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的oai: heighpubs.org: 10.29328 / journal.jccm.1001075 2019-12-30 JCCM: VOL4
应用斑点追踪超声心动图评价冠状动脉旁路移植术对右心室功能的影响 马哈茂德·Shawky Abdelmoneum Neama阿里Elmeligy 曾Abdelkhalek Eldarky 穆罕默德马哈茂德·穆罕默德 & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>本哈大学医院和国家心脏研究所对100例接受冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)的患者进行了前瞻性研究,利用散斑跟踪超声心动图(STE)评估冠状动脉旁路移植术对右心室功能的影响。& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>所有病例均有详细病史、全面体格检查、12导联心电图(ECG)、常规实验室检查(全血象、肝功能、肾功能、血脂)和超声心动图(常规超声心动图或STE)。术前及术后2周内所有参数。& lt; p> & lt; strong>结果:& lt; / strong>常规超声心动图显示右心室收缩速度峰值(RVS&acute;)从(12.76 &plusmn;1.72至(7.33 &plusmn;三尖瓣环形平面收缩偏移(TAPSE)由(22.8 &plusmn; 3.99) to (13.77 &plusmn; 4.63) among the studied patients after CABG. While there was significant increase in right ventricle fractional area change (RVFAC) from (44.69 &plusmn; 3.25) to (49.01 &plusmn; 3.36). On the other hand, there was non-significant change in right ventricle end diastolic diameter (RVEDD) at mid-cavity from (26.37 &plusmn; 2.72) to (26.53 &plusmn; 2.72) and basal segment from (36.05 &plusmn; 2.98) to (36.29 &plusmn; 3.04), right ventricle stroke volume (RVSV) from (65.44 &plusmn; 7.02) to (65.85 &plusmn; 6.86) and right myocardial performance index (RMPI) from (0.491 &plusmn; 0.088) to (0.498 &plusmn; 0.086).</p> <p>By STE There was statistically significant decrease in right ventricle global longitudinal strain (RVGLS) from (-20.63 to -14.1) after CABG. There was statistically significant decrease in right ventricle free wall longitudinal strain [apical decreased from (-23.73 to -13.7), mid-cavity decreased from (-25.76 to -11.53), basal decreased from (-20.39 to -10.13) and lateral wall declined from (-23.01 to -9.13)]. There was statistically significant decrease in interventricular septum longitudinal strain [apical decreased from (-19.77 to -10.06), mid-cavity decreased from (-17.81 to -10.87) and basal decreased from (-15.89 to -11.13)]. There was statistically significant increase in RV circumferential strain of lateral free wall from (-12.04 to -16.21), while there was non-significant change in RV circumferential strain of septum from (-19.77 &plusmn; 4.86) to (-20.37 &plusmn; 5.14).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Distorted RV geometry after CABG can lead to altered deformation parameters, in other words longitudinal functional parameters may underestimate RV function and the decrease in RVGLS was compensated by increase in circumferential strain of lateral free wall of RV without change in RVSV or RMPI. Therefor changes in deformation parameters should always be interpreted in relation to change in geometry.</p> 心脏病学和心血管医学杂志-提高科学出版公司188bet体育 2019-12-30 研究文章 //m.lakotalakes.com/jccm/jccm-aid1075.php 版权所有©Mahmoud Shawky abdelmonum et al。