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的oai: heighpubs.org: 10.29328 / journal.apcr.1001008 2018-08-28 HJPCR:影响
组织学克隆改变-诊断发育不良的一个特征 Lewei张 Tarinee Lubpairee 丹尼斯M Laronde 武术但是 富勒姆·E麦考利 米利暗P松香 & lt; h2> Abstract< / h2>& lt; p> & lt; strong>目标:& lt; / strong>组织学诊断标准用于评估异常增生程度,从而评估癌前病变的癌症进展风险。克隆性改变以角化过度和染色过度的形式,与邻近区域有明显的分界线,目前不属于不典型增生的诊断标准。本研究的目的是确定这种克隆改变是否应被视为异常增生的诊断特征。用以下组织学条件来定义这种变化:(1)角化过度;(2)染色过深,无其他发育不良特征;(3)角化过度和染色过度(克隆性改变)使相邻区域边缘清晰,(4)没有明显的网状嵴,明显的棘皮或严重的炎症。符合这些标准的病变称为无发育不良的角膜塑形病变。& lt; p> & lt; strong>方法:& lt; / strong> Patients from a population-based longitudinal study with more than 10 years of follow up were analyzed. Of the 214 patients with primary oral premalignant lesions, 194 had mild or moderate dysplasia (dysplasia group) and 20 fit the criteria for orthokeratotic lesions without dysplasia (orthokeratotic with no dysplasia group). The two groups were compared for their cancer risks using clinical (site and toluidine blue), histological (nuclear phenotype score), and molecular criteria (loss of heterozygosity) and by outcome (progression).</p> <p><strong>Results and conclusions:</strong> The lesions from orthokeratotic with no dysplasia group showed a similar cancer risk (clinical, histological and molecular risk) and time to progression as the dysplastic lesions. We recommend that the clonal change should be included as a criterion for dysplasia diagnosis.</p> 病理和临床研究档案-提高科学出版物公司188bet体育 2018-08-28 研究文章 //m.lakotalakes.com/hjpcr/apcr-aid1008.php 版权所有©张乐伟等。