where dietary iodine intake is adequate or borderline, the main focus is increasing dietary iodine supply in the target population during pregnancy and the first years of life. Severe iodine deficiency during pregnancy increases the risk of irreversible brain damage, intellectual disability, neurologic abnormalities, stunted growth, increased pregnancy loss, infant mortality, impairments in child development and cretinism. The potential effects of mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency are debated. Results from animal studies and observational human studies indicate that maternal mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency disturbs thyroid function in pregnancy and it also may affects fetal neurodevelopment. The effect of supplementation of iodine on thyroid function of pregnant women and their newborn, neurodevelopment of infants and cognitive performance of children have been investigated using iodine nutrition in pregnancy, based on median urinary iodine concentration. However they have found conflicting results regarding the benefits or harms of iodine supplementation in pregnancy. Although many epidemiological, interventional and clinical studies have supported the association between thyroid function in pregnant women and later psychomotor and mental development of their children, the effect of iodine supplementation in pregnant women on neurodevelopment of children is inconclusive. Even in areas with well-established universal salt iodization program, pregnancy could be at risk of having iodine deficiency and despite WHO/ICCIDD/UNICEF recommendation which believe that dietary iodine fortification during pregnancy depends primarily on the extent of pre-existing iodine deprivation, systematic dietary fortification needs to be implemented in this vulnerable group. However, iodine supplementation of mildly iodine deficient pregnant women may not have beneficial effects in their thyroid function or neurodevelopment of their children.</p> 患饮食失调的风险通过身体形象的误解和坏饮食习惯采用的样本的年轻排球运动员 03/08/2021// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Objective: This preliminary study focused on the description of some dysfunctional perceptions of the body image and eating habits in a sample of young.</p> <p>Methods: The results obtained by 55 amateur and professional volleyball players belonging to volleyball sports clubs located in the province of Reggio Emilia were examined. The age of the sample is in a range between 11 and 44 years. The participants completed the Pisa Survey for Eating Disorders (PSED), a questionnaire aimed at examining eating behavior and the perception of one&rsquo;s body image. The athletes&rsquo; height and body weight were subsequently detected through direct measurement.</p> <p>Conclusion: The data collected through the self-evaluation questionnaire and the measurements carried out by the study made it possible to analyze the perception of the body image and the eating habits of the volleyball players belonging to the sample and to compare them with the data in the literature. The data, albeit preliminary, allow us to confirm the existence of the discrepancy between the real body image and the desired one, in a group of young athletes, who favors the adoption of non-adaptive coping strategies to control one&rsquo;s own weight and body shapes typical of the vicious circle - strict diet, bingeing episodes, compensatory behaviors - which characterizes eating disorders (ED). It is therefore considered essential that body image assessment is a practice implemented in the assessment routine of these athletes, especially in consideration of the fact that body image disturbance is a very common feature in this category and is one of the main risk factors of EDs.</p> 甲状腺碘状态和参数的怀孕妇女生活在一个碘充足的地区 02/03/2021// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>During the last few decades painstaking efforts have been made to eliminate iodine deficiency throughout the world. Todays in regions where dietary iodine intake is adequate or borderline, the main focus is increasing dietary iodine supply in the target population during pregnancy and the first years of life.</p> <p>Objective: The aim of this study was to obtain longitudinal data on urinary iodine excretion and the changes of maternal thyroid parameters in two groups of healthy women with mild-to-moderate iodine deficiency and iodine sufficiency residing in an iodine replete area of Tehran capital city of IR Iran, for more than one decade.<br /> Research designs and methods: The present study is part of a cohort study, investigating the relative influences of iodine intake on thyroid size and function of mothers and their infants during and after pregnancy. A total of 500 pregnant women enrolled from two mother-child health care centers and was divided into group I, with median urinary iodine excretion (MUIE) &lt; 150 &micro;g/L, and group II with MUIE &ge; 150 &micro;g/L. Sonographic thyroid volume measurement, urinary iodine excretion and thyroid function tests were measured sequentially in all pregnant women during the three trimesters (T) of pregnancy.</p> <p>Results: The mean &plusmn; SD age of the participants was 25.1 &plusmn; 5.1 years. The MUIE in group I and II in the first, second and third trimester were 123 and 250 &micro;g/L, 127 and 166 &micro;g/L, 120 and 150 &micro;g/L, respectively. The MUIE in the third trimester of pregnancy in group I did not differ significantly from the values in the first and second trimesters (p = 0.67), but it did decline significantly in group II (p &lt; 0.001). The median thyroid volume of subjects, in the first, second and third trimesters were 7.8, 8.2 and 8.1 ml in group I and 7.5, 8.0 and 8.4 ml in group II, respectively. No difference in thyroid volume was found between two groups in each of the three trimesters of pregnancy (p &gt; 0.05). The mean (&plusmn; SD) TSH concentration of subjects in first, second and third trimester was 2.3(&plusmn; 2.6), 2.1(&plusmn; 1.8), 2.3(&plusmn; 1.7) mIU/L in group I and 2.1(&plusmn; 3.1), 2.1(&plusmn; 1.8) and 2.0(&plusmn; 1.3) mIU/L in group II, respectively. The trend of TSH rising in group I was 26.7% and in group II it was 13.3%. The mean TSH value in three trimesters did not differ significantly in either groups (p &gt; 0.05). The mean (&plusmn; SD) total T4 concentrations of subjects in first, second and third trimesters were 13.2(&plusmn; 3.4), 13.8(&plusmn; 3.3), 13.0(&plusmn; 2.9) &micro;g/dl in group I and 13.1(&plusmn; 3.2), 13.7(&plusmn; 2.9), 13.4(&plusmn; 3.2) &micro;g/dl in group II, respectively. The mean total T4 value in three trimesters did not differ significantly in either groups (p &gt; 0.05). There was no correlation between the thyroid volume and three observed parameters (UIE, total T4 and TSH) during the pregnancy in either groups.</p> <p>Conclusion: Even in areas with well-established universal salt iodization program, pregnancy could be a risk of having iodine deficiency and systematic dietary fortification needs to be implemented in this vulnerable group.</p> 姜粉补充对发酵的影响小米面粉一个€˜ibyera€™抗糖尿病和生化特性 12/29/2020// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>COVID-19 is a mucoso-respiratory highly contagious disease that has leaded to a tremendous globFermented millet flour (ibyer) is an indigenous non-alcoholic gruel made from cereals either (maize, sorghum and millet). It is prepared by cooking reconstituted cereal flour or wet milled paste with water .In this study, fermented millet flour supplemented with ginger powder blends were formulated in the ratio 100:0, 95:5, 90:10, 85:15, 80:20, 75:25 and 70:30 for the production of gruel. .The blends were subjected to feeding trial experiment using wistar albino rat. Results analysis revealed that Serum cholesterol was less than 200 mg/dl. The fasting blood glucose was also within the recommended range (67.7 - 125.0 mg/dl).The biochemical parameters were within recommended range, total serum protein ranged from 5.82-7.06 g/L, Alanine aminotransferase ranged from 28.53 to 41.13 iu/L, Aspartate aminotransferase ranged from 28.50 to 48.66 iu/L .The albino rats showed slight increase in body weight throughout the experimental period, ranging from 78.67 -103.80 g. The experiment shows that the diet did not have any adverse effect on the experimental animals and were within the recommended range hence a good anti diabetic blend and has excellent biochemical profile properties for homes use and applications.</p> 一个新的应用协议涉及COVID-19流行病的控制:一个€œOutdoor访问Approacha€改造的生活保证更好的通风 12/15/2020// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>COVID-19 is a mucoso-respiratory highly contagious disease that has leaded to a tremendous global pandemic wide spreading throughout nations of all continents with successive waves of high morbidities and mortalities. However, several independent vaccine production projects are working ahead for combatting the pandemic, but it is obvious they cannot create a sufficient umbrella that could protect billions of humans in a short term. Indeed, the current approved protocols including frequent cleaning of hands, social distancing and covering face mask are disappointing for their claimed capabilities to efficiently control of the pandemic. As they failed to highlight the critical determining role of air refreshing into indoors that 90 percent of infected people at least involved in enclosed spaces. Instead, Outdoor Access Approach (OAA) can be promising according veterinary medical successful experiences in control of air-borne contagious diseases as control of highly pathogenic avian influenza to become a global pandemic (One Health integration). Along with the above-mentioned protocols. Adaptation of all aspects of ordinary life activities in human societies to guarantee an efficient fresh air flow into enclosed spaces and prevention of the most dangerous air stagnation in them is the core stone of the OAA. This article discusses practical suggestions to attain such situation which can provide a kind of symbiosis with COVID-19` infection major threatening.</p> COVID-19锁定期间的饮食习惯和生活方式的改变:一个比较研究(隔离)之前和期间9 de Julio城市人口(布宜诺斯艾利斯,阿根廷) 11/16/2020// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> COVID-19扩散超出China&后,2020年代初边界,控制措施已经被采取在全球不同的国家。公民被迫呆在家里。具体地说,3月19日,阿根廷政府决定实施,“社会、预防和强制性isolation&”,战略,不幸的是对生活方式的影响,体育锻炼和营养方面的练习的人口。本研究的目的是分析饮食习惯和生活方式的改变在COVID-19锁定9 de Julio城市,Bs。作为。,阿根廷。使用谷歌的调查形式。调查问卷分为不同的部分:社会人口数据、饮食习惯、体力活动和相关概念和情感隔离。研究达到287反应与媒介社会经济水平。 During isolation, the frequency of purchases decreased. It was observed an increase in the consumption of pasta, bread and cakes. Concerning the physical activity, approximately 70% declared to train before the COVID-19 lockdown, decreased by 13% during the lockdown. Other activities conducted during the COVID-19 lockdown; the most mentioned were cleaning the house, cooking, watching television, series and movies. A percentage greater than 50% of the surveyed population associated the situation of lockdown with positive emotions (share with my family, stay at home); while only 24% associate it with negative emotions (anxiety, anguish, fear). It is expected that most habits will return to normal, however, it would be interesting to know which of those developed, adopted and implemented during lockdown will remain in the new normality.</p> 质量评价的高粱二色的茎鞘富含Spondias mombin提取 06/03/2020// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>高粱茎的营养成分sheath-Spondias mombin提取进行了评估。丰富茎鞘中提取得到的混合高粱茎鞘和Spondias mombin (iyeye)提取在100:0不同比例;0:100;95:5;挺和85:15。五个样本进行分析:直接,矿物质,维生素C, antinutrient组成。使用描述性和推论统计数据进行分析。结果表明,可观察到的增加在直接注意到,从5%维生素C和矿物成分包含Spondias mombin提取高粱茎鞘饮料中。anti-nutrient成分:丹宁酸、草酸和皂素,范围从(0.144,0.442,0.303,0.385,0.070,0.198)毫克/ 100毫升,分别对高粱茎鞘Spondias mombin提取可消费的安全范围内。 The study concluded that nutritious enriched drinks could be produced from sorghum stem sheath and Spondias mombin extract at ambient temperature.</p> 神秘的力量镁 05/29/2020// <p>Epsom salts was inadvertently discovered in Epson spring in England and used as magnesium salt in 1697. It is simply the magnesium sulphate, a commonly used ingredient in beauty and wellness kiosks for soothing joints, muscles and mind. Richard Martin Willstatter working on plant pigments begged a Nobel Prize in 1915 for his discovery of chlorophyll containing magnesium. The magnesium holds the centre position in chlorophyll in a manner as iron in hemoglobin. Chlorophyll plays the key role in transforming the Sunlight light energy into chemical energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate).</p> 生物活性成分的茶 03/10/2020// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Tea (Black tea and Green tea) are one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world. However, with the increasing interest in the health properties of tea and a significant rise in scientific investigation, this review covers some of the recent findings on the health benefits of both green and black tea. The mechanisms of action of various black and green tea components have been presented. Green tea contains a unique set of catechins that responsible for its biological activity potentially relevant to the prevention of diseases. Although there has been much focus on the biological property of the major tea catechins, black tea offers major health benefits either due to the presence of the catechins in epimerized form or some other active components of both varieties of tea. Characteristics unrelated to the antioxidant properties of green and black tea might also be responsible for their therapeutic potential in preventing diseases. Synergistic effect of the tea constituents is increasingly recognized as being potentially important to the medicinal benefits of black and green tea. The studies indicate that tea has the potential of being a part of diet for healthy living.</p> 营养分析Sphenostylis Stenocarpa部分包含在大豆种子在Heterobranchus Bidorsalis小鱼的饮食 12/27/2019// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Five experimental feeding trials were conducted to investigate the performance of Heterobranchus bidorsalis fingerlings to graded levels (0, 25, 50,75 and 100%) of Sphenostylis stenocarpa seed meal diets. Complete randomized design with triplicate groups of fingerlings was used for the study for ten weeks. The proximate, anti-nutritional factor and amino acid profile of the S. stenocarpa was analysed. The study showed that treatment C with 50% inclusion of Sphenostylis stenocarpa meal was significantly different (<em>p</em> &lt; 0.05) and performed best among other treatments in terms of the net weight gain, standard growth rate, and survival. The feed conversion ratio was best in treatment C but not significantly different (<em>p</em> &gt; 0.05) to other treatments.</p> 消费之间可能的联系的A1€œlikea€牛奶和1型糖尿病(近年来) 06/27/2019// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>在过去的三十年里,已经有一个有趣的辩论A1的摄入,而amp;”,牛奶和1型糖尿病的发病率(近年来)遗传易感性个体。流行病学、生态和病例对照研究具体的证据支持的假设进一步支持在小鼠和大鼠动物实验和体外试验细胞系。但另一方面,欧洲食品安全局称isn&, t足够的数据画出最后的建议在此阶段的矛盾的结果,缺乏因果关系和作为一个纯粹的启发性的证据[1]。然而,报告本身指出,这些研究是强大到足以制定一个具体的假设,需要进一步的研究来证实。保持视图发布数据的假设和反驳,建议进一步研究与设计良好的动物和体外试验需要完整的蛋白质和多肽完全证实的假设。,直到问题完全解决它;,年代个人风险的个人选择内转(遗传),要么删除A1,宝贝,amp;”,或增加A2,宝贝,amp;”,从他们的饮食。你们牛奶;/ p> 与乳腺癌有关的环境危险因素在加沙地带 01/14/2019// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>The study aimed to identify possible environmental risk factors for breast cancer among women in Gaza Strip and conducted in 2010. A case- control study design was used with face to face interviews by structured questionnaire with breast cancer patient women as well as healthy women. Statistical Package of Social Science (SPSS) was used to analyze the collected data. The study population was 288 women, 144 were women with breast cancer (cases) and 144 were healthy women (controls) with response rate 100% for cases as well as controls. The study was carried out in the two main hospitals in Gaza Strip (El-Shifa and European Gaza) and on cases who had a regular follow up in each hospital, while controls have been chosen from women who had no history of breast cancer by mammogram or by self-examination. In this study the main statistically significant risk factors were; marital status, educational status, physical trauma on breast, medication for infertility treatment, eating red meat 500g or more weekly, eating canned food, eating chicken skin, eating raw and cooked vegetables, using oils with saturated fats in cooking, living in or beside a farm, dealing with crops with naked hands, working in a farm during pesticides application or during 24 hours of pesticides application, cleaning pesticides&rsquo; equipment, living with people working in a farm or a agricultural field, and application of pesticides personally. In contrary, no statistically significant differences were found between cases and controls in relation to area of residency, exposure to X-ray in the past, having radiation therapy, getting contraceptive pills, using hair dyes, using anti-deodorant underarm, using facial cosmetics, using hair removal ointment, washing vegetables and fruits, buying and transporting pesticides, and wearing protective tools during pesticides mixing and application.</p> 柠檬草茶消费和酸碱平衡和电解质体内平衡的变化 12/31/2018// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>The consumption of dietary herbs and supplements may be associated with several physiological consequences including, but not limited to disturbances of acid-base homeostasis, minerals and electrolytes wasting, gastrointestinal disturbances as well as hemodynamic changes. Plants food based nutritional studies are important for assessing the effect of plants on human health and wellbeing. The aim of this study was to assess the changes in acid-base status and electrolyte homeostasis following the consumption of lemongrass tea. The acute and sub-chronic effects of infusions prepared from 2, 4, and 8g lemongrass leaf powder on serum and urinary pH, and electrolytes levels were assessed in 105 subjects using an interventional study design. The results post-treatment were compared with baseline values.</p> <p>Plasma pH decreased from baseline value of 7.37 &plusmn; 0.02 to 7.20 &plusmn; 0.03, and 7.30 &plusmn; 0.02 at days 10 and 30 respectively for participants treated with infusion prepared from 2g of lemongrass leaf powder. For those treated with infusion prepared from 4g of lemongrass leaf powder, plasma pH decreased from baseline value of 7.35 &plusmn; 0.02 to 7.22 &plusmn; 0.02 and 7.29 &plusmn; 0.02 at days 10 and 30 respectively.</p> <p>Treatment with infusion prepared from 8g of lemongrass leaf powder caused a decrease in plasma pH from baseline value of 7.38 &plusmn; 0.02 to 7.15 &plusmn; 0.02 and 7.18 &plusmn; 0.02 at days 10 and 30 respectively. Corresponding changes in urinary pH were also observed. Furthermore, at days 10 and 30, plasma protein concentrations increased significantly (p &lt; 0.05) in subjects treated with infusion prepared from 8g lemongrass leaf extract. There were also significant increases (p &lt; 0.05) in urinary volume, urination frequency, and urinary electrolytes levels within the same period.</p> <p>The consumption of lemongrass tea may be associated with changes in acid-base balance and electrolyte homeostasis due to its varied biological constituents and their activities.</p> 最近的调查结果与营养和糖尿病有关 12/18/2018// & lt; h2> Editorial< / h2>roux - en - y & lt; p>胃分流术优于治疗短中期缓解2型糖尿病(T2DM)病人体内的[1]。最近的研究表明,减肥手术后改善胰岛素敏感性与循环胆汁酸浓度升高和重建肠道微生物群[2]。;/ p> 鲱科的评估和丹麦鱼粉饮食基于非洲鲶鱼的增长,高清晰gariepinus小鱼 12/04/2018// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Two experimental feeding trials were conducted concurrently to study the growth response of African catfish Clarias gariepinus fingerlings to graded levels (0, 5, 10, 15 or 20%) of clupeids in Danish fish meal (DFM) based diets. Chemical analysis of the DFM and clupeids fish meal (CFM) was carried out. Completely randomized design with triplicated groups of fingerlings were used for both trials in an indoor and out-door concrete tanks for six and twelve weeks respectively. The study aimed at achieving a cost effective fish meal from local aquatic resources (clupeids fish) highly prolific and abundant in Nigeria water bodies to replace foreign fish meal in West Africa Region. A project supported by West African Agricultural Productivity Project (WAAPP) in NIFFR, Nigeria.</p> <p>The results of proximate, amino acid profile, mineral and fatty acid composition analysis of CFM indicated values which are very close to those of the DFM. The proximate analysis revealed CFM to contain 70.6% crude protein while DFM contains 72%. There were no significant difference between the treatments with respect to final weight, feed consumed, feed conversion ratio, digestibility and survival (P&gt;0.05) although there was significant difference in specific growth rate (P&lt;0.05) with the highest value obtained in the diets with both fish meal at ratio 1:1. There were no significant difference in haematological parameters (P&gt;0.05). However the lymphocytes were high in all the groups which might not be particularly due to the treatments. The high proliferation of the body defence cells by the fish could be a mechanism of survival in the aqua-medium which is likely to be high in microbial load due to waste materials. Feed Cost/Kg for DFM was N260.16 while for CFM was N227.16. The results of chemical analysis and feeding trials indicated positive replacement of the DFM with CFM in fish feeds without negative effect on growth performance.</p> 微量营养素缺乏,小说营养风险因素对胰岛素抵抗和通气综合征X 11/30/2018// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>新兴证据表明,微量营养素缺乏可能发挥重要作用的发病和进展许多慢性疾病包括糖尿病、高血压、肥胖、血脂异常、高尿酸血、肾脏疾病、癌症、贫血和其他cardio-metabolic和神经退行性疾病通过诱导胰岛素抵抗(IR)。然而,仍然有差距在我们科学知识关于微量营养素缺乏之间的联系,红外,有氧代谢紊乱。本文提供当前信息最新进展和全球视角对微量营养素缺乏的关系,红外,有氧代谢紊乱。经验证据表明,缺乏的微量元素与胰岛素相关活动(如铬、锰、镁、铁)或抗氧化剂酶辅助因子(如维生素A,铜、锌和锰)可能会影响多个生理过程导致一连串的代谢和生化紊乱如b细胞凋亡,胰岛细胞的质量损失,缺陷酪氨酸激酶活性,氧化应激,胰腺,β;细胞功能障碍,减少瘦体重,有缺陷的胰岛素信号机制,蛋白激酶C活性升高,细胞内钙过剩。协作,这些州的代谢故障与红外相关联,这触发许多有氧代谢疾病的发生。毫无疑问,预防微量营养素缺乏可能确实改善IR和cardio-metabolic紊乱的发生率在这些风险和一般人口。;/ p> 影响Balanites Aegyptiaca (del)种子饼在增长和尸体的性能日益增长的兔子 10/10/2018// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>A study on growth and carcass performance was conducted to evaluate the effect of Balanites aegyptiaca seed cake meal (BASCM) as a substitute for groundnut cake in the diet of growing rabbit. Five experimental diets were formulated representing the following treatments: T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 respectively. T1 (0% BASCM) was served as the control diet, while T2, T3, T4 and T5 contained 25%, 50% 75% and 100% BASCM respectively. A total of 100 weaner rabbits of mixed breeds were purchased from the National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI), Zaria, Nigeria. The rabbits were fed the control diet during the one week of adjustment period. They were given vitalyte as anti-stress and were dewormed using ivermectin, at the end of one week of adjustment; the rabbits were housed in different hutches and fed their respective experimental diet for one month. Each treatment contained 20 rabbits and these treatments&rsquo; (T1-T5) each were replicated in four portions and each portion had five rabbits each. Results showed that all the parameters were significantly different (P&lt;0.05) among the treatment groups. Balanites aegyptiaca seed cake meal can replace groundnut cake at 25% level inclusion without adverse effect on the rabbit physiology.</p> 营养和结构评估选择黑克品种发酵制备的厚煎饼(Dosa医生) 03/12/2018// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>The quality characteristics of selected black gram varieties viz., VBN 5, VBN 7, ADT 3, T9 and CO 6 and were evaluated for their suitability for the preparation of thick pancake. The foaming stability and foaming capacity were found to be maximum in VBN 5, CO 6 and T9. Maximum rise in volume was recorded in CO 6 (149 ml) followed by VBN 5 (148 ml) and T9 (147 ml) which is an indication good quality of thick pancake. Thick pancake prepared using 5 black gram varieties were analyzed for the physicochemical and microbial load. The texture profile viz., springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness and gumminess was evaluated for VBN 5, CO 6, T9 and VBN 7 respectively. The protein content was higher in thick pancake prepared from VBN 5 (25.47/100 g) compared to CO 6 (24.66 g/100g). Among the selected varieties, CO 6, T9 and VBN 5 had good batter content, texture, and microstructure and were found to be most suitable for thick pancake preparation.</p> 从西瓜开发和质量评估的果酱(Citrullus Lanatus)和木瓜(番木瓜)汁 11/28/2017// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>The seasonal nature of most fruits available in the market coupled with inadequate storage and processing facilities has limited their consumption by majority of the people in the country. Jams made from fruits are good bread spread rather than any other food products because they serve as adequate balance diet and it contains antioxidant such as vitamin C and A which play an important role in preventing cancer, cardiovascular problem and improvement of eyesight. Pawpaw and watermelon fruits have been reported to be nutritive and high in antioxidant properties that can scavenge free radicals, thereby improving the antioxidant status of the body. It is therefore deemed fit to produce jam from these perishable commodities in other to make them available all through the year and as well as adding to varieties of food products. The aqueous extracts of watermelon with pawpaw juice were processed into jam and the physicochemical properties of the jam samples were analysed. The resulting jam samples showed moisture content ranging between 30.60-35.30%, protein 0.40-0.80%, fat 0.20-0.40%, ash 1.20-1.70%, crude fibre 0.10-0.30%, carbohydrate 62.10-67.16%, &beta;-carotene 610-1350&micro;g/100g and ascorbic acid 9.60-15.40mg/100g. The jam samples were found to be very nutritive and high in antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that can scavenge free radicals, thereby can improve the antioxidant status of the body. Sensory evaluation tests showed that the samples were acceptable and compared favourably with the commercial imported brand while sample AA had the highest preference in all the sensory attributes evaluated by the panellists. Microbiological examination also showed that the jam samples had total plate count ranging from 4.10x101 to 2.00 x101 cfu/g, yeast and mould count ranged from 2.10x101 to 1.00 x101cfu/g with no observable coliform count.</p> 化学成分和感官性质Cocoyam starch-wheat fl混合面条 11/13/2017// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Noodles are strips or strands cut from a sheet of dough made from flour, water and either common salt or a mixture of alkaline salt. Noodles consumption represents about 40% of the total wheat flour which are mainly consumed by school children. The use of composite flour has been encouraged since it reduces the importation of wheat. Utilization of locally available, inexpensive materials like cocoyam that can substitute a part of wheat flour without adversely affecting the acceptability of the product will be a product development. This study therefore studied the chemical composition and organoleptic properties of instant noodles from the blend of wheat and cocoyam starch. Cocoyam starch was substituted into wheat flour at 20, 40, 60 &amp; 80%. Analysis revealed higher carbohydrate (63.50-70.05)%, moisture (4.54-5.07)% and vitamin A (10.01-30.47) mg/100g, B1 (11.43-32.15) mg/100g but lower protein (4.56-8.79)%, phosphorus (0.34-0.52)%, calcium (1.83-0.98)%, iron (0.15-0.32) % and ash (1.19-3.20)%. The composite noodles revealed higher carbohydrate and mineral but lower protein than the commercial noodles. The sensory analysis revealed that 20% cocoyam compared favourably with the commercial noodles in terms of all the sensory attributes evaluated. This shows the possibility of producing noodles from cocoyam tubers which serves as novel food. This will further help to promote and improve utilization of cocoyam tuber.</p> 评估补充喂养的婴幼儿年龄6-23月戈德镇上,索马里地区的埃塞俄比亚 11/09/2017// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Malnutrition is the largest risk factor caused by inadequate nutrition that leads to childhood morbidity and mortality, as well as inadequate growth and development. Infants are at increased risk of malnutrition by six months, when breast milk alone is no longer sufficient to meet their nutritional requirements. However the factors associated with nutritional status of infants after 6 months of age have received little attention in pastoralist communities of Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to assess the complementary foods of infants and young children (6-23 months) in Gode town of Kebele 01. The prevalences of wasting, stunting and underweight among infants and young children were 6.1%, 56.1%, 10.0% reespectively. Undernutrition is a public health problem among infants and young children in Gode town of Kebele 01. Breastfeeding was slightly positive associated with lower chances of wasting at r=0.61, p= 0.01 and underweight at r=0.331, p=0.01. While diarrheal disease was associated with higher chances of wasting and underweight. Initiation of complementary food was slightly positive association with wasting at r=0.179, p=0.05.</p> 预处理和干燥方法对化学的影响质量和微生物密度的野生食用牡蛎蘑菇 08/31/2017// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of pretreatments and drying methods on the chemical quality and microbial density of wild edible oyster mushroom. The mushroom samples were pretreated by steeping in 0.5% citric and sodium metabisulphite at room temperature for 10 minutes before being subjected to sun and cabinet drying until a constant weight was reached. The dried samples including the control samples (Samples not pretreated with chemicals) were evaluated for proximate, mineral composition and microbial density. The proximate analysis (protein, ash, fat, moisture and fibre) showed that untreated mushroom samples (both sun and cabinet dried) had the overall best results followed by samples pretreated with 0.5% sodium metabisulphite while samples pretreated with 0.5% citric acid had the lowest values. The mineral analysis (calcium, sodium, magnesium and potassium) of the mushroom samples followed the same trend as the proximate analysis. The microbial density of the samples showed that samples pretreated with 0.5% citric acid had the lowest count followed by samples pretreated with 0.5% sodium metabisulphite while the untreated samples had the highest microbial density. This implies that pretreatment with citric acid and sodium metabisulphite reduced the microbial density which may invariably extend the storage life of the edible oyster mushroom.</p> Complementry Anti-nutrient和矿物性质的食品生产麦芽红Sorgum和脱脂大豆粉混合 08/31/2017// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>This study was aimed at producing a high nutritious food that will meet the nutritional requirements of consumers. Blends of malted red sorghum and defatted soybeans flour were processed and the resulting flours were formulated at ratios of 100:00; 95:5; 90:10 and 80:20 (malted red sorghum: defatted soybeans flour). The resulting products were subjected to antinutrients and minerals properties determination. The results obtained showed that the antinutrients decreased linearly with increase in the mineral elements. Antinutrients in the blends decreased from 2.25-1.80mg/g (oxalate); 2.45-2.16mg/g (phytate); 14.16-9.26g/100g (Alkaloids); 2.12-1.69/100g (saponin) and 0.18-0.13mg/g (Tannin). A percentage increase of 12.6% (sodium); 10.8% (calcium); 9.5% (potassium); 3.7% (magnesium) and 14.1% (Iron) was recorded as the quantity of defatted soybeans flour increased in the blends. The low levels of antinutrients in the blends produced make them safe and suitable for human consumption. Substitution of malted red sorghum with 20% defatted soybean flour showed a remarkable improvement in the mineral contents of the diets.</p> 干燥方法对辣木种子的物理化学性质和脂肪酸组成的石油 08/30/2017// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><small>Effect of drying methods (sun-drying and cabinet oven drying) on the physicochemical properties and fatty acid composition of oils extracted from moringa seeds was investigated. Oil from the seeds was extracted using solvent (hexane) after drying. Drying increased the yield from 30.30-33.11%. The oil samples were less dense than water with specific gravities of 0.9032, 0.9075 and 0.9030 respectively. A significant difference exists in the moisture contents (0.11-0.21%); smoke point (202-2250C), flash point (310-3170C) and fire point (360-3690C). Sun-drying and cabinet oven drying brought about a decrease in the acid value (1.80-1.08mgKOH/g), saponification value (174.87-105mgKOH/g), Iodine value (16.10-13.90wijs) and peroxide value (11.24-2.3-Meq/kg). The decrease is an indication of quality improvement of the oils. More unsaturated fatty acids were present in the samples between 76.61% and 81.66%. Oleic acid was predominant (44.92% raw, 45.71% sundried and 43.60% cabinet oven dried). Sun-drying and cabinet oven drying did not have much significant effect on the physical, chemical and fatty acid compositions of the oil. The results obtained from this study showed that the three oil samples are good as edible oil and for commercial purpose.</small></p> 预处理和干燥方法对水分的百分比的影响干番茄片 08/14/2017// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>一项研究进行预处理和干燥方法对质量参数的影响番茄片对存储使用两个因素作为治疗即5预处理水平(P1-Peeled通过热水浸漂白,P2-Peeled热盐水浸漂白,P3-Unpeeled热水热烫,P4-Unpeeled热盐水漂白,P5-Control -没有去皮,没有变白)和2干燥方法即(D1-Tray干燥、D2-Sun干燥)和完全随机设计的阶乘的概念有三个重复的研究生实验室园艺部门Junagadh Junagadh农业大学农业学院。质量评估的基础上,物理化学(即干燥时间(h)和水分含量(%),20、40、60和80天的存储。结果预处理的研究描述了P2即剥皮番茄的热盐水浸漂白紧随其后的是托盘干燥(D2)记录最低(14.50 h)干燥时间和含水率(4.00% - -6.54%)的最小变化观察到治疗P1在1日第80天的存储,分别灵活;/ p> 做鱼人类人产生幻觉? 08/11/2017// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Hallucinogenic fishes are fishes that can create hallucinations if their tissue is ingested. These incorporate certain types of fish found in a several parts of the tropics. The impacts of eating hallucinogenic fishes are rumored to be comparative in a few viewpoints to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) or dimethyltryptamine (DMT). The encounters may incorporate distinctive sound-related and visual hallucinations. This has offered ascend to the collective common name &ldquo;dream fish&rdquo; for hallucinogenic fish. Sarpa salpa, a species of sea bream, is commonly claimed to be hallucinogenic. In 2006, two men who apparently ate the fish experienced mind flights going on for a few days. It is misty whether the poisons are delivered by the fish themselves or by marine algae in their diet.</p> 贮藏期对两个品种的品质特征的非洲芒果种子面粉在环境温度 08/10/2017// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>The effects of storage of Ogbona seed flour (Irivingia gabonensis and Irivingia excelsa), at ambient condition (30&plusmn;20C, 65-74% RH) for 0-4 months on some physical characteristics were investigated. The samples were subjected to storage in air tight polyethylene bags for up to four months. Samples were removed at intervals of 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 months for analysis. The chemical: proximate constituents, free-fatty acids and peroxide values; selected functional properties: water/oil absorption capacity, foam capacity and viscosity and sensory attributes of the samples were investigated. The result shows that there was no observable change in the chemical composition, selected functional and sensory properties of the two varieties of Ogbona seed flours when stored up to two months but decreased from third to fourth month during storage at ambient temperature. Therefore, storage at ambient temperature (30&plusmn;20C, 65-74% RH) could extend the shelf life of the samples for up to two months in air-tight polyethylene bags of 0.7mm thickness without losing its quality characteristics.</p> 动脉粥样化形成血清标志物的变化和血液后食用鹌鹑蛋 05/10/2017// & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><small>Previous studies suggest that diets with more eggs than is recommended may be used as part of a healthy diet in some countries. However, whether quail egg diets could form part of such diet has not been explored. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the effect of quail egg consumption on serum markers of atherogenesis and hematological parameters in healthy volunteers. Thirty adult subjects participated in this study after ascertaining their baseline health status. They were fed 3 eggs per day and 8hourlyfor 30 days. They were evaluated for serum levels of cholesterol sub-fractions, AIP and hematological parameters at days 0, 10 and 30 after the consumption of quail eggs. At day10, serum levels of cholesterol sub-fractions (TG, HDL-C and LDL-C) were not significantly (p&gt;0.05) different from the corresponding values at baseline. Serum levels of VLDL-C and calculated AIP significantly (p&lt;0.05) decreased compared to the levels at baseline. At day 30, serum levels of HDL-C, TG and VLDL-C significantly (p&lt;0.05) increased, while LDL-C and AIP significantly decreased. Also, total RBC, HB, PCV, MCV, MCH and MCHC were not significantly different from the levels at baseline. At day 30, RBC, PCV and HB significantly (p&lt;0.05) increased compared to the levels at baseline, while MCV, MCH and MCHC were not significantly (p&gt;0.05) different from the baseline values.</small></p> <p><small>Indeed, long-term consumption of quail egg may be associated with improvement in serum markers of atherogenesis and hematological parameters due to its varied nutrient constituents and their activities.</small></p>