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的oai: heighpubs.org: 10.29328 / journal.acr.1001026 2019-12-23 HJCR: VOL3
经胎盘早剥性高潮性交引发死产一例报告 马¡等Zsoldos 马¡rton VezA©r 亨瑞特Pusztafalvi Bianka Pencz 多拉Hargitai 阿提拉Pajor & lt; h2> Summary< / h2>健康怀孕期间的性行为是安全的。关于性交活动如何影响高危妊娠结果的数据很少。在此,我们报告一例性高潮性交引发胎盘早剥导致早产死胎的病例。一名38岁、8胎、12胎的女性在低社会经济条件下与固定伴侣未婚生活。她之前的怀孕包括7次无并发症的分娩,2次早期流产和2次终止妊娠。她目前的妊娠合并妊娠高血压成功地治疗了硝苯地平。她一个月有2到4次交媾,大部分都没有高潮。最后一次侧卧性交伴随性高潮,在妊娠29周时子宫持续高张力和大量阴道出血。两小时后,在入院时,诊断出胎盘早剥和胎儿死亡。 At the emergency cesarean section, a dead female infant weighing 1,510 g was born. Fetal pathology was not discovered. Placental histopathology showed retroplacental hematoma, intervillous and decidual hemorrhages, focal distal villous hypoplasia and avascular villuses. Patient&rsquo;s recovery rapidly occurred after intensive care.</p> <p>Placental abruption complicates 0.4% - 1.0% of deliveries. It is known that most cases of abruption cannot be predicted and prevented. Our report suggests that orgasmic coitus may be a trigger for placental abruption in those women who have gestational hypertension and multiple risks for placental abruption. We infer from the above case that sexual intercourse is advised to avoid during pregnancy of such women in order to prevent placental abruption.</p> 案例报告档案-提高科学出版物公司188bet体育 2019-12-23 病例报告 //m.lakotalakes.com/hjcr/acr-aid1026.php 版权所有©MñZsoldos等。