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的oai: heighpubs.org: 10.29328 / journal.ascr.1001059 2021-06-18 HJSR: VOL5
COVID-19疫情对印度泌尿外科实践的影响 马亨德拉辛格 Himanshu Pandey Prateek古普塔 Gautam Ram。乔杜里 一些Tyagi Vijay Kumar Sarma maduri Shrivastava尼基塔 & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>背景:2019年冠状病毒病的快速传播由严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2型(SARS-CoV-2)引发的2019冠状病毒病(COVID-19)严重影响了全球各地的医疗机构。为了评估对我国泌尿外科实践的影响,我们根据当前情景中的相关问题编制了一份问卷,以了解泌尿外科医生在实践中所面临的挑战和变化。材料和方法:我们进行了一项在线调查,以了解COVID-19对印度泌尿外科实践的影响。问卷共包含18个问题,与日常实践相关。结果:全印度共有310名泌尿科医生参与并同意参与这项研究。大多数人承认,由于最近的COVID-19疫情,他们的做法发生了变化。大多数病人每天接受固定数量的预约治疗,并保留详细的记录。大多数在积极回应,与会者将不被允许,选择穿n - 95年门诊部当面具,选择相关的历史,选择了热筛选,选择了病人戴上面具在进入门诊部当房间,选择了在新的访问和使用新的处方选择避免体检,除非十分必要。 The majority wanted to take consent from the patients that they may get infected by COVID-19 in the hospital and agreed on performing COVID-19 testing for every patient posted for surgery. The majority agreed to assign a separate operation theatre to operate patients with positive COVID-19 test and also preferred open surgery over minimal invasive surgery.</p> <p>Conclusion: Our survey revealed that the recent pandemic led to significant impacts on urology practice in our country. The urologists working in different setups are facing different challenges in this difficult condition. They have made certain changes in their practice to safely provide effective care to their patients.</p> 外科和临床研究档案-提高科学出版物公司188bet体育 2021-06-18 研究文章 //m.lakotalakes.com/hjsr/ascr-aid1059.php 版权所有©Mahendra Singh等人。