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的oai: heighpubs.org: 10.29328 / journal.ijceo.1001022 2019-09-09 HCEO: VOL3
三级护理医院角膜损伤的视觉结果评估 Aarudhra Premchander Seema Channabasappa Nischala Balakrishna Neha纳尔吉斯 & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>背景:& lt; / strong>角膜损伤是致盲的重要因素。角膜是眼睛最前面的结构,暴露在各种各样的危险,如空气中的碎片和钝器创伤。通过了解不同类型的角膜损伤,医生可能更有能力处理损伤,尽量减少结构性和视觉后遗症。& lt; p> & lt; strong>目标:& lt; / strong>目的探讨某三级医院眼外伤患者角膜损伤的不同类型及其视觉效果。& lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>对100例角膜损伤患者按损伤类型进行治疗,随访4个月。& lt; p> & lt; strong>结果:& lt; / strong> Majority of patients belonged to working population between age groups 21-65 years. Most patients suffered from corneal abrasions while the least common were perforating and lacerating injuries. Alkali injuries were more common than acid injuries. Most patient presented within 24 hours and had only epithelial defects. Therefore, the number of patients receiving conservative management was higher than those receiving surgical intervention.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Most common causes of blindness and low vision in our study was full thickness corneal laceration and corneal abrasions, foreign body injuries affecting the pupillary area and involving anterior or mid stroma causing nebular or macular grade opacities hampering vision.</p> 国际临床和实验眼科杂志-增高科学出版公司188bet体育 2019-09-09 研究文章 //m.lakotalakes.com/hceo/ijceo-aid1022.php 版权所有©Aarudhra Premchander et al。