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的oai: heighpubs.org: 10.29328 / journal.jcmhs.1001008 2021-06-28 JCMHS:影响
卫生保健机构诊断和管理常见遗传疾病的机构能力——来自安得拉邦北部沿海地区的研究 Koteswara Rao Pagolu T Raghava饶 & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>背景:在印度,遗传疾病是社区健康保护系统中一个被忽视的服务因素。本研究旨在评估遗传疾病治疗服务的可及性,并评估地区卫生系统在威慑和管理服务方面的实践。& lt; p>方法:对454名医务人员(MO& rsqus)、94名认可的社会卫生积极分子(ASHAs)工作者、86名多用途卫生助理——女性(MPHA-F)、34名多用途卫生助理——男性(MPHA-M)、14名多用途卫生主管——女性(MPHS-F)、10名多用途卫生监督员(男性),6名多用途卫生推广干事/社区卫生干事,10名公共卫生护士,45名实验室技术员(LT& rsqu; s)在政府卫生部门工作,254名在私营卫生部门工作,409名护理人员在政府卫生部门工作,995名在私营卫生部门工作,15个初级卫生中心、4个社区卫生中心、1个区政府医院、3个转诊医院。从私人卫生机构的角度来看,共开展了25家企业医院(CH& rsqu; s)、3所医学院(MC& rsqu; s)和25个诊断实验室(DL& rsqus)。结果:调查结果显示,超过70%的健康中心配备了足够的工作人员,但没有一个工作人员获得了任何遗传疾病管理的操作培训。dh&s的大部分都有基本的基础设施和诊断设施。 However, the greater part of the CHC&rsquo;s and PHC&rsquo;s had inadequate diagnostic facilities related to genetic disease management. Biochemical, molecular, and cytogenetic services were not available at PHC&rsquo;s and CHC&rsquo;s. DH&rsquo;s, RH&rsquo;s, and all selected medical colleges were found to have offered the basic Biochemical genetics units during the survey. In 24% of CH&rsquo;s, the basic biochemical units are available and 32% (8 out of 25) of DL&rsquo;s have the advanced biochemical genetics units by study. Molecular genetics units were found to be available in 28% (7 out of 25) of DL&rsquo;s during the study. About 6 (24%) diagnostic centers of cytogenetic laboratories were located in the Visakhapatnam district under the private sector.</p> <p>Conclusion: The district health care infrastructure in India has a shortage of basic services to be provided for the genetic disorder. With some policy resolutions and facility strengthening, it is possible to provide advanced services for a genetic disorder in the district health system.</p> 社区医学与健康解决方案杂志-提高科学出版公司188bet体育 2021-06-28 研究文章 //m.lakotalakes.com/jcmhs/jcmhs-aid1008.php 版权所有©Koteswara Rao Pagolu等人。