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的oai: heighpubs.org: 10.29328 / journal.johcs.1001032 2020-07-16 JOHCS: VOL5
双侧唇腭裂儿童上颌前截骨术:骨骼和牙齿变化 Mireia阿斯纳尔戈麦斯 Lluisa Tobella营地 亚历杭德罗·里维拉巴拉³ & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>评估双侧唇腭裂(BCLP)患儿的上颌前截骨和继发性牙槽骨移植与无手术适应症的BCLP患儿的变化,并确定区分需要或不需要截骨的变量。材料和方法:24例BCLP患儿纳入研究,其中12例接受截骨治疗(干预组),12例不接受手术治疗(对照组)。比较干预组患者上颌前截骨术前(T1)、术后(T2)的x线片及模型值,并与对照组患者T1时的测量值进行比较。结果:干预组患儿上颌骨凸度、ANB (a -nasion- B)、上颌骨深度在T2时明显减小。A点、鼻前棘、pogonion术后后置,前棘较高。T2时,上颌切牙前倾并侵入,覆牙得到改善。模型显示术后磨牙间犬齿宽度增加,上切牙内侵。截骨儿童上颌前磨牙和上颌磨牙突出程度高,上颌总高度高,上颌切牙突出程度高。 <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>After surgery, children who undergo surgery have a premaxilla that is more normalized and more level with the occlusal plane, as well as improved dental inclination. Variables that differentiate children who require osteotomy from those who do not include more extrusion and protrusion of the premaxilla, and a greater extrusion of the upper incisors.</p> 口腔健康与颅面科学杂志188bet体育 2020-07-16 研究文章 //m.lakotalakes.com/johcs/johcs-aid1032.php 版权所有©Mireia Aznar Gomez等人。