如何引用本文:Razvodovsky Ye。估计俄罗斯饮酒水平:文献综述。J瘾君子Ther Res。2020;4:013-016。
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Razvodovsky ye*
Institute Biochemistry of Biologically Active Substances Academy of Science of Belarus, Department of Medico-Biological Problems of Alcoholism, Russia
*通讯地址:Razvodovsky Ye,生物活性物质学院生物化学研究所白俄罗斯科学学院,酒精中毒的医学生物学问题,俄罗斯,电子邮件:yury_razvodovsky@mail.ru
结果:in the period from 1956 to 2015 the overall level of alcohol consumption was subject to significant fluctuations: it grew almost linearly in the period from 1965 to 1979; decreased markedly in 1981; declined sharply between 1984 and 1987; rose sharply between 1991 and 1994; decreased significantly between 1995 and 1998; then increased significantly in the period from 1999 to 2003, after which it began to decline. The lowest estimate of the level of alcohol consumption for the entire period under consideration was obtained using the method proposed by Razvodovsky (7.25 litres - 1987), and the highest - using the method proposed by Norstrom (19.64 litres - 1994).
The level of alcohol consumption per capita is an important indicator of the alcohol-related problems [1-4]. However, it is difficult to estimate the real level of alcohol consumption, since part of the consumption comes from illegal sources [7-9,13-15]. In Russia, the share of unrecorded alcohol is one of the highest in Europe [14].
尝试评估俄罗斯实际饮酒水平的尝试是使用各种方法进行的。一些估计是根据人口调查进行的。通过这种方法,估计值[3,12]存在很大差异。这是由于受访者的答案在很大程度上取决于他们的心理学,问题的措辞和调查的设置[12]。根据在RLMS项目框架内进行的一次访谈结果(俄罗斯纵向监测调查),1992年俄罗斯的总饮酒水平为4.8升纯酒精[5]。这低于官方酒精销售水平(不包括非法消费量),今年的酒精销售水平为人均5.0升。访谈中与酒精相关问题的严重性的低估是人类的共同特征[12],但就俄罗斯人口而言,由于“立面心理学”和恐惧,这种特征特别表达了这种特征。出去” [11]。
另一种尝试使用ARIMA方法分析使用ARIMA方法,使用三个与酒精相关问题的间接指标:急性酒精中毒的死亡率,外部的死亡率和酒精性的发生率的死亡率,使用ARIMA方法进行动态评估的实际水平。精神病是Razvodovsky [14]进行的。应该注意的是,他提出的方法以及基于时间序列分析的其他方法具有许多局限性,其中最重要的是需要了解起点的一般饮酒水平和积累估计误差随时间序列的延长。
此外,评估的结果在一定程度上取决于非酒精因素对酒精变量的影响程度[12]。这些不被指控因素的影响是基于使用各种酒精指标的消费水平显着差异的原因,最大程度地估计了使用暴力死亡率,最小值 - 酒精精神病的发生率。为了使这些方法上的局限性升级,最终得分是使用三个指标中每个指标获得的分数的平均值[12]。
Further, the Swedish researcher Norstrom applied the indirect method developed by him, based on the analysis of time series using ARIMA, to estimate the level of alcohol consumption per capita aged 15 years and older in Russia for the period from 1990 to 1998 [11]. The calculation procedure consisted of several stages. First, an assessment was made of the relationship between the dynamics of the level of alcohol consumption and the level of male mortality due to injuries and accidents in the period from 1959 to 1989. For this, the author used the estimates of the level of consumption by Treml (1959-1979) and Nemtsov (1980-1998). At the next stage, using the obtained coefficient, which reflects the relationship between the dependent and independent variables and the dynamics of male mortality from injuries and accidents, the total level of alcohol consumption was calculated for the period from 1990 to 1998 [11].
在后来的一项研究中,Nemtsov和Shelygin使用Arima方法评估了1956年至2012年俄罗斯的总体饮酒水平[10]。计算消费的基础是1980 - 1992年消费的估计,这是通过从三个独立来源的平均估计来获得的:1960 - 1992年的TREML;1980 - 1989年的GoskomStat;1980 - 1992年的Nemtsov。第一阶段包括根据酒精中毒的标准死亡率水平构建平均饮酒水平的Arima模型。该模型是在1980 - 1992年期间建立的,以确定酒精中毒与饮酒之间的关联程度。在第二阶段,根据酒精中毒的男性死亡率,在1956 - 2012年期间推断了所得模型[10]。
The estimates of overall level of alcohol consumption in Russia are presented in the figure 1. Graphical evidence indicate that in the period from 1956 to 2015 the overall level of alcohol consumption was subject to significant fluctuations: it grew almost linearly in the period from 1965 to 1979; decreased markedly in 1981; declined sharply between 1984 and 1987; rose sharply between 1991 and 1994; decreased significantly between 1995 and 1998; then increased significantly in the period from 1999 to 2003, after which it began to decline. The lowest estimate of the level of alcohol consumption for the entire period under consideration was obtained using the method proposed by Razvodovsky (7.25 litres - 1987), and the highest - using the method proposed by Norstrom (19.64 litres - 1994). Despite a significant decrease in the level of alcohol consumption, noted in Russia over the past decade, this level remains high, which necessitates the implementation of a comprehensive anti-alcohol policy, a key aspect of which is a decrease in the availability of alcohol.
专家估计的差异是指两个时期:1985-1991和2006-2013。仅在出版或已知的获取方法的情况下,就可以讨论消费估计估计之间差异的原因。计算方法的差异很可能在两个位置 - 在初始数据和数学设备本身中。The discrepancy between the results of Razvodovsky and Nemtsov-Shelygin is most likely due to the fact that Razvodovsky’s assessment was based on the incidence rate of alcoholic psychosis, which reacted to the decline in consumption after 1985 with a sharper decrease than other indicators [13].
It should be emphasized that the correctness of estimating the level of alcohol consumption using indirect methods largely depends on whether alcohol is the only factor that determines the level of the indicator chosen as an indicator of alcohol problems. This is a significant disadvantage of the methods, since factors other than alcohol consumption influence the level of alcohol-related problems. For example, the mortality rate due to acute alcohol poisoning, in addition to the general level of alcohol consumption, is determined by such factors as the pattern of consumption, the toxicity of alcoholic beverages, the availability and quality of drug treatment [15]. It should be noted, however, that if factors other than the level of alcohol consumption influence the level of alcohol-related problems, but their influence is constant over time, then indirect methods of assessment are quite suitable for use [8].
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