在临床和细胞免疫学的见解 //m.lakotalakes.com/hcci Heighpubs开放获金博宝app体育取期刊上 en - us 药用植物蕨麻fulgens及其体外的影响对小束gigantica 05/13/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1018.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Fascioliasis is a one of the most important serious parasitic zoonotic disease which caused by trematode giant liver fluke Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica among cattle&rsquo;s and humans. The infection of Fasciola can be control by the use of phytochemicals as anthelmintic components. The anthelmintic activities of dried root powder of medicinal plant Potentilla fulgens and their different preparations (organic extracts and column purified fraction) are uses in vitro against liver fluke F. gigantica. The dried root powder, different organic extract, and column fractions were time and concentration-dependent. Among all the organic extracts, ethanol extract was high toxic than other organic extracts. The toxic effect of ethanolic extract of P. fulgens after 2h exposure the LC50 value is 5.22 mg/ml against F. gigantica. The column purified fraction of dried root powder of P. fulgens shows more toxicity. The 2h LC50 of column purified fraction was 3.25 mg/ml whereas in 8h exposure the LC50 is 1.24 mg/ml. The phytochemicals of the P. fulgens may be used as anthelmintic components against liver fluke F. gigantica.</p> 精度和个性化的疫苗需要面对COVID-19大流行 04/28/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1017.php <p>Among the&nbsp;abounding&nbsp;lessons we learned from the SARS-C0V-2 pandemic is the&nbsp;uttermost determinant that&nbsp;people&nbsp;are not equal before the severity of COVID-19. Indeed, the disease course differs with age, gender, ethnicity, underlying clinical conditions and virus variants. Other diseases modifying factors are associated with genetic traits such as those driving the immune response, the blood groups, the coagulation system and the ACE2 receptor variants [1-4].</p> 使用科学的方法作为教条可能是一个障碍在流感大流行的时期 01/08/2021//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1016.php & lt; p>科学不是固有的教条。相反,我们认为根据Bachelard,它往往与某些教条[1]。这就是为什么它必须拥有足够的灵活性能够分析并将异常情况。在这方面,目前的冠状病毒大流行是特殊情况造成数千人死亡的一天。你们;/ p> COVID-19热不是一种症状:没有一个疾病需要发烧的症状 05/15/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1015.php <p>We have been hearing for centuries that &lsquo;fever is not a disease but a symptom&rsquo;. Physicians say that fever is a symptom of diseases like flu to cancer.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 发展的免疫毒素的方法在某些神经炎症和退行性疾病如SM,哒,PD:大脑成像和浪费系统间隙功效 04/30/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1014.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>In order to better understand some neurologic degenerative process is fundamental to use also an evolutionary approach of vertebrates and especially in mammalians. Aim of this work is to verify if an objective measure of brain wasting system can help in this kind of disease. Imaging can help in measuring efficiency of brains wasting system in the various subject. The brain glymphatic systems is well studied today but an accurate measure of the real efficiency of the system is needed. It is relevant so to submit to researcher a working methods strategy to measure this parameter to verify if possible, to use the brain glymphatic system as new therapeutics pathway.</p> 我们如何发展免疫力COVID-19和失败吗 04/14/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1013.php <h2>Summary</h2> <p>We know that Corona Virus develops in animals, birds and humans&rsquo; body. Now it is a pandemic and many people are dying with each passing day and a number of patients are increasing every hours. If we do not control it then it is dangerous for humanity. As we know that incubation period for COVID-19 is 1 to 14 days and it&rsquo;s live in the environment for 12 to 14 hours. The only solution to spread of virus is by social distancing. As we know that it affects person with low immunity so it is advised for all people to have balance diet, exercise daily and spend time in meditation for increasing immunity. I want to share a natural method to develop and increase the immunity power by the bile juice of animals, birds and we can try for corona virus too.</p> 康复的等离子体:一个有效的选择治疗COVID-19吗? 02/25/2020//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1012.php & lt; p>在2019年后期,有一个爆发的新型冠状病毒病(COVID-19)在武汉,中国。病人出现呼吸道症状、发烧和咳嗽、气短、呼吸困难。在更严重的情况下,感染可引起肺炎,严重急性呼吸系统综合症,肾功能衰竭,甚至死亡。一种新型冠状病毒(nCoV)是一种新型以前没有发现在人类和传播主要通过飞沫或接触。所有年龄段的人都容易受到病毒。2020年2月中旬,感染者的数量超过65000。病死率为2.38%,老年男性有潜在疾病死亡的风险更高[1]。;/ p> 创新成果的治疗inespecific anusitis-proctitis使用佛手柑凝胶(Benebeo凝胶)® 11/27/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1011.php <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>Inflammation is a complex biological reaction induced by the alteration of tissue homeostasis, which occurs in response to the presence of a biological, chemical or physical agent in the body [1]. The acute inflammatory response is composed of an elaborate cascade of both proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators, and balance between these mediators often determines the outcome after injury [2]. Generally during acute inflammation, cellular and molecular events and interactions reduce the risk of eventual injuries or infections. However, acute inflammation can become chronic, contributing to a variety of chronic inflammatory diseases [3]. Major micro circulatory events that occur during the inflammatory process include changes in vascular permeability, leukocyte recruitment and accumulation, and inflammatory mediator&rsquo;s release [4].</p> 建议消除过敏 07/11/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1010.php & lt; h2> Opinion< / h2>& lt; p>一个男人我知道有一个极端的过敏毒葛当他还是个孩子。关于four-teen时,他和他的一群朋友敢他吃一些毒葛。他所做的,没有毒葛。据推测,过敏原的摄入导致免疫力。你们的发展;/ p> 高原反应和南极极地高原:审查 06/27/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1009.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Antarctica is known for its extreme environmental conditions. It is the best model to study multiple stress factors at a time on human physiological responses. Although the coastal Antarctica is on Sea level but the Antarctic plateau or pole at high altitude. Since Antarctica is also becoming tourist site it is pertinent to have a proper understanding of altitude induced illnesses. In this review we have described the human acclimatization process at high altitude of Antarctic polar plateu and South Pole. The review also highlighted the symptoms, clinical features and prevention of altitude induced diseases.</p> 协会的toll样受体2、4和9基因多态性与高海拔诱发血栓形成患者在印度人口 02/08/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1008.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) is a multifactorial disease that is influenced by individual genetic background and various environmental factors, high altitude (HA) being the one. HA exposure may cause release of several damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), which act as ligand for various immune receptors. Previous studies on western population involving SNPs analysis of TLRs demonstrated that TLRs are involved in development and progression of several cardiovascular diseases. But, no such study has been done in Indian population in context of HA exposure. TLRs, being receptors play a significant role in manifestation and elimination of diseases by recognition of specific ligands and downstream signal transduction therefore; the genetic variation in TLRs could be implicated for imparting varying response of individuals to discrete diseases.</p> <p>Therefore, in accordance with it, in present study changes in protein structures of TLR2 and TLR4 due to presence of SNP were accessed by in-silico tools to observe whether the mutation has effect on protein structure and integrity which further influencing its function. The results showed that SNP harbouring protein has decreased functional pockets, thus may be protective for disease. Taking this lead further to genotypic level, first time association between Toll-like receptor genes polymorphism and risk of high altitude induced venous thrombosis is analyzed in Indian population by PCR RFLP method. Though the result showed initial trend that TLR2 and TLR9 SNP are monomrphic in distribution and for TLR4 there was no significant difference in distribution of SNP between healthy and HA-DVT group, these SNPs have potential to be used as susceptibility markers if studied in large population size.&nbsp;</p> 常见的食品添加剂对肥大细胞活化的影响 01/17/2019//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1007.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Mast cells play a central role in the genesis and modulation of allergic and inflammatory responses. The general aim of the present work was to study the interaction between mast cells and the most common additives approved for use in foods. Dose-response studies about the effect of the main food additives (tartrazine, sodium bisulphite and sodium benzoate) on mast cell degranulation were carried out. Rat peritoneal mast cells were incubated with: 1) buffer solution or 2) stimulus. The stimuli were tartrazine, sodium benzoate, sodium bisulphite and the calcium ionophore A23187. A23187 was used as a reference mast cell secretagogue. Different doses and combinations of food additives were used. The viability of the mast cells was evaluated with trypan blue. In the incubation solutions, the release of &beta;-hexosaminidase was quantified by colorimetric reaction and ELISA plate reader. The remaining &beta;-hexosaminidase concentration (not released) was studied in the cells after the incubations, and morphology of the mast cells was analyzed by light microscopy with toluidine blue stain. The food additives tartrazine, sodium benzoate and sodium bisulphite did not stimulate the release of &beta;-hexosaminidase from mast cells at any of the concentrations used. In contrast, tartrazine at concentrations of 0.1 &mu;M and 1 &mu;M, and sodium benzoate and sodium bisulphite at concentrations of 0.1 &mu;M, 1 &mu;M, 10 &mu;M and 100 &mu;M, significantly inhibited the basal release of &beta;-hexosaminidase from mast cells. Considering these findings, we decided to determine the effect of these additives on the degranulation of mast cells induced by the calcium ionophore A23187. Sodium bisulphite inhibited mast cell activation induced by the calcium ionophore A23187 in this experimental model. The present study demonstrates that food additives of usual permitted use do not stimulate basal degranulation of mast cells in an in vitro model of peritoneal mast cells and that the additive sodium bisulphite inhibit mast cell activation induced by intracellular calcium increase. This food additive could represent an interesting alternative in the prevention of pathologies mediated by mast cells, as well as in the field of nutritional biochemistry.</p> 关节炎小鼠骨髓细胞的分化与降低补充活动 12/31/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1006.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p>有证据表明补充成分诱导细胞移植间充质干细胞成骨细胞的细胞和调节细胞因子的生产从而发挥监管作用在正常骨形成。本研究的目的是探讨补体系统参与骨髓细胞的分化complement-depleted类风湿性关节炎(RA)的模型。关节炎是由intraarticular注射酵母聚糖在眼镜蛇毒因子(CVF)治疗小鼠功能补充枯竭的境地。的表达不同的标记骨髓[1],在成纤维细胞(CD29), (CD105)间充质细胞,树突状细胞(CD14、CD86),破骨细胞(CD265)细胞表达Dectin1 (CD369)和巨核细胞(CD62P)是由flowcytometry决定。缺乏功能性的补充活动在关节炎起始点(3天)导致增加纤维母细胞和巨核细胞的数量,减少成熟、dectin1积极的人口,间质细胞的数量没有改变的时候,所有关节炎小鼠相比。免疫组织化学染色显示,低补活动在BM arthritis-induced代巨核细胞和血小板减少。如类风湿性关节炎、慢性炎症在腐蚀性条件导致骨细胞的分化和prolifеration特异表达,滑膜炎症和骨髓,软骨和骨骼的退化。结果指出,缺乏功能补充改变不同的细胞数量之间的比率,可用于确定类风湿性关节炎的发展阶段,可以帮助发现新的治疗方法灵活;/ p> Toll样受体的内源性配体:一个危险的信号到大脑记忆在高海拔 10/15/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1005.php & lt; h2> Editorial< / h2>& lt; p>逗留高海拔可能影响各种人力系统如果适当的适应环境。如果驯化失败,旅居者可能会患上高海拔病急性高山病等(AMS),高海拔肺水肿(HAPE)和高海拔脑水肿(HACE)。虽然sojourner&,年代容忍高海拔缺氧不同根据不同的生理和物理条件。急性高山病可能导致头痛、失眠、头晕、恶心、呕吐和疲劳。虽然HACE发生更严重的阶段,脑肿胀,可能是致命的。寄居在HACE可能经历困惑、失忆、幻觉、意识丧失。住在高海拔(9000英尺)以上环境提出了低氧供应(低比重的缺氧)不同的身体器官,包括大脑。你们;/ p> c型利钠肽的表达及其特定Guanylyl Cyclase-Coupled猪卵巢颗粒细胞的受体 08/22/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1004.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p><strong>Background:</strong> C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) was isolated from porcine brain and is a 22-amino acid peptide which belongs to the natriuretic peptide (NP) family. Even though this peptide shares structural similarity to other endogenous NPs including atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) its receptor selectivity is different from other NPs. The present study was undertaken to investigate the expression of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) and its specific guanylyl cyclase (GC)-coupled receptor in the granulosa cells of the pig ovarian follicle.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Specific 125I-[Tyr0]-CNP(1-22) binding sites were localized in the granulosa cell layer of the ovarian follicle with an apparent dissociation constant (Kd&gt;) and a maximal binding capacity (Bmax) of 1.41&plusmn;0.39 nM and 2.75&plusmn;0.65 fmol/mm2 respectively. Binding of 125I-[Tyr0]-CNP(1-22) to these sites was also prevented by atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP(1-28)), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP(1-26)) and des[Gln18,Ser19,Gly20, Leu21,Gly22] ANP(4-23) (C-ANP). Production of 3&rsquo;,5&rsquo;-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) by particulate GC in the granulosa cell membranes was stimulated by natriuretic peptides (NPs) with a rank order of potency of CNP(1-22)&gt;&gt;BNP(1-26)&gt;ANP(1-28). HS-142-1, a selective antagonist of the two recognized GC-coupled NPRs, inhibited CNP(1-22)-stimulated cGMP production in granulosa cell membranes in a dose-dependent manner. Also mRNAs for all three recognized NPRs were detected in granulosa cells using reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Serial dilution curves of granulosa cell extracts were parallel to the standard curve of synthetic CNP.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> These results indicate that CNP and its specific receptor are expressed in the granulosa cells of the pig ovary, and suggest that CNP may be a local autocrine and/or paracrine regulator via activation of its specific GC-coupled receptor, NPR-B.</p> Immunitary作用,慢性前列腺炎和生长因子,促进前列腺肥大 04/25/2018//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1003.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>In the actual medical therapy of BPH, we can see: antibiotics, alpha blockers, 5-ARI, fitotherapeutics/natural products (Serenoa repens) with different which display clinical activities and other molecules such as FANS (local or systemic dosage forms) cortisones and others. Relationship between immune systems and chronic prostatitis are strictly involved in BPH progression. A vicious cycle that involve chronic flogosis, tissue remodeling, grow factors, inhibition of apoptosis, and other phenomena. Observing BPH pathogenesis under an immunologic point of view make possible to search new pharmacological strategies, to improve actual therapy.&nbsp;</p> <p>The aim of this work is to observe some relevant literature in our opinion related the management of BHP and its progression under a pharmaceutical and immunological point of view. A deep knowledge in the pharmaceutical properties of some molecules (antimicrobials, anti-phlogosis agents, Anti-androgenic agents, alpha blockers, 5-ARI and other treatments, techniques, interventions or instruments) can help the physicians to pick the right choice.</p> 大脑反应在某些系统性免疫condition-Toxicological方面 12/26/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1002.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>From biomedical literature &ldquo;autism disorder are involved in young patient, that we have abnormalities (Imaging, histology) in some brain areas, and a comples symptomatology. Genetic and environment can produce some unbalances in brain grow and immunitary situation is involved. Apoptotic signal contribute in brain growth and immunologic shock can unbalance the environment producing abnormalities&rdquo;.</p> <p>We can see that some pharmacological molecules are been introduced in therapy in some brain pathologies with a specific mechanism: modulating the immune systems. We can see that some systemic immune modifications can unbalance this systems producing pharmacological effect in local place (as Brain). We can observe this phenomena like a kind of toxicity that can be deeply investigate to discover new Pharmacological strategies.</p> <p>Aim of this work is to observe this kind of pathologies under a specific immune-toxicological aspect. We think that in this field are needed deeply new approach in order to adequately focus this kind of disorder. A different way to set this kind of pathologies can help in searching new pharmacological strategies.</p> 树突细胞和TNF-Related凋亡诱导配体(TRAIL)表示脓毒症治疗的新的可能性 11/14/2017//m.lakotalakes.com/hcci/icci-aid1001.php & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2><p>Sepsis refers to a generalized inflammatory response of the organism to an infection or to bacterial products in circulation, rather than the development of an infection per se. Despite recent advances in clinical practice and overall medical care, sepsis remains a great health care problem and is still the most common cause of death in critically ill patients with infection. We suppose that during the course of sepsis the expression of TRAIL in different organs correlates with acute mortality and further development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS). It is expected that dendritic cells (DCs) might become targets for apoptotic processes in a result of elevated TRAIL expression. This hypothesis is a bias for detailed investigations for in vivo studies in animal models and for in vitro studies of septic patients.</p>