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的oai: heighpubs.org: 10.29328 / journal.ijceo.1001021 2019-08-22 HCEO: VOL3
单侧色素性视网膜炎1例报告并文献复习 丹尼斯·古德温 阿曼达·M·奥尔森 卡尔Citek & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>意义:& lt; / strong>由于报道的病例数量有限,对单侧色素性视网膜炎的特点知之甚少。来自其他病例报告的信息有助于更多地了解这种情况。我们报告一例单侧色素性视网膜炎28年,并回顾现有文献。& lt; p> & lt; strong>案例报告:& lt; / strong>一位40岁的白人女性提出了她的视力下降的原因的意见。眼底自身荧光在视网膜中周表现为低自体荧光,在黄斑区保留的光感受器周围表现为高自体荧光环。光学相干层析成像显示椭球区和外极限膜破裂。视网膜电图(ERG)显示单眼视杆和视锥功能严重下降。 <p><strong>Discussion:</strong> Retinitis pigmentosa is typically bilateral and symmetric. Unilateral retinitis pigmentosa is a rare condition that manifests with only one eye having changes typical of retinitis pigmentosa. The unaffected eye can have no signs of retinitis pigmentosa and must have a normal ERG after long-term follow up. It is critical to rule out inflammatory, traumatic, toxic, and cancer associated retinopathy that can present with retinal pigmentary changes. Unilateral retinitis pigmentosa generally remains unilateral, but long-term follow up with ERG is important. There is currently no treatment that can stop the process of retinitis pigmentosa, but gene therapy shows promise.</p> 国际临床和实验眼科杂志-增高科学出版公司188bet体育 2019-08-22 病例报告 //m.lakotalakes.com/hceo/ijceo-aid1021.php 版权所有©Denise Goodwin等人。