2MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Ibn Al-Haytham Hospital, Amman, Jordan
*通讯地址:Ahmad Halawa, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Ibn Al-Haytham Hospital, Amman, Jordan, Email: abu_7alaweh@hotmail.com
如何引用本文:Nawaiseh I, Halawa A, Alardah D. Intravitreal ranibizumab in the management of acute central serous Chorioretinopathy. Int J Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2017; 1: 049-054. DOI:10.29328/journal.hceo.1001007
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方法:在此回顾性病例系列中,总共有72例被诊断为急性CSCR的患者,其中有63例在演讲时接受了ranibizumab。The patients were evaluated using Best corrected visual acuity, Ophthalmic examination, Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fluorescein angiography, in addition to indocyanine green angiography and OCT angiography in some cases, at presentation, one week, one month and two months’ post injection.
结果:从诊断为急性CSCR的总共72例患者中,其中63例接受了玻璃体内ranibizumab,其余9名患者更喜欢观察。患者的平均年龄为41.2岁。男性与女性的比例为8:1。介绍时的平均BCVA在Snellen图表上为6/15。所有接受Ranibizumab注射的患者在1周后均显示出改善,BCVA的平均改善为两条线。其中,有43例患者在2个月后恢复到BCVA 6/6,并显示出亚视网膜液的完全分辨率。在两个月后,其余20名患者显示出一线线的额外平均值(比前两条线相比)。
CSCR is a relatively rare condition typically occurring in young adults, especially males in their twenties to fifties, who exhibit acute or subacute central visual loss or distortion. It is an idiopathic disorder characterized by a localized serous detachment of the sensory retina at the macula secondary to leakage from the choriocapillaris in association with retinal pigment dysfunction, yet the exact pathophysiology is not well understood [1,2]. Different treatment options are available including Observation, photodynamic therapy with vertaporfin, laser photocoagulation, pharmacotherapy with adrenergic blockers and anti-corticosteroids like Ketoconazole, micropulse diode laser and intravitreal anti VEGF agents have been used. None of them is considered the mainstay treatment of CSCR, which reflects the controversy of this disease [3-5]. Ranibizumab (Lucentis) is a recombinant humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody fragment that binds to and inhibits vascular endothelial growth factor A, thus interrupts the interaction of vascular endothelial factor with its receptors which prevents the subsequent growth of new blood vessels and stabilizes the blood retinal barrier. It is used in the treatment of many retinal pathologies. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of ranibizumab in early management of acute CSCR.
In this retrospective study, 72 patients who were diagnosed with acute CSCR between January 2014 and May 2017 were reviewed. The diagnosis of CSCR was established by dilated fundus examination, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fluorescein angiography (FA), in addition to indocyanine green angiography and OCT angiography in some cases (to rule out choroidal neovascularisation and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy). Inclusion criteria of this study were: sub retinal foveal fluid evident on OCT (Figures 1,2) and typical leakage pattern on FA (Figure 3). Patients who had a history of previous treatment for CSCR, such as laser photocoagulation or photodynamic therapy (PDT), and a history of intraocular surgery or vitreoretinal intervention, including retinal laser therapy, were excluded.
所有患者都被告知有关不同治疗的可能性,包括观察。他们还被告知使用玻璃体内注射的可能的优势和并发症,并被告知这种治疗的标签性质。所有患者在完全无菌的条件下均接受了手术室中雷尼单抗的玻璃体腔注射。首先给出局部麻醉液,然后插入盖子镜。用5%povidone-碘清洁注射位点后,将针头通过PARS Plana插入,并注入0.05 mL(0.5 mg)的Ranibizumab。
CSCR是一种良性自限制的疾病,在这种情况下,神经感觉视网膜的特发性分离发生在通过RPE从脉络膜毛细血管泄漏的区域内[3-5]。研究表明,男性的年发病率为每100,000人10,与女性相比,男性通常发生CSCR的6倍。许多关于病理生理学的假设已融合了整个RPE和局灶性脉络膜血管病的异常离子转运[6]。吲哚氨基绿色血管造影显示出脉络膜叶缺血,脉络膜静脉充血和血管过敏性多个区域的证据。RPE损伤也可能通过脱落具有完整的血液 - 视网膜屏障的外部光感受器段,并导致液体在亚视网膜下空间中积累[7]。
There is no established treatment for CSCR. Many treatment modalities have been described to manage CSCR, such as observation, PDT [9,10], focal laser photocoagulation [11], adrenergic blockers, anti-corticosteroids like Ketoconazole, micropulse diode laser and anti-VEGF injections. The high spontaneous remission rate (approximately 90%) favors conservative management and lifestyle counseling as first-line of therapy. However, observation alone is usually associated with longer recovery time (up to 80 days) and higher chance of recurrence [12,13]. There are some studies supporting the benefit of early treatment of CSCR in which they proposed that the potential advantage is hastening the recovery which is mediated by a lower rate of RPE degeneration in treated eyes. Many studies have demonstrated faster resolution of sub retinal fluid in patients who underwent laser photocoagulation compared to control eyes [14-16].
在CSCR中,脉络膜高温性增加,声称是由于VEGF增加所致。因此,用抗VEGF治疗此类病例似乎是逻辑的[24,25]。据报道,玻璃体内注射贝伐单抗是一种具有抗胚胎特性的VEGF抗体,据报道与视觉改善和CSCR患者的神经感觉脱离有关而没有不良事件的神经感觉脱离有关[26]。Ranibizumab是一种较新的抗VEGF代理商,它具有比贝伐单抗的优势。考虑到每种药物的分子量(ranibizumab是48 kDa Fab片段,而贝伐单抗是一种完整的149 kDa抗体),雷比珠单抗可能更有效地治疗CSCR,因为它的分子量较小,并且可能具有更深的深度渗透性,可能会更深入地渗透到葡萄干性血管性血管性血管性高纤维性高渗透性的情况下。CSCR患者的病变[27]。Ranibizumab是一种重组人性化的IgG1单克隆抗体片段,与血管内皮生长因子A结合并抑制,因此中断了血管内皮因子与受体的相互作用[28]。在许多视网膜病理学中,将雷尼单抗注射为治疗,例如渗出性与年龄相关的黄斑变性,糖尿病性黄斑水肿以及继发于中枢和分支视网膜静脉闭塞的黄斑水肿[29]。在我们的研究中,我们想证明玻璃体内注射ranibizumab可能是急性CSCR的有效且安全的治疗选择。
我们的结果表明,急性CSCR中玻璃纤维的玻璃体内注射与神经感觉视网膜脱离的快速分辨率有关,并减少了中央凹厚度和视力增加。与单独观察相比,玻璃体内注射ranibizumab在加速恢复方面似乎是更好的。与CSCR的其他治疗方式相比,它也与较小的副作用和并发症有关。在一项随机,受控和前瞻性研究中,Kim等人。据报道,对20例患者(0.5 mg/0.05毫升)进行了6个月的患者(0.5 mg/0.05毫升)急性CSCR(症状少于3个月)的Ranibizumab对急性CSCR的有效性[30]。他们报告说,与玻璃纤维内注射兰尼单抗组相比,观察组完全分辨神经感觉视网膜脱离所需的时间更长,但他们也发现第六个组之间的统计学上没有显着差异。Schaal等。[31],用CSCR治疗了12只眼睛,其中患者平均接受2±1次玻璃体内注射贝伐单抗(2.5 mg),在24±14周的随访期间。平均BCVA增加了2±2行;BCVA的变化显着(p <0.02)。 Mean central corneal thickness improved significantly over followup (P<0.05), with six patients (50%) showing complete resolution of subretinal fluid. In summary, we found that there is significant improvement in the speed of recovery regarding BCVA and central macular thickness in patients with acute CSCR when given Intravitreal ranibizumab upon diagnosis.