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的oai: heighpubs.org: 10.29328 / journal.ijbmr.1001010 2019-12-05 HBMR:影响
健康志愿者捐献骨髓供研究之动机因素及不良事件 Mirella Ejiugwo 乔治娜肖 弗兰克·巴里 Janusz Krawczyk 杰•麦克伦尼维罗妮卡 & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>背景:& lt; / strong>随着细胞治疗研究的深入,健康志愿者(HV)捐献少量(30 ml)人骨髓(BM)的需求日益增加。尽管短暂(25秒),但获取少量骨髓间质所需的手术是有创的,并不是没有风险。为了确保研究和细胞治疗所需的骨髓的可持续供应,更多关于促使HV捐赠少量骨髓的风险和因素的信息将有助于优化程序和HV登记,确保捐赠者充分了解潜在的风险。& lt; p> & lt; strong>目的:& lt; / strong>识别HV在小体积BM过程中及术后经历的不良事件(AE),了解影响HV捐赠BM用于研究的激励因素。</p>& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong>高压(& lt; em> n< / em>= 55)为科学研究捐献BM (30 ml)并提供知情同意的患者进行问卷调查,以确定在BM吸入期间和吸入后发生AE的类型、持续时间和严重程度; and to determine the motivating factors that influenced their willingness to donate BM.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Pain was experienced by 89% of participants during the BM procedure with moderate grade reported by 40%. One/more of the following AE were experienced by 73% of the volunteers post-BM procedure: pain, fatigue, site reaction, nausea and transient hypotension. AE resolved within an average of three days. The reported motivational factors ranked in the following order: first, to advance research for the benefit of future patients; compensation for participation; free medical check-up; lastly, the research question was interesting.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Young HV, motivated primarily by altruism and financial compensation, risk the occurrence of transient AE following donation of small-volume BM for research.</p> 国际骨髓研究期刊-提高科学出版公司188bet体育 2019-12-05 研究文章 //m.lakotalakes.com/hbmr/ijbmr-aid1010.php 版权所有©Mirella Ejiugwo et al。