

如何引用本文:Qadir MJ,Zahra SE。蛛网恐惧症与ABO血型系统的关系。J Hematol Clin Res。2019;3:050-052。

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Muhammad Imran Qadir和Sani E Zahra*


*通讯地址:Sani e Zahra,Bahhauddin Zakariya大学分子生物学与生物技术研究所,巴基斯坦穆尔坦,电话:03156521284;电子邮件:sania.zahra963@gmail.com

1901年,卡尔·兰德斯坦纳(Karl Landsteiner)确定了ABO血型系统。它存在于不同生物中,例如啮齿动物,包括黑猩猩,bonobos等的灵长类动物等。该系统中的血型类型取决于某些特定的ABO基因的基因。恐惧症是令人毛骨悚然的爬行者和蜘蛛等不同生物的恐惧。患有恐惧症的人通常在任何地方接受蛛网动物或存在的存在,例如网络,通常都会感到不安。志愿者的100种血液样本用于血型测试。测试血型并在测试所有使用的试剂盒后记录结果。结果表明,蛛网雄性雄性与非恐惧症男性的百分比之间没有明显的差异,因此在男性中没有发现的关系。同样,在女性中,恐惧和非恐惧症女士的结果值没有差异,因此未发现关系。而如果有蛛网恐惧症和女性比较,则找不到关系。因此,ABO血型系统和恐惧症之间没有关系,并且在雄性中,非恐惧症和AB+,B+血型之间可能存在关系,而在女性中,只有B+血型与非恐惧症有关系。

ABO Blood Bunch框架用于指示存在A和B抗原的存在,或者都不是在红细胞上。该系统在人类输血中非常重要。输血后的血型不匹配会导致致命,不利的反应,或者在器官移植时不良或强烈的免疫反应。Karl Landsteiner在1901年发现了ABO血液分类,为此,他于1930年获得了诺贝尔生理学或医学奖[1]。ABO血液分类同样存在于某些不同的生物中,例如啮齿动物和灵长类动物,包括黑猩猩,bo骨和大猩猩。后代从父母那里收到了血统。该系统中的血型类型由某些特定基因(即ABO基因)控制。该基因有3个等位基因I,IA和IB。我是异谷蛋白原的缩写,这是用于抗原的另一个术语。等位基因IB,我分别给出了血型A,B和O的表型。 IA, IB both are dominant forms so, person with ii allele have O blood group. Thus people with IAIA or IA i have blood group A and individuals having IBIB or IB i genotype have B blood group. Whereas person having genotype IAIB show phenotype AB and individuals with genotype ii have phenotype O [2]. Arachnophobia is the nonsensical dread or fear of creepy crawlies and different 8-legged creature like spiders. Individuals with arachnophobia will in general feel uneasy in any region they accept could harbour arachnids or that has noticeable indications of their existence, for example, webs [3]. On the off chance that arachnophobes see an insect i.e. spider, they may not enter that particular region until they have beaten the fit of anxiety that is frequently connected with their fear. A few people shout, cry, have passionate upheavals, experience inconvenience breathing, sweat, have expanded pulses, or even black out when they interact with a region close bugs or their networks. In some extraordinary cases, even an image or a practical illustration of a spider can trigger extreme dread. The dread of arachnids can be treated by any of the general strategies proposed for explicit fears. The principal line of treatment is methodical desensitization otherwise called presentation treatment or exposure therapy [4].


在实验室进行血型测试中,从志愿者那里采集了100种来自志愿者的血液样本。关于蛛网恐惧症的一个问题,即他们对蜘蛛的恐惧也被他们单独问。该项目是在Bahauddin Zakariya大学(BZU)的分子生物学与生物技术学院(IMBB)的Multan计划和执行的。




血液测试或分析用于确定您拥有的血液类型或类型。该测试是完成或进行的,以便可以安全地捐赠血液或输血。还可以检查一个称为RH因子的物质是否存在于一个人的红细胞或血小板的外部。血型通常是基于(RBCS)(即红细胞)表面上的某些特定蛋白质的存在或不存在。这些特定的蛋白质称为抗原。血型或类型取决于哪种类型传给了他父母的个人。血液检查是在实验室进行的。确定血型的测试称为ABO打字。采集血液样品,并与类型的抗体(即A&B血液)混合。到那时,该示例已被验证是否将血小板粘在一起。 In the event that platelets stick together, it implies the blood responded with one of the antibodies. Rh typing utilizes a technique like ABO typing. At the point when blood testing was done to check whether an individual have Rh factor on the outside of his red platelets, the outcomes were: Rh+ (positive), in the event that you have this cell surface protein or Rh-(negative), in the event that you don’t have this cell surface protein [5]. The blood group system i.e. ABO & Rh depends on clumping or agglutination reaction. When RBCs have one or more (both) antigens and are exposed to respective antibodies, the reaction occur i.e. antigen and antibodies bind to each other and produce clumps (agglutination). In ABO system antigens are glycoproteins i.e. O linked in which the residues of sugar (terminal region) at the surface of the cell (RBCs) decide if the antigen is A or B. Antigen A and antibodies B are present on RBCs of individuals having A blood group. In the same way antigen B and antibodies A i.e. anti-A are present in Individuals with B Blood group [6]. The persons who have AB blood group have A, B antigen and absence of antibodies in their serum and people with O blood group have no antigen in their serum but have anti-A, anti-B antibodies in their serum HiPer® Blood Grouping Teaching Kit is a rapid test kit and enables us to quickly identify the ABO blood group and also Rh factor that depends on presence of antigen on RBCs. Dangle the hand of volunteer down in order to increase the flow of blood in the fingers. Clean the finger before prick with spirit or alcohol (70%). Usually middle finger was used to prick. Fingertip was pierced with sterile lancet and only a drop of blood was placed in each cavity or portion of kit. Then one drop of antiserum was dropped in each cavity. Blood drop in each cavity was blended with the help of a mixing stick. Agglutination or clumping in each portion was observed in 30 seconds. The anti-Rh takes more time in order to form clump than anti A or anti-B. Proper care is required in this procedure after noting results. The used kit and stick was discarded and results were noted [7].


血型 蛛网雄性 非贫血雄性
A+ 10.5% 10.5%
一种 0% 0%
B+ 5.27% 31.6%
0% 0%
O+ 10.5% 10.5%
5.27% 0%
AB+ 0% 15.8%
abˉ 0% 0%
全部的 31.54% 68.4%





血型 芳香恐惧症的女性 非贫血女性
A+ 8.6% 8.7%
一种 1.2% 0%
B+ 16.0% 28.5%
1.2% 1.2%
O+ 9.8% 16.2%
0% 1.2%
AB+ 2.5% 4.9%
abˉ 0% 0%
全部的 39.3% 60.7%




From table 3, after comparing results of phobic group individuals, we found that the Females of arachnophobia having B+ blood group have 16.0% results whereas in case of males 5.27% results found so, in female’s relation found in B+ blood group but no significant differences found and in Oˉ blood group individuals males i.e. phobic have results values 5.27% and in females values found were 0% but the difference in results was not as much significant so in males no relation was found.

血型 蛛网雄性 芳香恐惧症的女性
A+ 10.5% 8.6%
一种 0% 1.2%
B+ 5.27% 16.0%
0% 1.2%
O+ 10.5% 9.8%
5.27% 0%
AB+ 0% 2.5%
abˉ 0% 0%

From graph 3, after comparing results of phobic group individuals, we found that the Females of arachnophobia having B+ blood group have 16.0% results whereas in case of males 5.27% results found so, in female’s relation found in B+ blood group but the difference in percentages is not as much so no significant difference found and in males no relation was found.




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