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的oai: heighpubs.org: 10.29328 / journal.jatr.1001003 2017-12-05 JATR: VOL1
沉迷于严加:病例报告 Aurely阿梅尔 Yann Le stratocaster电吉他 马里昂Cadranel 席琳Portalier 卡洛琳Dubertret & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>简介:& lt; / strong>dsm - 5提到手淫的窒息在性欲倒错障碍部分,作为性受虐狂症的诊断说明符。绞窄活动也被观察到,“窒息game&”,。这个词,“绞杀activity&”,被认为是更合适的,宝贝,窒息game&”,。虽然分享同样的行为,手淫的窒息和非auto-erotic绞杀活动可能代表一个非常不同的模式的障碍。我们在这里描述的病例报告一个25岁的男性实习学生练习手册严加青春期以来每天40次。在这种情况下,我们检查确定这种情况下的个人临床方面在一个基于流程的整体情况下概念化。你们;/ p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>案例描述:& lt; / strong> The patient is a 25 years old male with a post-graduate degree who presented with a recent history of poor work performance and work-related stress during an internship. He has a concomitant history of both ketamine and cannabis use disorders, and reports urges to self-strangulate, sometimes specifically avoiding contact with friends engage in this behavior and that he has never attempted to discontinue self-strangulation. Neuropsychological assessment found a cognitive functioning below that expected given his educational level. Our intervention consists of a 3-weeks cognitive and motivational therapy program in addiction unit with associated abstinence.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Autoerotic asphyxia is a behavior observed not only in the context of sexual masochism disorder, but also as a specific addictive behavior, in the absence of sexual arousal, possibly as a result of emotional dysregulation.</p> 成瘾治疗和研究期刊》的研究,提高科学出版公司188bet体育 2017-12-05 病例报告 //m.lakotalakes.com/jatr/jatr-aid1003.php 版权©Aurely阿梅尔等。